Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique, UMR 5509 Centre Acoustique Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique
UMR 5509
Center for Acoustic Research - LMFA
   Centrale Lyon   LMFA 

Publications - Centre Acoustique (LMFA UMR CNRS 5509)

aeroacoustics Publications in Refereed Journals
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture
  1. Kayser, B., Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., Heuristic solution for the acoustic radiation of a moving monopole in an inhomogeneous and moving atmosphere. Application to aircraft noise, to appear in Acta Acustica.
  2. Kurek, I., Lecomte, P., Castelain, T., Jondeau, E. & Bailly, C., Interferometric Rayleigh scattering for flow temperature and velocity analysis, to appear in AIAA Journal.
  3. Palma, G., Meloni, S., Camussi, R., Iemma, U. & Bogey, C., Subsonic jet noise prediction in near and far field with optimized wave-packet approach, to appear in AIAA Journal. doi:10.2514/1.J064232.
  4. Chen, Y., Escriva, X., Castelain, T., Feugier, P., Gilles, B. & Béra, J.C., Sensitivity to entrance conditions of wall shear stress in a curved vessel, to appear in Meccanica. doi:10.1007/s11012-024-01844-9.
  5. Rodriguez, J., Ezzine, M., Collet, M. & Clair, V., Active noise control with resonant flush-mounted piezoelectric cells in the presence of airflow: Wind tunnel experiment, to appear in J. Vib. Control. doi:10.1177/10775463231210031.
  6. Colas, J., Emmanuelli, A., Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P., Cotté, B. & Stevens, R.J.A.M., 2024, Impact of a two-dimensional steep hill on wind turbine noise propagation, Wind Energy Science, 9, 1869-1884. doi:10.5194/wes-9-1869-2024. pdf download pdf
  7. Huber, J., Pont, G., Jordan, P. & Roger, M., 2024, Wavepacket modelling of jet-flap interaction noise: from laboratory to full-scale aircraft, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 113, 773-802. doi:10.1007/s10494-023-00519-x. pdf download pdf
  8. Ostashev, V.E., Wilson, D.K., Hart, C.R., Chide, B. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2024, Discussion of sound propagation through the turbulent Martian atmosphere and implications for inference of turbulence spectra, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 156(2), 1165-1170. doi:10.1121/10.0028166. pdf download pdf
  9. Al-Am, J., Giauque, A., Clair, V., Boudet, J. & Gea-Aguilera, F., 2024, Direct-noise of an ultrahigh-bypass-ratio turbofan: Periodic-sector vs full-annulas large-eddy simulations, AIAA Journal, 162(8), 2831-2845. doi:10.2514/1.J063596. pdf download pdf
  10. Scarano, F., Jacob, M.C. & Gowree, E.R., 2024, Large scale structures modification of a spatially evolving turbulent boundary layer grazing over circular cavities, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 108, 109486, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2024.109486. pdf download pdf
  11. Nozuka, Y., Inchin, P.A., Kaneko, Y., Sabatini & Snively, J.B., 2024, Earthquake source impacts on the generation and propagation of seismic infrasound to the upper atmosphere, Geophysical Journal International, 238, 537-556. doi:10.1093/gji/ggae170. pdf download pdf
  12. Vittal-Shenoy, D., Gojon, R., Jardin, T. & Jacob, M.C., 2024, Aerodynamic and acoustic study of a small scale lightly loaded hovering rotor using large eddy simulation, Aerosp. Sci. Technol., 150, 109219, 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.ast.2024.109219. pdf download pdf
  13. Varé, M. & Bogey, C., 2024, Acoustic tones generated by impinging jets: Differences between laminar and highly-disturbed nozzle-exit boundary layers, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 23(3-4), 342-362. doi:10.1177/1475472X241230647. pdf download pdf
  14. Vincent, H. & Bogey, C., 2024, Influence of the boundary-layer thickness on the generation of tonal noise components by subsonic impinging jets, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 985, A26 1-31. doi:10.1017/jfm.2024.281. pdf download pdf.
  15. Regnault, G., Doinikov, A.A., Laloy-Borgna, G., Mauger, C., Blanc-Benon, P., Catheline, S. & Inserra, C., 2024, Phenomenon of self-oscillation in bubble dynamics: Bouncing acoustic bubbles, Physics of Fluids, 36, 047134, 1-9. doi:10.1063/5.0203660. pdf download pdf
  16. Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2024, Turbomachinery Noise Review, Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power, 9, 11, 1-23. doi:10.3390/ijtpp9010011. pdf download pdf
  17. Chanu-Rigaldies, S., Lecomte, P., Ollivier, S. & Castelain, T., 2024, Self-mixing interferometer for acoustic measurements through vibrometric calibration, Sensors, 24(6), 1777, 1-18. doi:10.3390/s24061777. pdf download pdf
  18. Martin-Martin, L., Clair, V., Bogey, C. & Gabard, G., 2024, Numerical study of the scattering of acoustic waves by an elliptic vortex, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 155(3), 1707-1718. doi:10.1121/10.0025138. pdf download pdf
  19. Ostashev, V.E., Colas, J., Dragna, D. & Wilson, D.K., 2024, Phase-preserving narrow- and wide-angle parabolic equations for sound propagation in moving media, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 155(2), 1086-1102. doi:10.1121/10.0024460. pdf download pdf
  20. Chide, B., Blanc-Benon, P., Bertrand, T., Jacob, X., Lasue, J., Lorenz, R.D., Montmessin, F., Murdoch, N., Pla-Garcia, J., Seel, F., Schröder, S, Stott, A.E., de la Torre Juarez, M. & Wiens, R.C., 2024, An acoustic investigation of the near-surface turbulence on Mars, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 155(1), 420-435. doi:10.1121/10.0024347. pdf download pdf
  21. Buszyk, M., Polacsek, C., Le Garrec, T., Barrier, R. Clair, V., Salze, E. & Bailly, C., 2024, Aeroacoustic assessment of a rectangular cascade with leading edge serrations: predictions and measurements, Computers & Fluids, 271, 106179, 1-15. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2024.106179. pdf download pdf
  22. Zielinski, T.G., Opiela, K.C., Dauchez, N., Boutin, T., Galland, M.A. & Attenborough, K., 2024, Extremely tortuous sound absorbers with labyrinthine channels in non-porous and microporous solid skeletons, Applied Acoustics, 217, 109816, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2023.109816 pdf download pdf
  23. Chanu-Rigaldies, S., Lecomte, P., Ollivier, S. & Castelain, T., 2023, Sensitivity of an optical feedback interferometer for acoustic waves measurements, JASA Express Letters, 3(10), 102801, 1-7. doi:10.1121/10.0021317. pdf download pdf
  24. Morgan, B., Murali, A.R., Preston, G., Sima, Y.A., Chamorro, L.A.M., Bourantas, C., Torii, R., Mathur, A., Baumbach, A., Jacob, M.C., Karabasov, S. & Krams, R., 2023, A physics-based machine learning technique rapidly reconstructs the wall-shear stress and pressure fields in coronary arteries, Front. Cardiovasc. Med., 10, 1221541, 1-12. doi:10.3389/fcvm.2023.1221541. pdf download pdf
  25. Doinikov, A.A., Micol, T., Mauger, C., Blanc-Benon, P. & Inserra, C., 2023, Self-propulsion of two contacting bubbles due to the radiation interaction force, Micromachines, 14(8), 1615 1-18. doi:10.3390/mi14081615. pdf download pdf
  26. Colas, J., Emmanuelli, A., Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P., Cotté, B. & Stevens, R.J.A.M., 2023, Wind turbine sound propagation: Comparison of a linearized Euler equations model with parabolic equation methods, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 154(3), 1413-1426. doi:10.1121/10.0020834. pdf download pdf
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  27. Schoder, S., Spieser, E., Vincent, H., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2023, Acoustic modeling using the aeroacoustic wave equation based on Pierce’s operator, AIAA Journal, 61(9), 4008-4017. doi:10.2514/1.J062558. pdf download pdf
  28. Marro, M., Leckert, J., Rollier, E., Salizzoni, P. & Bailly, C., 2023, Wind tunnel evaluation of novel drafting formations for an elite marathon runner, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 479, 20220836, 1-19. doi:10.1098/rspa.2022.0836. pdf download pdf
  29. Varé, M. & Bogey, C., 2023, Mach number dependence of tone generation by impinging round jets, AIAA Journal, 61(8), 3551-3565. doi:10.2514/1.J062746. pdf download pdf
  30. Vincent, H. & Bogey, C., 2023, Application of the complex differentiation method to the sensitivity analysis of aerodynamic noise, Computers & Fluids, 264, 105965, 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2023.105965. pdf download pdf.
