Daniel Juvé
- Professor at Ecole Centrale de Lyon
- Head of CeLyA
Phone + 33 4 72 18 60 12 | Fax. + 4 72 18 91 43 |
Email : daniel.juve AT ec-lyon.fr
Research interests
- Generation of sound by turbulent flows: subsonic and supersonic jets, grazing flows over cavities, wall-pressure fluctuations.
- Propagation of acoustic waves in non homogeneous and random moving media: micrometeorological effects in atmospheric sound propagation.
Teaching at ECLyon (3 years cursus/ L3, M1-M2; Masters’ Degree in Engineering)
- Acoustics (1st year)
- Turbulent flows (2nd year)
- Order, Chaos and Fractals (2nd year)
- Acoustics : Comfort and Environmental Aspects (final year and Masters)
- Sound propagation in non homogeneous or moving media (Masters)
Committees / Honors
- Chavasse Prize of the French Acoustical Society (1990)
- Great Prize Alexandre Joannidès of the French Academy of Sciences (2001, together with Christophe Bailly)
- Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (1998)
- Associate Fellow in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA, 2009)
- Member of the French Acoustical Society (SFA), of the French Association for Aeronautics and Space (AAAF),
of the French Society of Mechanics (AFM)
The Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS)
has selected Prof. Daniel Juvé as the recipient of the prestigious 2017 CEAS Aeroacoustics Award
(with Prof. Dimitri Papamoschou, 2017 AIAA Aeroacoustics Award, at AVIATION 2017 - June 7, Denver, Colorado, USA)
- Subject Editor of the Journal of Sound and Vibration (Acoustics)
- Associate Editor of the International Journal of Aeroacoustics
Member of the:
- Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS- ASC)
- Evaluation and Orientation Committee of Department DSNA (Numerical Simulation of Flows and Aeroacoustics) of Onera.
- Management Committee of the French Network on Aeroacoustics IROQUA (Initiative de Recherche pour l’Optimisation AcoustiQUe Aéronautique -
Onera, CNRS, Safran, Airbus, Dassault, Eurocopter)
- Scientific Committee of the French Research Foundation for Aeronautics and Space (FRAE)
Recent publications
- Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2003,
Noise investigation of a high subsonic, moderate Reynolds number jet using a compressible LES,
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 16(4), 273-297.
- Gloerfelt, X., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2003,
Noise radiated by a subsonic cavity flow and application of integral methods,
J. Sound Vib. 266, 119-146.
- Bérengier M., Gauvreau B., Blanc-Benon Ph. & Juvé D., 2003,
Outdoor sound propagation : a short review on analytical and numerical approaches,
Acta Acustica, 89, 980-991.
- Gloerfelt X., Pérot F., Bailly C. & Juvé D., 2005,
Flow-induced cylinder noise formulated as a diffraction problem for low Mach number flows,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 287 (1-2), 129-151.
- Bogey, C., Barré, S., Fleury, S., Bailly, C. & Juvé D., 2007,
Experimental study of the spectral properties of near-field and far-fiel jet noise, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 6(2), 73-92.
- Castelain T., Sunyach M., Juvé D., Béra J.C., 2008,
Jet-noise reduction by impinging microjets: an acoustic investigation testing microjets parameters, AIAA Journal, 46(5), 1081-1087.
- Fleury, V., Bailly, C., Jondeau, E., Michard, M. & Juvé, D, 2008,
Space-time correlations in two subsonic jets using dual-PIV measurements,
AIAA Journal, 46(10), 2498-2509.
- Juvé D., 2008, New trends in aeroacoustics: from acoustic analogy to computational aeroacoustics,
(Plenary lecture), Acoustics’08, Paris, 30 juin-4 juillet.
- Bogey, C., Barré, S., Juvé, D., Bailly, C., 2009,
Simulation of a hot coaxial jet: direct noise prediction and flow-acoustics correlations, Physics of Fluids, 21, 035105, 1-14.
- Juvé D., 2009, Aeroacoustics research in Europe: the CEAS-ASC report on 2008 highlights,
J. Sound Vib., 328, 213-242.
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