Master of Science in Acoustics of the University of Lyon
Website: Master Sc. in Acoustics
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Interview with a Master's student!
Start of the academic year on 3rd sept. 2019 at ECL
- You are an engineering student at ECL (Master of Sc. in Acoustics in a dual program)
or a student already enrolled in the second year of this Master,
see below for choosing your courses.
To apply as an engineering student at ECL or to obtain any administrative information,
you must contact Lisa Mihami from master-acoustics AT
The tuition fees for the M2 year in a dual cursus are of 159 € (reduced rate for a second enrollment).
- You want to apply to the Master of Sc. in Acoustics of the University of Lyon
(as an engineering student coming from another university - dual programm for the M2 year,
for the full two-year program or only for the second year program), application link available here:
Master Sc. in Acoustics of the University of Lyon.
Master of Sc. in Acoustics - M2 year
Responsable of the teaching program for ECL : Prof. Marc Jacob
- Student enrolled in the full second year program:
The theoretical curriculum must be composed of 7 teaching units, including the common course Advanced acoustics,
5 courses in the list provided below, and 1 general course in any other master program (including the Master of Acoustics !).
Your research internship must be carried out in a research laboratory or a R&D department
in industry, in France or abroad.
- Engineering student at ECL in a dual degree: your curriculum must be composed of 6 teaching units,
including the common course Advanced acoustics, and thus 5 other courses in the list provided below.
Your research internship must be carried out in the framework of your TFE.
You can choose almost all your courses:
a tailor-made course program suited for your professional project.
Some examples for the M2 year:
Aeroacoustics |
Engineering acoustics |
Vibration |
Ultrasound |
Advanced acoustics •
Aeroacoustics •
Active control of noise and vibrations •
Transportation noise •
Fluid - structure interactions •
Physics of turbulent flows •
Numerical simulation of flows
Advanced acoustics •
Environmental acoustics •
Building acoustics •
Sound perception •
Transportation noise •
Fluid - structure interactions •
Numerical methods for acoustics
Advanced acoustics •
Active control •
Transportation noise •
Propagation of elastic waves •
Introduction to nonlinear vibrations •
Sound structure radiation •
Fluid - structure interactions
Advanced acoustics •
Sound perception •
Ultrasound imaging •
Environmental acoustics •
Ultrasound applications •
Numerical methods for acoustics •
Active control of noise and vibrations
Documents (2020-2021)
Mandatory course
- Advanced acoustics (ECL-MoD 7.3,
Acoustic sources and propagation, - V. Clair, Tuesday 14h-16h)
including a Second part (practical labs) (INSA-CM1 - L. Maxit)
List of unit teaching (your choice must be validated by the Prof. in charge of the master)
- Environmental acoustics (ECL-MoD 1.6 - M.A. Galland / D. Dragna, Friday 15h45-17h45)
- Aeroacoustics (ECL-MoD 7.5 - D. Dragna / M. Roger, Friday 13h30-15h30)
- Active control of noise and vibrations (ECL-MoS 1.4 - M. Ichchou / M.A. Galland, Friday 8h-12h15)
- Transportation noise (ECL-MoS 1.2 - M. Ichchou / V. Clair / D. Dragna, Wednesday 8h-12h15)
- Fluid - structure interactions (ECL-MoD 8.1 - M. Ichchou / G. Robert, Monday 8h-10h)
- Propagation of elastic waves (ECL-MoD 3.1 - L. Jézequel / S. Besset, Monday 8h-10h)
- Introduction to nonlinear vibrations (ECL-MoD 1.5 - J. Perret-Liaudet / F. Thouverez,
Friday 13h30-15h30)
- Structural dynamics (ECL-MoD 7.4 - O. Dessombz / L. Jézequel, Tuesday 16h15-18h15)
- Building acoustics (ENTPE-BA, C. Marquis-Favre)
- Sound perception (INSA-CM2, E. Parizet, 1st semestre)
- Sound radiation of structures (INSA-CM3, B. Laulagnet)
- Transportation noise (INSA-CM4, E. Parizet)
- Ultrasound applications (INSA-CM5, P. Guy)
- Ultrasound imagery (UCBL-UI, Master ISM - S. Catheline,
Lyon 1)
- Physics of turbulent flows (ECL-MoD 1.4 - C. Bailly / C. Bogey / V. Clair, Tuesday 16h15-18h15)
- External aerodynamics (ECL-MoD 5.6 - J. Boudet / J. Scott, Friday 15h45-17h15)
- Numerical simulation of flows (ECL-MoD 1.1 - C. Corre / F. Godeferd, Monday 8h-12h15)
- Dynamic of biological human systems (ECL-MoD 6.6 - L. Blanc / D. Dragna, Friday 15h45-17h45)
- System identification and sparse decompositions (ECL-MoD 3.4 - J. Huillery / L. Bako,
Tuesday 16h15-18h15)
- Tissue engineering and biomaterials (ECL-MoS 6.1 - E. Laurenceau / V. Fridici,
Monday 8h00-12h00)
- Numerical methods for acoustics (CeLyA-CA, D. Dragna)
- Physical problems in unbounded media: mathematical analysis and numerics (ECL-MoS 5.3, G. Vial)
- Adaptive Filtering: Application to Active Noise Control
(ECL-S8, ELC D-2, L. Bako / M.-A. Galland / S. Le Beux, Wednesday 8h-12h)
- Musical Acoustics (ECL-S8, ELC F-4, S. Ollivier / M. Roger, Friday 8h-12h)
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