  31. Lewis, D., Moreau, S., Jacob, M.C. & Sanjosé, M., 2023, Large Eddy Simulation of the ACAT1 fan stage for broadband noise prediction, J. Sound. Vib., 565, 117888, 1-34. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2023.117888. pdf download pdf.
  32. Emmanuelli, A., Dragna, D., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2023, Sonic boom propagation over real topography, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 154(1), 16-27. doi:10.1121/10.0019938. pdf download pdf
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  33. Ford, C., Pereira, A. & Bailly, C., 2023, Radiation of higher order modes from circular ducts with flow, Acta Acustica, 7, 19, 1-13. doi:10.1051/aacus/2023011. pdf download pdf.
  34. Scarano, F., Jacob, M.C. & Gowree, E.R., 2023, Drag reduction by means of an array of staggered circular cavities at moderate Reynolds numbers, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 102, 109142, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2023.109142. pdf download pdf
  35. Palma, G., Meloni, S., Camussi, R., Iemma, U. & Bogey, C., 2023, Data-driven multiobjective optimization of wave-packets for near-field subsonic jet noise, AIAA Journal, 61(5), 2179-2188. doi:10.2514/1.J062261. pdf download pdf
  36. Al-Am, J., Clair, V., Giauque, A., Boudet, J. & Gea-Aguilera, F., 2023, Aeroacoustic analysis of the tip-leakage flow of an Ultra High Bypass Ratio fan stage, Physics of Fluids, 35, 047104, 1-18. doi:10.1063/5.0146143. pdf download pdf
  37. Vittal-Shenoy, D., Gojon, R., Jardin, T. & Jacob, M.C., 2023, Angle-of-attack and mach number effects on the aeroacoustics of an SD7003 airfoil at Reynolds number 60 000, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 22(1-2), 131-152. doi:10.1177/1475472X221150173. pdf download pdf
  38. Regnault, G., Doinikov, A.A., Mauger, C., Blanc-Benon, P. & Inserra, C., 2023, Dynamics of two interacting acoustic bubbles at short separation distances, Physics of Fluids, 35, 037116, 1-8. doi:10.1063/5.0135370. pdf download pdf
  39. Morin, V., Troyes, J., Vuillot, F. & Bogey, C., 2023, Large-eddy simulation of a water jet exhausting into quiescent air, AIAA Journal, 61(2), 665-680. doi:10.2514/1.J062067. pdf download pdf
  40. Spieser, E., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2023, Noise predictions of a Mach 0.9 round jet using tailored adjoint Green’s function, J. Sound. Vib., 548, 117532, 1-24. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117532. pdf download pdf
  41. Cros, E., Roger, M. & Serre, G., 2023, Low-frequency amplification of propeller tonal noise due to the scattering by a compact rigid cylinder, J. Sound Vib., 546, 117450, 1-24. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117450. pdf download pdf
  42. Sarpero, E., Gourdon, E. & Borelli, D., 2023, Experimental development and optimization of a standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator using additive manufactured stacks, J. Int. Acad. Refrig., 146, 63-73. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2022.10.007. pdf download pdf
  43. Dragna, D., Emmanuelli, A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2022, Sonic boom reflection over urban areas, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 152(6), 3323-3339. doi:10.1121/10.0016442. pdf download pdf
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  44. Camussi, R., Meloni, S. & Bogey, C., 2022, On the influence of the nozzle exhaust initial conditions on the near field acoustic pressure, Acta Acustica, 6, 57, 1-9. doi:10.1051/aacus/2022051. pdf download pdf
  45. Scarano, F., Jacob, M.C., Carbonneau, X. & Gowree, E.R., 2022, On the turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate at moderate Reynolds numbers, Physics of Fluids, 34, 115150, 1-18. doi:10.1063/5.0124498. pdf download pdf
  46. Bogey, C., 2022, Interactions between upstream-propagating guided jet waves and shear-layer instability waves near the nozzle of subsonic and nearly ideally expanded supersonic free jets with laminar boundary layers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 949, A41 1-34. doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.776. pdf download pdf
  47. Prigent, S.L. & Bailly, C., 2022, From shear stress to wall pressure spectra: a semi-analytical approach to account for mean pressure gradients in turbulent boundary layers, Acta Acustica, 6, 43, 1-12. doi:10.1051/aacus/2022034. pdf download pdf
  48. Alguacil, A., Bauerheim, M., Jacob, M.C. & Moreau, S., 2022, Deep learning surrogate for the temporal propagation and scattering of acoustic waves, AIAA Journal, 60(10), 5890-5906. doi:10.2514/1.J061495. pdf download pdf
  49. Varé, M. & Bogey, C., 2022, Presence and properties of acoustic peaks near the nozzle of impinging rocket jets, Acta Acustica, 6, 36, 1-11. doi:10.1051/aacus/2022033. pdf download pdf
  50. Roger, M., Acevedo-Giraldo, D. & Jacob, M.C., 2022, Acoustic versus aerodynamic installation effects on a generic propeller-driven flying architecture, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 21(5-7), 585-609. doi:10.1177/1475472X221107372. pdf download pdf
  51. Varé, M. & Bogey, C., 2022, Flow and acoustic fields of rocket jets impinging on a perforated plate, AIAA Journal, 60(8), 4614-4627. doi:10.2514/1.J061253. pdf download pdf
  52. Raus, D., Cotté, B., Monchaux, R., Jondeau, E., Souchotte, P. & Roger, M., 2022, Experimental study of the dynamic stall noise on an oscillating airfoil, J. Sound. Vib., 537, 117144, 1-18. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117144. pdf download pdf
  53. Al-Am, J., Clair, V., Giauque, A., Boudet, J. & Gea-Aguilera, F., 2022, On the effects of a separation bubble on fan noise, J. Sound. Vib., 537, 117180, 1-19. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117180. pdf download pdf
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  54. Scarano, F., Jacob, M.C., Gojon, R., Carbonneau, X. & Gowree, E.R., 2022, Modification of a turbulent boundary layer by circular cavities, Physics of Fluids, 34, 065134, 1-15. doi:10.1063/5.0091110. pdf download pdf
  55. Dragna, D., Emmanuelli, A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2022, Sonic boom reflection over an isolated building and multiple buildings, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 151(6), 3792-3806. doi:10.1121/10.0010452. pdf download pdf
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    Featured by AIP publishing. Article in Science News.
