Curriculum Vitae
Full Curriculum Vitae
Research interests : key-words
- aeroacoustics, direct noise computation
- turbulence, numerical simulation, compressible flow
- subsonic and supersonic jet noise
- boundary layer noise
- propagation of sound in moving inhomogeneous media
To know more about these research topics
Professional services
Current Committees / Professional affilations
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Jules Verne climatic wind tunnel (2022-present)
- Elected member of the Teaching Council (CE) of Ecole Centrale de Lyon (2017 - 2021)
- Elected member of the Scientific Council (CS) of Ecole Centrale de Lyon (2009 - 2017)
- Member of the Council of the teaching Department MFAE (2011 - present)
- Member of the CT2A committee (fluid dynamics) of the
GENCI, French national high-performance computing (HPC) agency (2009 - 2016)
- Member of the Scientific Council of INSIS
(CNRS Institute for Engineering Sciences and Systems, 2010 - 2014)
- Head of the Scientific Council of IROQUA
(Initiative de Recherche pour l'Optimisation acoustiQUe Aéronautique or 'Research Initiative for Aeronautics Acoustic Optimization', 2005-2019)
- Head of Aero- and Hydro-Acoustics Group (2006-2019) of the French Acoustical Society (SFA)
- Member of the
French Acoustical Society (SFA),
of the French Society of Mechanics (AFM),
of the European Mechanics Society (Euromech),
and of the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Ph.D. Dissertations Supervised
Former (with current position)
- Christophe Bogey (2000), CNRS senior research scientist, LMFA
- Christèle Seror (2000), Airbus France
- Xavier Gloerfelt (2001), Professor, DynFluid, ENSAM Paris
- Nicolas Héron (2002), Dassault Aviation
- Denis Ricot (2002), Renault
- Frank Pérot (2004), PSA Peugeot-Citro\"en
- Olivier Marsden (2005), scientist at ECMWF
- Sébastien Barré (2006), Dassault Aviation
- Blandine Arguillat (2006), Renault
- Guillevic Lamaison (2006), Research Ing., LMFA
- Vincent Fleury (2006), Dassault Aviation
- Julien Berland (2006), Research & Development, EDF
- Yann Revalor (2007), Dassault Aviation
- Thomas Emmert (2007), Linde AG (Germany)
- Mélanie Piellard (2008), Delphi (Luxembourg)
- Guillaume Bodard (2009), Safran Aircraft Engines
- Damien Desvigne (2010), Eurocopter
- Nicolas De Cacqueray (2010), Safran Aircraft Engines
- Gaël Hanique-Cockenpot (2011), Cedrat
- Gilles Serre (2012), Naval group
- Anthony Lafitte (2012), Safran Aircraft Engines
- Benoît André (2012), ebm (Germany)
- François Kremer (2012), Eurocopter
- Cyprien Henry (2012), GE
- Jean-Baptiste Dargaud (2013), INPI
- Gwendoline Brichet (2015), Safran Aircraft Engines
- Pierre Yser (2017), Extrality
- Roberto Sabatini (2017), Assist. Prof. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Bertrand Mercier (2017), postdoc Pprime
- Romain Biolchini (2017), Safran Aircraft Engines
- Adrien Langenais (2919), ONERA Palaiseau
- Yann Martelet (2020), IMaCS
- Etienne Spieser (2020), research associate, The Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. and Tech.
- Martin Buszyk (2022), ONERA Palaiseau
- Igor Kurek (2024), post-doctorant
- Laurie Jego (Cifre Naval Group)
- Giovanni Coco (Cifre Safran Aircraft Engines)
External links / statistics
List of publications with the Centrale Lyon / LMFA affiliation
Additional publications with the Ecole Centrale Paris affiliation (1993-1996)
Macroscopic Molecular Energy and Combustion Laboratory (EM2C)
- Bailly, C., 1994,
Modélisation du rayonnement acoustique des écoulements turbulents libres subsonqies et supersoniques,
thèse de doctorat, Ecole Centrale Paris, 1994-19.
download pdf
- Béchara, W., Lafon, P., Bailly, C. & Candel, S., 1995,
Application of a k-epsilon model to the prediction of noise for simple and coaxial free jets,
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 97(6), 3518-3531.
