Centre Acoustique
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique
UMR 5509
Centrale Lyon
Geneviève Comte-Bellot
Fifty Years of Research on Turbulence and Acoustics
Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Thursday 29th & Friday 30th October 2009
Invited speakers
Jean Bataille
, Université Lyon I, France
Special lecture ...
Sébastien Candel
, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
New trends in combustion instability analysis and control
John Ffowcs Williams
, University of Cambridge, UK
Good Aeroacoustics is Fun
Tom Gatski
, Université de Poitiers, France
Shock Impingement and Turbulent Wall-Bounded Flow Dynamics
Patrick Huerre
, CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique, France
Self-sustained oscillations and sound in hot jets
Laurent Jacquin
, ONERA, France
Vortex based strategies for turbulent flow control
Yukio Kaneda
, Nagoya University, Japan
Formation of columnar structure in rotating turbulence
Michael Karweit
, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Motion of suspended nanoparticles in a field of periodic obstacles
Rainer Friedrich
, Technische Universität München, Germany
Compressible Turbulent Channel and Pipe Flow: Similarities and Differences
Sanjiva Lele
, Stanford University, USA
Numerical Experiments on Shock-Turbulence Interaction
Marcel Lesieur
, Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, France
Advances in large-eddy simulations to explore turbulence
Geoffrey Lilley
, University of Southampton, UK
On the Theory of Motion in the Universe
Phil Morris
, Penn State University, USA
The importance of hot-wire measurements in aeroacoustics
Pierre Sagaut
, Université Paris VI, France
New issues in LES of turbulent flows: multiphysics and uncertainty modelling
Jack Seiner
, The University of Mississippi, USA
Select Aeroacoustic Problems Associated with High Performance Aerospace Vehicles
Katepalli Sreenivasan
, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Italy
Vortex Reconnection (GC-B @ 1K ?)
Michel Stanislas
, Ecole Centrale de Lille, France
Can PIV bring something to turbulence understanding and modelling ?