  56. Guibard, A., Sèbe, F., Dragna, D. & Ollivier, S., 2022, Influence of meteorological conditions and topography on the active space of mountain birds assessed by a wave-based sound propagation model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 151(6), 3703-3718. doi:10.1121/10.0011545. pdf download pdf
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  57. Grasso, G., Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2022, Advances in the prediction of the statistical properties of wall-pressure fluctuations under turbulent boundary layers, Fluids, 7(5), 161 , 1-19. doi:10.3390/fluids7050161. pdf download pdf
  58. Prigent, S.L., Salze, E. & Bailly, C., 2022, Wall pressure spectra and convection: two-dimensional analysis under mean pressure gradients, AIAA Journal, 60(6), 3707-3723. doi:10.2514/1.J060980. pdf download pdf
  59. Buszyk, M., Polacsek, C., Le Garrec, T., Barrier, R. & Bailly, C., 2022, Numerical assessment of turbulence-cascade noise reduction and aerodynamic penalties from serrations, AIAA Journal, 60(6), 3603-3619. doi:10.2514/1.J061301. pdf download pdf
  60. Vixège, F., Berod, A., Courand, P.Y., Mendez, S., Nicoud, F., Blanc-Benon, P., Vray, D. & Garcia, D., 2022, Full-volume three-component intraventricular vector flow mapping by triplane color Doppler, Phys. Med. Biol., 67(9), 095004, 1-18. doi:10.1088/1361-6560/ac62fe. pdf download pdf
  61. Bogey, C., 2022, Tones in the acoustic far field of jets in the upstream direction, AIAA Journal, 60(4), 2397-2406. doi:10.2514/1.J061013. pdf download pdf
  62. Micci, G.L., Camussi, R., Meloni, S. & Bogey, C., 2022, Intermittency and stochastic modeling of low- and high-Reynolds-number compressible jets, AIAA Journal, 60(3), 1983-1990. doi:10.2514/1.J061128. pdf download pdf
  63. Diab, D., Dragna, D., Salze, E. & Galland, M.A., 2022, Nonlinear broadband time-domain admittance boundary condition for duct acoustics. Application to perforated plate liners, J. Sound. Vib., 528, 116892, 1-26. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2022.116892. pdf download pdf
  64. Adam, A., Papamoschou, D. & Bogey, C., 2022, Imprint of vortical structures on the near-field pressure of a turbulent jet, AIAA Journal, 60(3), 1578-1591. doi:10.2514/1.J061010. pdf download pdf
  65. Billon, K., De Bono, E., Perez, M., Salze, E., Matten, G., Gillet, M., Ouisse, M., Volery, M., Lissek, H., Mardjono, J. & Collet, M., 2022, In flow acoustic characterisation of a 2D active liner with local and non local strategies, Applied Acoustics, 191, 108655, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2022.108655 pdf download pdf
  66. Varé, M. & Bogey, C., 2022, Generation of acoustic tones in round jets at a Mach number of 0.9 impinging on a plate with and without a hole, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 936, A16 1-32. doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.47. pdf download pdf
  67. Blanchard, T., Lecomte, P., Melon, M., Simon, L., Hassan, K. & Nicol, R., 2022, Experimental acoustic scene analysis using One-Eighth spherical fraction microphone array, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 151(1), 180-193. doi:10.1121/10.0009230 pdf download pdf
  68. Bampanis, G., Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2022, On a three-dimensional investigation of airfoil turbulence-impingement noise and its reduction by leading-edge tubercles, J. Sound. Vib., 520, 116635, 1-18. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116635. pdf download pdf
  69. Pereira, A. & Jacob, M.C., 2022, Modal analysis of in-duct fan broadband noise via an iterative Bayesian inverse approach, J. Sound. Vib., 520, 116633, 1-27. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116633. pdf download pdf
  70. Lewis, D., Moreau, S., Jacob, M.C. & Sanjosé, M., 2022, ACAT1 fan stage broadband noise prediction using large-eddy simulation and analytical models, AIAA Journal, 60(1), 360-380. doi:10.2514/1.J060163. pdf download pdf
  71. Doinikov, A.A., Regnault, G., Mauger, C., Blanc-Benon, P. & Inserra, C., 2022, Acoustic microstreaming produced by two interacting gas bubbles undergoing axisymmetric shape oscillations, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 931, A19 1-44. doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.926. pdf download pdf
  72. Lewis, D., de Laborderie, J., Sanjosé, M., Moreau, S. & Jacob, M.C., 2021, Parametric study on state-of-the-art analytical models for fan broadband interaction noise predictions, J. Sound. Vib., 514, 116423, 1-28. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116423. pdf download pdf
  73. Palleja-Cabre, S., Tester, B.J., Astley, R.J. & Bampanis, G., 2021, Aeroacoustic assessment of performance of overtip liners in reducing airfoil noise, AIAA Journal, 59(9), 3622-3637. doi:10.2514/1.J060134. pdf download pdf
  74. Lamidel, D., Daviller, G., Roger, M. & Posson, H., 2021, Numerical prediction of the aerodynamics and acoustics of a tip leakage flow using large-eddy simulation, Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power, 6(3), 27, 1-16. doi:10.3390/ijtpp6030027. pdf download pdf
  75. Regnault, G., Mauger, C., Blanc-Benon, P., Doinikov, A.A. & Inserra, C., 2021, Signatures of microstreaming patterns induced by non-spherically oscillating bubbles, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 150(2), 1188-1197. doi:10.1121/10.0005821 pdf download pdf
  76. Alguacil, A., Bauerheim, M., Jacob, M.C. & Moreau, S., 2021, Predicting the propagation of acoustic waves using deep convolutional neural networks, J. Sound Vib., 512, 116285, 1-23. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116285. pdf download pdf
  77. Lechat, T., Emmanuelli, A., Dragna, D. & Ollivier, S., 2021, Propagation of spherical weak blast waves over rough periodic surfaces, Shock Waves, 31, 379-398. doi:10.1007/s00193-021-01024-8. pdf download pdf
  78. Pineau, P. & Bogey, C., 2021, Acoustic shielding and interaction effects for strongly heated supersonic twin jets, AIP Advances, 11, 075114, 1-14. doi:10.1063/5.0059789. pdf download pdf
  79. Julian, R., Dragna, D., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2021, Rational approximation of unsteady friction weighting functions in the Laplace domain, J. Hydraul. Eng., 147(9), 04021031, 1-9. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001905. pdf download pdf
  80. Bogey, C., 2021, Acoustic tones in the near-nozzle region of jets: characteristics and variations between Mach numbers 0.5 and 2, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 921, A3 1-41. doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.426. pdf download pdf
  81. Inserra, C., Regnault, G., Cleve, S., Mauger, C. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2021, Induction of microstreaming by nonspherical bubble oscillations in an acoustic levitation system, J. Vis. Exp. JOVE, 171, e62044. doi:10.3791/62044.
