Wednesday 13 June
1. Keith Attenborough - Atmospheric sound propagation: fundamentals
2. Catherine Marquis-Favre - Perception and annoyance: application to transportation noise
3. Daniel Juvé - Numerical methods: rays, BEM, parabolic equation
4. Vladimir E. Ostashev - Atmospheric tomography
Thursday 14 June
5. Didier Dragna - Numerical methods: time-domain approaches
6. Benoit Gauvreau - Field measurements
7. David Ecotière - Uncertainties and variability
8. Jérôme Defrance - Engineering models: noise maps
9. Patrice Malbéqui - Engineering models: application to aircraft noise
Friday 15 June
10. Sylvain Cheinet - Source sensing
11. Benjamin Cotté - Wind turbine noise
12. Alexis Le Pichon - Infrasound propagation
13. François Coulouvrat - Sonic boom
14. Frédéric Sèbe - Bioacoustics: bird vocalization in the Alpine environment