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You are interesed in working with us on ASFHEAR project? The following positions are open for application, so contact us

PhD position: Adaptive Sound Field Synthesis

  • Duration: 36 months
  • Starting date: Nov. 2024 - Jan. 2025 (flexible)
  • Salary: 25-27k€ / year before tax
  • Location: Acoustic Team of LMFA - École Centrale de Lyon, Écully, France
  • Keywords: acoustic, signal-processing, adaptive filtering, real-time, active control, hearing aids

This PhD project aims at developping and testing an adaptive Sound Field Synthesis (SFS) system for human listeners, to be used for hearing aid research.

A first task will consists of a bibliographical survey of SFS techniques using a loudspeaker array for hearing aid research1234. Based on these knowledge, the candidate will developp an adaptive SFS algorithm based on state-of-the art transaural approaches4 using a loudspeaker array and a dummy head. This algorithm will be implemented and tested in real-time in the lab, in collaboration with the Postdoc researcher #1 and the help of a Master 2 intern. In a second time, adaptive SFS techniques using modal approachs (i.e. Ambisonics) will be investigated. After validation, this system will be used for speech intelligibility tests in virtual reverberant room (see Postdoc researcher #2)

Qualification requirements

  • Master degree in acoustics and/or signal processing,
  • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English,
  • Strong coding skills in Python and Matlab/Simulink,
  • Laboratory experimental work background,
  • Knowledge in psychoacoustics are not required but appreciated.


To apply, you should provide: - CV (summarizing education, research background and other qualifying activity), - Cover letter, - Copies of educational certificates, academic transcript of records, - An example of scientific document (scientific paper, master internship report)

Please note that the application is subject to security clearance, as the laboratory is in a restricted access area.

We offer

  • As part of the ASFHEAR project, we offer an stimulating working environment within a research team in the Lyon area (see the team).
  • The are opportunities of teaching at École Centrale de Lyon and/or in the international MSc in Acoustics.
  • The candidate will conduct his PhD inside the doctoral school MEGA. The latter help doctoral students develop a career plan throughout their thesis, by offering a wide range of training courses, and promoting interdisciplinary work, relations with companies and international contacts.
  • Lyon city and surroundings offer rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities.

Contact person

For more information or to apply, you can use our contact form or contact Associate Processor Pierre Lecomte:

phone: +33 4 72 18 60 13

email: pierre <dot> lecomte <at>

Postdoc position #1: Real-Time Massive Multichannel Adaptive Filtering Techniques

  • Duration: 18 months
  • Starting date: ~Mar. 2025 (flexible)
  • Salary: 30-36k€ / year before tax
  • Keywords: real-time, filtering, active control systems, acoustic

This postdoctoral researcher fellowship aims at designing and implementing algorithms for massive multichannel filtering to be used in a adaptive filtering context.

Adaptive filtering is required for adaptive sound field synthesis algorithm developped in the ASFHEAR project. Usually, the adaptive filtering algorithms are formulated using Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters.5 The larger the frequency band to be processed, the longer the FIRs (several thousand coefficients for processing speech signals). Usually, the number of convolutions increases drastically with the algorithm complexity, making the massive real-time operations unfeasible on modern controllers. We are therefore interested on developing a parallel adaptive filtering approach using Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters (i.e., biquad filters).6 These filters are individually inexpensive, and parallel computing is well suited to modern controllers.

The project will be segmented in 3 main tasks: 1. The first task is to provide a bibliographical survey on fast filtering algorithms, which could be implemented on a modern controller, available at the lab.8

  1. The second task is to explore and improve current algorithms for FIR filters decomposition as parallel stable IIR filters.7
  2. The third task is to impement on the lab controller a massive multichannel adaptive filtering process, at the heart of the adaptive SFS algorithm designed by the PhD student

Qualification requirements

  • PhD degree in audio signal processing, control systems,
  • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English,
  • Strong coding skills in Python and Matlab/Simulink,
  • Background with DSP programming or FPGA,
  • Laboratory experimental work background.


To apply, you should provide: - CV (summarizing education, research background and other qualifying activity), - List of publication - Cover letter, - Copies of educational certificates, academic transcript of records,

Please note that the application is subject to security clearance, as the laboratory is in a restricted access area.

We offer

Contact person

For more information or to apply, you can use our contact form or contact Associate Processor Pierre Lecomte:

phone: +33 4 72 18 60 13

email: pierre <dot> lecomte <at>

Postdoc position #2: Comparative Studies for Speech Intelligibility in Rooms

  • Duration: 12 months
  • Starting date: Sep. 2026
  • Salary: 30-36k€ / year before tax

To be published soon

Master 2 Internship #1

  • Duration: 6 months
  • Starting date:
  • Salary: 609€/month

To be published soon

Master 2 Internship #2

  • Duration: 6 months
  • Starting date:
  • Salry: 609€/month

To be published soon

Master 2 Internship #3

  • Duration: 6 months
  • Starting date:
  • Salary: 609€/month

To be published soon


  1. G. Grimm, S. Ewert, V. Hohmann, Evaluation of spatial audio reproduction schemes for application in hearing aid research, Acta Acustica United with Acustica 101 (4) (2015) 842–854. 

  2. P. Minnaar, S. F. Albeck, C. S. Simonsen, B. Søndersted, S. A. D. Oakley, J. Bennedbæk, Reproducing real-life listening situations in the laboratory for testing hearing aids, in: Audio Engineering Society Convention 135, Audio Engineering Society, 2013. 

  3. C. Oreinos, J. M. Buchholz, Evaluation of loudspeaker-based virtual sound environments for testing directional hearing aids, Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 27 (07) (2016) 541–556. 

  4. F. Pausch, L. Aspöck, M. Vorländer, J. Fels, An Extended Binaural Real-Time Auralization System With an Interface to Research Hearing Aids for Experiments on Subjects With Hearing Loss, Trends in Hearing 22 (2018). 

  5. S. J. Elliott, Signal Processing For Active Control, Academic Press, London, 2001. 

  6. P. Regalia, Adaptive IIR Filtering in Signal Processing and Control, Routledge, 2018. 