  82. Al-Am, J., Clair, V., Giauque, A., Boudet, J. & Gea-Aguilera, F., 2021, A parametric study on the LES numerical setup to investigate fan/OGV broadband noise, Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power, 6(2), 12, 1-12. doi:10.3390/ijtpp6020012. pdf download pdf
  83. Alomar, A., Dragna, D. & Galland, M.A., 2021, Time-domain simulations of sound propagation in a flow duct with extended-reacting liners, J. Sound Vib., 507, 116137, 1-24. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116137 pdf download pdf
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  84. Stout, T.A., Sparrow, V.W. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2021, Evaluation of numerical predictions of sonic boom level variability due to atmospheric turbulence, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 149(5), 3250-3260. doi:10.1121/10.0004985 pdf download pdf
  85. Pineau, P. & Bogey, C., 2021, Links between steepened Mach waves and coherent structures for a supersonic jet, AIAA Journal, 59(5), 1673-1681. doi:10.2514/1.J059859 pdf download pdf
  86. Emmanuelli, A., Dragna, D., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2021, Characterization of topographic effects on sonic boom reflection by resolution of the Euler equations, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 149(4), 2437-2450. doi:10.1121/10.0003816 pdf download pdf
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  87. Camussi, R. & Bogey, C., 2021, Intermittent statistics of the 0-mode pressure fluctuations in the near field of Mach 0.9 circular jets at low and high Reynolds numbers, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 35, 229-247. doi:10.1007/s00162-020-00553-9 pdf download pdf
  88. Nguyen, L., Golubev, V., Mankbadi, R., Yakhina, G. & Roger, M., 2021, Numerical investigation of tonal trailing-edge noise radiated by low Reynolds number airfoils, Appl. Sci., 11(5), 2257, 1-29. doi:10.3390/app11052257. pdf download pdf
  89. Deng, Y., Alomar, A., Dragna, D. & Galland, M.A., 2021, Characterization and suppression of the hydrodynamic instability in the time domain for acoustic propagation in a lined flow duct, J. Sound Vib., 500, 115999, 1-22. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2021.115999 pdf download pdf
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  90. Grasso, G., Wu, H., Orestano, S., Sanjosé, M., Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2021, CFD-based prediction of wall-pressure spectra under a turbulent boundary layer with adverse pressure gradient, CEAS Aeronaut. J., 12(2), 125-133. doi:10.1007/s13272-020-00484-5 pdf download pdf
  91. Haffner, Y., Castelain, T., Borée, J. & Spohn, A., 2021, Manipulation of three-dimensional asymmetries of a turbulent wake for drag reduction, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 912, A6 1-28. doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.1133 pdf download pdf
  92. Bogey, C., 2021, Generation of excess noise by jets with highly disturbed laminar boundary-layer profiles, AIAA Journal, 59(2), 569-579. doi:10.2514/1.J059610 pdf download pdf
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  188. Sabatini, R., Marsden, O. Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2016, A numerical study of nonlinear infrasound propagation in a windy atmosphere, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 140(1), 641-656. pdf download pdf
  189. Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2016, Simulations of initially highly disturbed jets with experiment-like exit boundary layers, AIAA Journal, 54(4), 1299-1312. pdf download pdf
  190. Bailly, C. & Fujii, K., 2016, High-speed jet noise, Mechanical Engineering Reviews, Journals of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 3(1), 1-13. pdf download pdf
  191. Sturm, F. & Bonnel, J., 2016, Time-frequency features of 3-D sound propagation in wedge-shaped oceanic waveguides, IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., 41(3), 731-739. pdf download pdf
  192. Petrov, P.S. & Sturm, F., 2016, An explicit analytical solution for sound propagation in a three-dimensional penetrable wedge with small apex angle, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139(3), 1343-1352. pdf download pdf
  193. Desjouy, C., Ollivier, S., Marsden, O., Karzova, M.M. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2016, Irregular reflection of weak acoustic shock pulses on rigid boundaries: Schlieren experiments and direct numerical simulation based on a Navier-Stokes solver, Physics of Fluids, 28, 027102, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  194. Sturm, F., 2016, Leading-order cross term correction of three-dimensional parabolic equation models, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139(1), 263-270. pdf download pdf
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  196. Jacob, M.C., Jondeau, E. & Li, B., 2016, Time-resolved PIV measurements of a tip leakage flow, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 15(6-7), 662-685. pdf  download pdf
  197. Boudet, J., Caro, J., Li, B., Jondeau, E. & Jacob, M.C., 2016, Zonal large-eddy simulation of a tip leakage flow, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 15(6-7), 646-661. pdf  download pdf
  198. Roger, M., François, B. & Moreau, S., 2016, Cascade trailing-edge noise modeling using a mode-matching technique and the edge-dipole theory, J. Sound Vib., 382, 310-327. pdf download pdf
  199. Leclère, Q., Pereira, A., Finez, A. & Souchotte, P., 2016, Indirect calibration of a large microphone array for in-duct acoustic measurements, J. Sound Vib., 376, 48-59. pdf download pdf
  200. Bauerheim, M., Duran, I., Livebardon, T., Wang, G., Moreau, S. & Poinsot, T., 2016, Transmission and reflection of acoustic and entropy waves through a stator-rotor stage, J. Sound Vib., 374, 260-278. pdf download pdf
  201. Terracol, M., Manoha, E. & Lemoine, B., 2016, Investigation of the unsteady flow and noise generation in a slat cove, AIAA Journal, 54(12), 469-489. pdf download pdf
  202. Boudet, J., Lévêque, E., Borgnat, P., Cahuzac, A. & Jacob, M.C., 2016, A Kalman filter adapted to the estimation of mean gradients in the large-eddy simulation of unsteady turbulent flows, Computers & Fluids, 127(6), 65-77. pdf download pdf
  203. Roger, M., Moreau, S. & Kucukcoskun, K., 2016, On sound scattering by rigid edges and wedges in a flow, with applications to high-lift device aeroacoustics, J. Sound Vib., 362, 252-275. pdf download pdf
  204. Muleki Seya, P., Desjouy, C., Béra, J.-C. & Inserra, C., 2015, Hysteresis of inertial cavitation activity induced by fluctuating bubble size distribution, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 27, 262-267. pdf download pdf
  205. Dragna, D., Attenborough, K. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, On the inadvisability of using single parameter impedance models for representing the acoustical properties of ground surfaces, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138(4), 2399-2413. pdf download pdf
  206. Karzova, M.M., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Application of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer to the observation of Mach stem formation when a shock wave is reflected from a rigid surface, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, 79(10), 1293-1295. pdf download pdf
  207. Dragna, D., Pineau, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, A generalized recursive convolution method for time-domain propagation in porous media, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138(2), 1030-1042. pdf download pdf
  208. Mohammed-Taifour, A., Weiss, J., Sadeghi, A., Vétel, J., Jondeau, E. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2015, A detailed procedure for measuring turbulent velocity fluctuations using constant-voltage anemometry, Exp. Fluids, 56:174, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  209. Hornikx, M. & Dragna, D., 2015, Application of the Fourier pseudospectral time-domain method in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates for near-rigid moderately curved surface, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138(1), 425-435. pdf download pdf
  210. Yuldashev, P.V., Karzova, M.M., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Mach-Zehnder interferometry method for acoustic shock wave measurements in air and broadband calibration of microphones, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6), 3314-3324. pdf download pdf
  211. Karzova, M.M., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S., Salze, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Characterization of spark-generated N-waves in air using an optical schlieren method, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6), 3244-3252. pdf download pdf
  212. Karzova, M.M., Khokhlova, V.A., Salze, E., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Mach stem formation in reflection and focusing of weak shock acoustic pulses, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6), EL436-442. pdf download pdf
  213. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Sound radiation by a moving line source above an impedance plane with frequency-dependent properties, J. Sound Vib., 349, 259-275. pdf download pdf
  214. Polacsek, C., Clair, V., Le Garrec, T., Reboul, G. & Jacob, M.C., 2015, Numerical predictions of turbulence/cascade-interaction noise using computational aeroacoustics with a stochastic model, AIAA Journal, 53(12), 3551-3566. pdf download pdf