download pdf
- Béchara, W., Bailly, C., Lafon, P. & Candel, S., 1994,
Stochastic approach to noise modeling for free turbulent flows,
AIAA Journal, 32(3), 455-463.
download pdf
- Bailly, C., Lafon, P. & Candel, S., 1994,
Computation of subsonic and supersonic jet mixing noise using a modified k-epsilon model
for compressible free shear flows, Acta Acustica, 2(2), 101-112.
download pdf
- Bailly, C., Lafon, P. & Candel, S., 1993,
Jet noise predictions using a k-epsilon turbulence model,
15th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, 25-27 october, Long Beach (CA),
USA, AIAA Paper 93-4412, 1-8.
download pdf
- Bailly, C., Lafon, P. & Candel, S., 1995,
A stochastic approach to compute noise generation and radiation of free turbulent flows,
1st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 12-15 june, München, Germany, AIAA Paper 95-092, 1-6.
download pdf
- Bailly, C., Candel, S. & Lafon, P., 1996,
Computation of noise generation and propagation for free and confined turbulent flows,
2nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 may, State College (PA), USA, AIAA Paper 96-1732, 1-8.
download pdf
Teaching at Centrale Lyon (3 years cursus/ L3, M1-M2; Masters’ Degree in Engineering)
Collège des Hautes Etudes Lyon - Sciences
- Dans le cadre du cours commun du CHELS sur "Décision, Complexité et Risques" (2014 et 2015, IEP-Lyon),
"Ordre & chaos ... de Newton à Lorenz"
- vidéo 1 - L’attracteur de Lorenz
- vidéo 2 - Le système solaire
- vidéo 3 - Le chaos près de chez vous
- Cours commun 2024 & 2025 sur le thème de l'ordre et du désordre (ENS Lyon)
"Le chaos ... ou l'ordre dans le désordre"
Former course materials
Physics of turbulent flow (2024-2025)
- ECL - 3A (S9, MOD 1.4) -
Teaching team: Christophe Bailly,
Christophe Bogey
Scope of application: Aeronautics, Ground transport, Energy, Environment, Civil engineering.
Associated with MSc Aerospace Engineering (Aerospace Propulsion), MSc Fluid Mechanics and Energy, MSc Acoustics, MSc RISE
The main objectives are the mastery of basic concepts (turbulent linetic energy budget,
boundary layer, role of vorticity, homogeneous and isotropic turbulence, Kolmogorov theory), the development of skills in turbulence modeling, the
critical analysis of results, and a short overview of experimental approaches.
Homework exercises are proposed with small classes (may involve signal processing, coding of simple models using
Matlab and analytical developments), 1 practical lab session is also included. The final mark is obtained through
continuous assessment.
- Introduction to turbulent flows
- Statistical description
- Wall-bounded turbulent flows
- (Anatomy of a turbulence model)
- Dynamics of vorticity
- Homogeneous and isotropic turbulence, Kolmogorov's theory
- Introduction to experimental techniques
- Bailly, C. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2003, Turbulence, CNRS éditions, Paris. (out of print, can be borrowed in univ. libraries)
- Bailly, C. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2015, Turbulence (in english),
Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-16159-4
(360 pages, 147 illustrations).
- Davidson, P. A., 2004, Turbulence. An introduction for scientists and engineers,
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Pope, S.B., 2000, Turbulent flows, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Assignments - small classes
Homework assignements must be uploaded on moodle:
link to moodle
Master exam
Wednesday 18 December 2024, at 2.00pm, 2 hours, room xxx (closed book but open notes)
Fluid-structure interaction - part 2 (2024-2025)
Ordre, chaos et fractales (2025)
Exercices 2025
Merci de déposer vos exercices sur la plateforme moodle
(plutôt un seul fichier pdf, fusionner vos différentes contributions le cas échéant,
fichier nommé avec vos noms svp). Consulter la plateforme moodle pour le forum sur les exercices.
Voir aussi ce lien pour l'analyse spectrale
Tutorial Matlab - Signal processing.
Bibliographie pour le mini-projet
Instabilité des écoulements et introduction à la turbulence (2024-2025)
Slides of the lectures
Classrooms & homeworks - stability
Classrooms & homeworks - turbulence
Introduction à Matlab
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