  215. Boudet, J., Cahuzac, A., Kausche, P. & Jacob, M.C., 2015, Zonal large-eddy simulation of a fan tip-clearance flow, with evidence of vortex wandering, J. Turbomach., 137(6), 061001, 1-9. pdf download pdf
  216. Kremer, F. & Bogey, C., 2015, Large-eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow using relaxation filtering: Resolution requirement and Reynolds number effects, Computers & Fluids, 116, 17-28. pdf download pdf
  217. Sabatini, R. & Bailly, C., 2015, Numerical algorithm for computing acoustic and vortical spatial instability waves, AIAA Journal, 53(3), 692-702. pdf download pdf
  218. De Cacqueray, N. & Bogey, C., 2014, Noise of an overexpanded Mach 3.3 jet: non-linear propagation effects and correlations with flow, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 13(7-8), 607-632. pdf download pdf
  219. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2014, Investigation of the mixing layer of underexpanded supersonic jets by particle image velocimetry, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 50, 188-200. pdf download pdf
  220. Bühler, S., Kleiser, L. & Bogey, C., 2014, Simulation of subsonic turbulent nozzle jet flow and its near-field sound, AIAA Journal, 52(8), 1653-1669. pdf download pdf
  221. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2014, A study of infrasound propagation based on high-order finite difference solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(3), 1083-1095. pdf download pdf
  222. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2014, Experimental investigation of underexpanded supersonic jets, Shock Waves, 24(1), 21-32. pdf download pdf
  223. Kremer, F., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2014, Semi-implicit Runge-Kutta schemes: development and application to compressible channel flow, AIAA Journal, 52(3), 516-527. pdf download pdf
  224. Lafitte, A., Le Garrec, T., Bailly, C. & Laurendeau, E., 2014, Turbulence generation from a sweeping-based stochastic model, AIAA Journal, 52(2), 281-292. pdf download pdf
  225. Dargaud, J.B., Troyes, J., Lamet, J.-M., Tessé, L., Vuillot, F. & Bailly, C., 2014, A numerical study of solid rocket motor ignition overpressure wave including infrared radiation, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 30(1), 164-174. pdf download pdf
  226. Roger, M., Schram, C. & Moreau, S., 2014, On vortex-airfoil interaction noise including span-end effects, with application to open-rotor aeroacoustics, J. Sound Vib., 333, 283-306. pdf download pdf
  227. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2014, Modeling of broadband moving sources for time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation, AIAA Journal, 52(9), 1928-1939. pdf download pdf
  228. Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Ren, L., Ichchou, M., Galland, M.A. & Bareille, O., 2014, Sound absorption of a new bionic multi-layer absorber, Composite Structures, 108, 400-408. pdf download pdf
  229. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Towards realistic simulations of sound radiation by moving sources in outdoor environments, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 13(5-6), 405-426. pdf download pdf
  230. Salze, E., Yuldashev, P., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Laboratory-scale experiment to study nonlinear N-wave distortion by thermal turbulence, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(2), 556-566. pdf download pdf
  231. Jacob, M.C., Dragna, D., Cahuzac, A., Boudet, J. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Toward hybrid CAA with ground effects, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 13(3-4), 235-260. pdf download pdf
  232. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Physically admissible impedance models for time-domain computations of outdoor sound propagation, Acta Acust. united Ac., 100(3), 401-410. pdf download pdf pdf errata
  233. Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Ren, L., Ichchou, M., Galland, M.A. & Bareille, O., 2014, Acoustic performance analysis of bionic coupling multi-layer structure, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 461, 22-30. pdf download pdf
  234. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2014, Impulse propagation over a complex site: A comparison of experimental results and numerical predictions, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(3), 1096-1105. pdf download pdf
  235. Golubev, V.V., Nguyen, F., Mankbadi, R.R., Roger, M. & Visbal, M.R., 2014, On flow-acoustic resonant interactions in transitional airfoils, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 13(1), 1-38. pdf download pdf
  236. Kucukcoskun, K., Christophe, J., Schram, C. & Tournour, M. , 2013, Free and scattered acoustic field predictions of the broadband noise generated by a low-speed axial fan, Noise Control Eng. J., 61(2), 180-189. pdf download pdf
  237. Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2013, Identification of the effects of the nozzle-exit boundary-layer thickness and its corresponding Reynolds number in initially highly disturbed subsonic jets, Physics of Fluids, 25, 055106, 1-27. pdf download pdf    avi v1.avi avi v2.avi avi v3.avi avi v4.avi avi v5.avi avi v6.avi
  238. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2013, Broadband shock-associated noise in screeching and non-screeching underexpanded supersonic jets, AIAA Journal, 51(3), 665-673. pdf download pdf
  239. Fauconnier, D., Bogey, C. & Dick, E., 2013, On the performance of relaxation filtering for large-eddy simulation, Journal Of Turbulence, 14(1), 22-49. pdf download pdf
  240. Karabasov, S., Bogey, C. & Hynes, T., 2013, An investigation of the mechanisms of sound generation in initially laminar subsonic jets using the Goldstein acoustic analogy, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 714, 24-57. pdf download pdf
  241. Rouch, J., Galland, M.A. & Schmich-Yamane, I., 2013, Under-balcony acoustics improvement with simple electro-acoustic means: a theoretical development and numerical simulations, Buildings Acoustics, 20(4), 295-312. pdf download pdf
  242. Wang, Y., Ren, L., Ichchou, M., Galland, M.A. & Bareille, O., 2013, Influences of rice hull in polyurethane foam on its sound absorption characteristics, Polymer Composites, 34(11), 1847-1855. pdf download pdf
  243. Dragna, D., Bogey C., Hornikx, M. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2013, Analysis of the dissipation and dispersion properties of the multi-domain Chebyshev pseudospectral method, J. Comp. Phys., 255, 31-47. pdf download pdf
  244. Zhou, Z.J., Rufer, L., Salze, E., Yuldashev, P., Ollivier, S. & Wong, M., 2013, Bulk micro-machined wide-band aero-acoustic microphone and its application to acoustic ranging, J. Micromech. Microeng., 23 105006. pdf download pdf
  245. Koussa, F., Defrance, J., Jean, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2013, Acoustical efficiency of a sonic crystal assisted noise barrier, Acta Acust. united Ac., 99, 399-409. pdf download pdf
  246. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2013, Time-domain solver in curvilinear coordinates for outdoor sound propagation over complex terrain, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 133(6), 3751-3763. pdf download pdf
  247. Ehrhardt, L., Cheinet, S., Juvé, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2013, Evaluating a linearized Euler equations model for strong turbulence effects on sound propagation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 133(4), 1922-1933. pdf download pdf
  248. Sturm, F. & Korakas, A., 2013, Comparisons of laboratory scale measurements of three-dimensional acoustic propagation with solutions by a parabolic equation model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 133(1), 108-118. pdf download pdf
  249. Weiss, J., Berson, A. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2013, Investigation of nonlinear effects in constant-temperature anemometers, Meas. Sci. Technol., 24(8), 085302, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  250. Koussa, F., Defrance, J. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2013, Acoustic performance of gabions noise barriers: numerical and experimental approaches, Appl. Acoust., 74(1), 189-197. pdf download pdf
  251. Betgen, B., Galland, M.A., Piot, E. & Simon, F., 2012, Implementation and non-intrusive characterization of a hybrid active-passive liner with grazing flow, Applied Acoustics, 73(6-7), 624-638. pdf download pdf
  252. Hu, Y., Galland, M.A. & Chen K., 2012, Acoustic transmission performance of double-wall active sound packages in a tube: Numerical/experimental validations, Applied Acoustics, 73(4), 323-337. pdf download pdf
  253. Melon, M., Herzog, P., Sitel, A. & Galland, M.A., 2012, One dimensional study of a module for active/passive control of both absorption and transmission, Applied Acoustics, 73(3), 234-242. pdf download pdf
  254. Cheinet, S., Ehrhardt, L., Juvé, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Unified modeling of turbulence effects on sound propagation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 132(4), 2198-2209. pdf download pdf
  255. Lalande, J.M., Sèbe, O., Landès, M., Blanc-Benon, P., Matoza, R.S., Le Pichon A. & Blanc, E., 2012, Infrasound data inversion for atmospheric sounding, Geophys. J. Int., 190(1), 2198-2209. pdf download pdf
  256. Zielinski, T.G., Galland, M.A. & Ichchou, M., 2012, Fully coupled finite-element modeling of active sandwich panels With poroelastic core, J. Vib. Acoust, 134(2), 021007-1-10. pdf download pdf
  257. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2012, Investigation of flow features around shallow round cavities subject to subsonic grazing flow, Physics of Fluids, 24, 125107, 1-24. pdf download pdf
  258. Kerhervé, F., Jordan, P., Cavalieri, A., Delville, J., Bogey, C. & Juvé, D., 2012, Educing the source mechanism associated with downstream radiation in subsonic jets, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 710, 606-640. pdf download pdf
  259. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2012, Effects of moderate Reynolds numbers on subsonic round jets with highly disturbed nozzle-exit boundary layers, Physics of Fluids, 24, 105107, 1-24. pdf download pdf    avi v1.avi avi v2.avi avi v3.avi
  260. Rozenberg, Y., Robert, G. & Moreau, S., 2012, Wall-pressure spectral model including the adverse pressure gradient effects, AIAA Journal, 50(10), 2168-2179. pdf download pdf
  261. Serre, G., Lafon, P., Gloerfelt, X. & Bailly, C., 2012, Reliable reduced-order models for time-dependent linearized Euler equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 231, 5176-5194. pdf download pdf
  262. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2012, Shock oscillations in a supersonic jet exhibiting antisymmetrical screech, AIAA Journal, 50(9), 2017-2020. pdf download pdf
  263. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2012, Influence of initial turbulence level on the flow and sound fields of a subsonic jet at a diameter-based Reynolds number of 10^5, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 701, 352-385. pdf download pdf
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  264. Marsden, O., Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Jondeau, E., 2012, Investigation of flow features and acoustic radiation of a round cavity, J. Sound Vib., 331(15), 3521-3543. pdf download pdf
  265. Marinius, B.G., Bosschaerts, W. & Roger, M., 2012, Aerodynamic study of a 'humpy' propeller, Int. J. Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, 4(1-2), 27-35. pdf download pdf
  266. Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2012, Addendum to the back-scattering correction of Amiet's trailing-edge noise model, J. Sound Vib., 331(24), 5383-5385. pdf download pdf
  267. Daude, F., Berland, J., Emmert, T., Lafon, P., Crouzet, F. & Bailly, C., 2012, A high-order finite-difference algorithm for direct computation of aerodynamic sound, Computers & Fluids, 61, 46-63. pdf download pdf
  268. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2011, Experimental study of flight effects on screech in underexpanded jets, Physics of Fluids, 23, 126102, 1-14. pdf download pdf   nozzle geometry
  269. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2011, On the spectra of nozzle-exit velocity disturbances in initially nominally turbulent, transitional jets, Physics of Fluids, 23, 091702, 1-4. pdf download pdf
  270. de Cacqueray, N., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2011, Investigation of a high-Mach-number overexpanded jet using large-eddy simulation, AIAA Journal, 49(10), 2171-2182. pdf download pdf
  271. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2011, A shock tracking procedure for studying screech induced oscillations, AIAA Journal, 49(7), 1563-1566. pdf download pdf
  272. Berland, J., Lafon, P., Daude, F., Crouzet, F., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2011, Filter shape dependence and effective scale separation in large-eddy simulations based on relaxation filtering, Computers & Fluids, 47(1), 65-74. pdf download pdf
  273. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2011, Large-Eddy Simulation of the flow and acoustic fields of a Reynolds number 105 subsonic jet with tripped exit boundary layers, Physics of Fluids, 23, 035104, 1-20. pdf download pdf
  274. Bogey, C., de Cacqueray, N. & Bailly, C., 2011, Finite differences for coarse azimuthal discretization and for reduction of effective resolution near origin of cylindrical flow equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 230(4), 1134-1146. pdf download pdf
  275. Posson, H., Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2011, Broadband noise prediction of fan outlet guide vane using a cascade response function, J. Sound Vib., 330(26), 6153-6183. pdf download pdf
  276. Posson, H. & Roger, M., 2011, Experimental validation of a cascade response function for fan broadband noise predictions, AIAA Journal, 49(9), 1907-1918. pdf download pdf
  277. Sitel, A. & Galland, M.A., 2011, Scattering-matrix formulation for both measurement and prediction of acoustical performances of hybrid cells and their active and passive elements, Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 97, 579-589. pdf download pdf
  278. Averiyanov, M.V., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2011, Random focusing of nonlinear acoustic N-waves in fully developed turbulence: laboratory scale experiment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 130(6), 3595-3607. pdf download pdf
  279. Korakas, A. & Sturm, F., 2011, On the feasibility of a matched-field inversion in a three-dimensional oceanic environment ignoring out-of-plane propagation, IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., 36(4), 716-727. pdf download pdf
  280. Dragna, D., Cotté, B., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2011, Time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation with suitable impedance boundary conditions, AIAA J., 49(7), 1420-1428. pdf download pdf
  281. Berson, A., Poignand, G., Blanc-Benon, P. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2011, Nonlinear temperature field near the stack ends of a standing-wave thermoacoustic refrigerator, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 54(21-22), 4730-4735. pdf download pdf
  282. Averiyanov, M.V., Blanc-Benon, P., Cleveland, R.O. & Khokhlova, V.A., 2011, Nonlinear and diffraction effects in propagation of N-waves in randomly inhomogeneous moving media, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 129(4), 1760-1772. pdf download pdf
  283. Betgen, B. & Galland, M.A., 2011, A new hybrid active/passive sound absorber with variable surface impedance, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 25(5), 1715-1726. pdf download pdf
  284. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2010, Influence of nozzle-exit boundary-layer conditions on the flow and acoustic fields of initially laminar jets, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 663, 507-538. pdf download pdf
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  285. Arguillat, B., Ricot, D., Bailly, C. & Robert, G., 2010, Measured wavenumber - frequency spectrum associated with acoustic and aerodynamic wall pressure fluctuations, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(4), 1647-1655. pdf download pdf
  286. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Candel, S., 2010, Modelling of sound generation by turbulent reacting flows, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 9(4-5), 461-489. pdf download pdf
  287. Desvigne, D., Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2010, Development of non-centered wavenumber-based optimized interpolation schemes with amplification control for overlapping grids, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 32(4), 2074-2098. pdf download pdf
  288. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2010, Progress in Direct Noise Computation, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 9(1-2), 123-143. pdf download pdf
  289. Greschner, B., Grilliat, J., Jacob, M.C. & Thiele, F., 2010, Measurements and wall modeled LES simulation of trailing edge noise caused by a turbulent boundary layer, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 9(3), 329-355. pdf download pdf
  290. Casalino, D., Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2010, One, no one and one hundred thousand methods for low-speed fan noise prediction, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 9(3), 307-327. pdf download pdf
  291. Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2010, Extensions and limitations of analytical airfoil broadband noise models, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 9(3), 273-305. pdf download pdf
  292. Jacob, M.C., Grilliat, J., Camussi, R. & Caputi-Gennaro, G., 2010, Aeroacoustic investigation of a single airfoil tip leakage flow, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 9(3), 253-272. pdf download pdf
  293. Posson, H., Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2010, On a uniformly valid analytical rectilinear cascade response function, J. Fluid Mech., 663, 22-52. pdf download pdf
  294. Posson, H., Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2010, On the use of a uniformly valid analytical cascade response function for fan broadband noise predictions, J. Sound Vib., 329(18), 3721-3743. pdf download pdf
  295. Camussi, R., Grilliat, J., Caputi-Gennaro, G. & Jacob, M.C., 2010, Experimental study of a tip leakage flow : Wavelet analysis of pressure fluctuations, J. Fluid Mech., 660, 87-113. pdf download pdf
  296. Rozenberg, Y., Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2010, Rotating blade trailing-edge noise: experimental validation of analytical model, AIAA Journal, 48(5), 951-962. pdf download pdf
  297. Moon, Y.J., Seo, J.H., Bae, Y.M., Roger, M. & Becker, S., 2010, A hybrid prediction method for low-subsonic turbulent flow noise, Computers & Fluids, 39(7), 1125-1135. pdf download pdf
  298. Roger, M., 2010, On broadband jet-ring interaction noise and aerofoil turbulence-interaction noise predictions, J. Fluid Mech., 653, 337-364. pdf download pdf
  299. Yuldashev, P.V., Bryseva, N.A., Averiyanov, M.V., Blanc-Benon, P. & Khokhlova, V.A., 2010, Statistical properties of nonlinear diffracting N-wave behind a random phase screen, Acoust. Phys., 56(2), 158-167. pdf download pdf
  300. Berson, A., Blanc-Benon, P. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2010, On the use of hot-wire anemometry in pulsating flows. A comment on 'A critical review on advanced velocity measurement techniques in pulsating flows', Meas. Sci. Technol., 21(12), 128001, 1-5. pdf download pdf
  301. Yuldashev, P.V., Ollivier, S., Averiyanov, M.V., Sapozhnikov, O.A., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2010, Nonlinear propagation of spark-generated N-waves in air: modeling and measurements using acoustical and optical methods, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 128(6), 3321-3333. pdf download pdf
  302. Berson, A., Poignand, G., Blanc-Benon, P. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2010, Capture of instantaneous temperature in oscillating flows: use of constant-voltage anemometry to correct the thermal lag of cold wires operated by constant-current anemometry, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 81, 015102 pdf download pdf
  303. Emmert, T., Lafon, P. & Bailly, C., 2009, Numerical study of self-induced transonic flow oscillations behind a sudden duct enlargement, Physics of Fluids, 21, 106105, 1-15. pdf download pdf
  304. Cotté, B., Blanc-Benon, P., Bogey, C. & Poisson, F., 2009, Time-domain impedance boundary condition for simulations of outdoor sound propagation, AIAA Journal, 47(10), 2391-2403. pdf download pdf
  305. Ricot, D., Marié, S., Sagaut, P. & Bailly, C., 2009, Lattice Boltzmann method with selective viscosity filter, Journal of Computational Physics, 228(12), 4478-4490. pdf download pdf
  306. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2009, Turbulence and energy budget in a self-preserving round jet: direct evaluation using large-eddy simulation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 627, 129-160. pdf download pdf
  307. Keiderling, F., Kleiser, L. & Bogey, C., 2009, Numerical study of eigenmode forcing effects on jet flow development and noise generation mechanisms, Physics of Fluids, 21, 045106, 1-22. pdf download pdf
  308. Bogey, C., Barré, S., Juvé, D. & Bailly, C., 2009, Simulation of a hot coaxial jet : direct noise prediction and flow-acoustics correlations, Physics of Fluids, 21, 035105, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  309. Bogey, C., de Cacqueray, N. & Bailly, C., 2009, A shock-capturing methodology based on adaptative spatial filtering for high-order non-linear computations, Journal of Computational Physics, 228(5), 1447-1465. pdf download pdf
  310. Guedel, A., Rozenberg, Y., Roger, M. & Perrin, G., 2009, Experimental validation of a model of fan trailing-edge noise, Noise Control Eng. J., 57(4), 318-326. pdf download pdf
  311. Wang, M., Moreau, S., Iaccarino, G. & Roger, M., 2009, LES prediction of wall-pressure fluctuations and noise of a low-speed airfoil, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 8(3), 177-198. pdf download pdf
  312. Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2009, Back-scattering correction and further extensions of Amiet's trailing-edge noise model. Part II: Application, J. Sound Vib., 323(1-2), 397-425. pdf download pdf
  313. Cotté, B., Blanc-Benon, P., Bogey, C. & Poisson, F., 2009, Time-domain impedance boundary condition for simulations of outdoor sound propagation, AIAA J., 47(10), 2391-2403. pdf download pdf
  314. Korakas, A., Sturm, F., Sessarego, J.P. & Ferrand, D., 2009, Scaled model experiment of long-range across-slope pulse propagation in a penetrable wedge, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125(5), EL22-27. pdf download pdf
  315. Dupont, J.B. & Galland, M.A., 2009, Active absorption to reduce the noise transmitted out of an enclosure, Applied Acoustics, 70(1), 142-152. pdf download pdf
  316. Lotton, P., Blanc-Benon, P., Bruneau, M., Gusev, V., Duffourd, S., Mironov, M. & Poignand, G., 2009, Transient temperature profile inside thermoacoustic refrigerators, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 52(21-22), 4986-4996. pdf download pdf
  317. Dougalis, V.A., Sturm, F. & Zourakis, G.E., 2009, On an initial-boundary value problem for a wide-angle parabolic equation in a waveguide with a variable bottom, Math. Methods Appl. Sci., 32(12), 1519-1540. pdf download pdf
  318. Berson, A., Blanc-Benon, P. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2009, A strategy to eliminate all nonlinear effects in constant-voltage hot-wire anemometry, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 80, 045102 pdf download pdf
  319. Cotté, B. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2009, Time-domain simulations of sound propagation in a stratified atmosphere over an impedance ground, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125(5), EL202-207. pdf download pdf    pdf avi movie1.avi pdf avi movie2.avi
  320. Papadakis, P., Taroudakis, M., Sturm, F., Sanchez, P. & Sessarego, J.P., 2008, Scaled laboratory experiments of shallow water acoustic propagation, Acta Acust. united Ac., 94, 676-684. pdf download pdf
  321. Sturm, F., Ivansson, S., Jiang, Y.M. & Chapman, N.R., 2008, Numerical investigation of out-of-plane sound propagation in a shallow water experiment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 124(6), EL341-346. pdf download pdf
  322. Berson, A., Michard, M. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2008, Measurement of acoustic velocity in the stack of a thermoacoustic refrigerator using particle image velocimetry, Heat and Mass Transfer, 44, 1015-1023. pdf download pdf
  323. Castor, K. & Sturm, F., 2008, Investigation of 3-D acoustical effets using a multiprocessing parabolic equation based algorithm, J. Comput. Acoust., 16(2), 137-162. pdf download pdf
  324. Yuldashev, P.V., Averiyanov, M.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2008, Nonlinear spherically divergent shock waves propagating in a relaxing medium, Acoust. Phys., 54(1), 32-41. pdf download pdf
  325. Castelain, T., Sunyach, M., Juvé, D. & Béra, J.-C., 2008, Jet-noise reduction by impinging microjets: an acoustic investigation testing microjet parameters, AIAA Journal, 46(5), 1081-1087. pdf download pdf
  326. Fleury, V., Bailly, C., Jondeau, E., Michard, M. & Juvé, D., 2008, Space-time correlations in two subsonic jets using dual-PIV measurements, AIAA Journal, 46(10), 2498-2509. pdf download pdf
  327. Berland, J., Bogey, C., & Bailly, C., 2008, A study of differentiation errors in large-eddy simulations based on EDQNM theory, Journal of Computational Physics, 227(18), 8314-8340. pdf download pdf
  328. Totaro, N., Robert, G. & Guyader, J.-L., 2008, Frequency averaged injected power under boundary layer excitation: an experimental validation, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 94(4), 534-547. pdf download pdf
  329. Berland, J., Bogey, C., & Bailly, C., 2008, Investigation using statistical closure theory of the influence of the filter shape on scale separation in large-eddy-simulations, Journal of Turbulence, 9(21), 1-22. pdf download pdf
  330. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2008, Direct noise computation of the turbulent flow around a zero-incidence airfoil, AIAA Journal, 46(4), 874-883. pdf download pdf
  331. Bogey, C., Barré, S. & Bailly, C., 2008, Direct computation of the noise generated by subsonic jets originating from a straight pipe flow, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 7(1), 1-22. pdf download pdf
  332. Barré, S., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2008, Direct simulation of isolated elliptic vortices and of their radiated field, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 22(1), 65-82. pdf download pdf
  333. Greschner, B., Thiele, F., Jacob, M.C. & Casalino, D., 2008, Prediction of sound generated by a rod-airfoil configuration using EASM DES and the generalised Lighthill/FW-H analogy, Computers & Fluids, 37(4), 402-413. pdf download pdf
  334. Camussi, R., Robert, G. & Jacob, M.C., 2008, Cross-wavelet analysis of wall pressure fluctuations beneath incompressible turbulent boundary layers, J. Fluid Mech., 617, 11-30. pdf download pdf
  335. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2007, On the application of explicit spatial filtering to the variables or fluxes of linear equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 225(2), 1211-1217. pdf download pdf
  336. Berland, J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2007, Numerical study of screech generation in a planar supersonic jet, Phys. Fluids, 19, 075105, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  337. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2007, An analysis of the correlations between the turbulent flow and the sound pressure fields of subsonic jets, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 583, 71-97. pdf download pdf
  338. Bogey, C., Barré, S., Fleury, S., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2007, Experimental study of the spectral properties of near-field and far-field jet noise, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 6(2), 73-92. pdf download pdf. Reprinted in 'Jet Aeroacoustics', 399-418
  339. Berland, J., Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2007, High-order, low dispersive and low dissipative explicit schemes for multiple-scale and boundary problems, Journal of Computational Physics, 224(2), 637-662. pdf download pdf.
    *** Please note that there are unfortunately some misprints in the paper about the coefficients of the different schemes: refer to pdf berland_jcp07_errata.txt. ***
  340. Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2007, Competing broadband noise mechanisms in low-speed axial fans, AIAA Journal, 45(1), 48-57. pdf download pdf
  341. Galland M.A. & Mazeaud B., 2007, Design and testing of a hybrid passive/active acoustic treatment for nacelle inlets, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 6(1), 45-59. pdf download pdf
  342. Mazeaud B. & Galland M.A., 2007, A multi-channel feedback algorithm for the development of active liners to reduce noise in flow duct applications, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21(7), 2880-2899. pdf download pdf
  343. Cotté, B. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2007, Estimates of the relevant turbulent scales for acoustic propagation in an upward refracting atmosphere, Acta Acust. united Ac., 93, 944-958. pdf download pdf
  344. Sturm, F., 2007, Computation of broadband sound signal propagation in a shallow water environment with sinusoidal bottom using a 3-D PE model, Acta Acust. united Ac., 93, 899-908. pdf download pdf
  345. Berson, A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2007, Nonperiodicity of the flow within the gap of a thermoacoustic couple at high amplitude, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 122(4), EL122-127. pdf download pdf
  346. Sturm, F. & Kampanis, N.A., 2007, Accurate treatment of a general sloping interface finite-element 3-D narrow-angle PE model, J. Comput. Acoust., 15(3), 285-318. pdf download pdf
  347. Batifol, C., Zielinski, T.G., Ichchou, M.N. & Galland, M.A., 2006, A finite element study of a piezoelectric/poroelastic sound package concept, Smart Materials and Structures, 16, 168-177. pdf download pdf
  348. Sellen, N., Cuesta, M. & Galland, M.A., 2006, Noise reduction in a flow duct: implementation of a hybrid passive/active solution, J. Sound Vib., 297, 492-511. pdf download pdf
  349. Lihoreau, B., Gauvreau, B., Bérengier, M., Blanc-Benon, P. & Calmet, I., 2006, Outdoor sound propagation modelling in realistic environments: application of coupled parabolic and atmospheric models, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 120(1), 110-119. pdf download pdf
  350. Averiyanov, M.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Sapozhnikov, O.A., Blanc-Benon, P. & Cleveland, R.O., 2006, Parabolic equation for nonlinear acoustic wave propagation in inhomogeneous moving media, Acoust. Phys., 52(6), 623-632. pdf download pdf
  351. Piot, E., Casalis, G., Muller, F. & Bailly, C., 2006, Investigation of the PSE approach for subsonic and supersonic hot jets. Detailed comparisons with LES and Linearized Euler Equations results, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 5(4), 361-393. pdf download pdf
    Reprinted in 'Jet Aeroacoustics', 251-286
  352. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Computation of a high Reynolds number jet and its radiated noise using large eddy simulation based on explicit filtering, Computer & Fluids, 35(10), 1344-1358. pdf download pdf
  353. Berland, J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Low-dissipation and low-dispersion fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm, Computer & Fluids, 35(10), 1459-1463. pdf download pdf
  354. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Large eddy simulations of round jets using explicit filtering with / without dynamic Smagorinsky model, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 27, 603-610. pdf download pdf
  355. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Large Eddy Simulations of transitional round jets : influence of the Reynolds number on flow development and energy dissipation, Physics of Fluids, 18, 065101, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  356. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Investigation of downstream and sideline subsonic jet noise using Large Eddy Simulations, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 20(1), 23-40. pdf download pdf
  357. Roger, M., Moreau, S. & Guedel, A., 2006, Experimental validation of a model of fan trailing-edge noise, Noise Control Eng. J., 57(4), 318-326. pdf download pdf
  358. Roger, M. & Aubert, S., 2006, Aeroacoustics of the bullroarer, Acta Acust. united Ac., 92(5), 826-841. pdf download pdf
  359. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, High-order curvilinear simulations of flows around non-Cartesian bodies, Journal of Computational Acoustics, 13(4), 731-748. pdf download pdf
  360. Gloerfelt, X., Pérot, F., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2005, Flow-induced cylinder noise formulated as diffraction problem for low Mach number flows, J. Sound Vib., 287(1-2), 129-151. pdf download pdf
  361. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Effects of inflow conditions and forcing on a Mach 0.9 jet and its radiated noise, AIAA Journal, 43(5), 1000-1007. pdf download pdf
  362. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Decrease of the effective Reynolds number with eddy-viscosity subgrid-scale modelling, AIAA Journal, 43(2), 437-439. pdf download pdf
  363. Galland M.A., Mazeaud B. & Sellen, N., 2005, Hybrid passive/active absorbers for flow ducts, Applied Acoustics, 66(6), 691-708. pdf download pdf
  364. Marx, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2005, Numerical calculation of the temperature difference between the extremities of a thermoacoustic stack plate, Cryogenics, 45(1), 163-172. pdf download pdf
  365. Weiss, J., Chokani, N. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2005, Constant-temperature and constant-voltage anemometer use in a Mach 2.5 flow, AIAA J., 75(5), 1140-1143. pdf download pdf
  366. Sturm, F., 2005, Numerical study of broadband sound pulse propagation in three-dimensional oceanic wave guides, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 117(3), 1058-1079. pdf download pdf
  367. Marx, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2005, Computation of the temperature distortion in the stack of a standing-wave thermoacoustic refrigerator, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 118(5), 2993-2999. pdf download pdf
  368. Ricot, D., Caussé, R. & Misdariis, N., 2005, Aerodynamic excitation and sound production of blown-closed free reeds without acoustic coupling: The example of the accordion reed, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 117(4), 2279-2290. pdf download pdf
  369. Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2005, Back-scattering correction and further extensions of Amiet's trailing-edge noise model. Part 1: theory, J. Sound Vib., 286(3), 477-506. pdf download pdf
  370. Jacob, M.C., Boudet, J., Casalino, D. & Michard, M., 2005, A rod-airfoil experiment as benchmark for broadband noise modeling, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 19(3), 171-196. pdf download pdf
  371. Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2005, Effect of airfoil aerodynamic loading on trailing-edge noise sources, AIAA Journal, 43(1), 41-52. pdf download pdf
  372. Boudet, J., Grosjean, N. & Jacob, M.C., 2005, Wake-airfoil interaction as broadband noise source: a large-eddy simulation study, Int. J. Aeroacoustics, 4(1), 93-116. pdf download pdf
  373. Birgersson, F., Finnveden, S. & Robert, G., 2004, Modelling turbulent-induced vibration of pipes with a spectral finite element method, J. Sound Vib., 278, 749-772. pdf download pdf
  374. Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2004, Contributions of CAA to jet noise research and prediction, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 18(6), 481-491. pdf download pdf
  375. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2004, A family of low dispersive and low dissipative explicit schemes for noise computation, Journal of Computational Physics, 194(1), 194-214. pdf download pdf
  376. Casalino, D., Roger, M. & Jacob, M. C., 2004, Prediction of sound propagation in ducted potential flows using Green's function discretization, AIAA Journal, 42(4), 736-744. pdf download pdf
  377. Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2004, Broadband self-noise from loaded fan blades, AIAA Journal, 42(3), 536-544. pdf download pdf
  378. Comte-Bellot, G., Weiss, J. & Béra, J.-C., 2004, Lead-resistance effects in a constant voltage anemometer, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 75(6), 2075-2081. pdf download pdf
  379. Marx, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2004, Numerical simulation of stack-heat exchangers coupling in a thermoacoustic refrigerator, AIAA J., 42(7), 1338-1347. pdf download pdf
  380. Weiss, J. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2004, Electronic noise in a constant voltage anemometer, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 75(5), 1290-1296. pdf download pdf
  381. Béra, J.C., Ben Chiekh, M., Michard, M., Comte-Bellot, G. & Sunyach, M., 2003, Control of a plane jet by fluidic wall pulsing, AIAA Journal, 41(5), 972-975. pdf download pdf
  382. Gloerfelt, X., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2003, Numerical evidence of mode switching in the flow-induced oscillations by a cavity, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 2(2), 193-217. pdf download pdf
    Reprinted in 'Computational Aeroacoustics', 347-373
  383. Bogey, C., Gloerfelt, X. & Bailly, C., 2003, An illustration of the inclusion of sound-flow interactions in Lighthill's equation, AIAA Journal,41(8), 1604-1606. pdf download pdf
  384. Gloerfelt, X., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2003, Direct computation of the noise radiated by a subsonic cavity flow and application of integral methods, J. Sound Vib., 266(1), 119-146. pdf download pdf
  385. Ben Chiekh, M., Béra, J.-C., & Sunyach, M., 2003, Synthetic jet control for flows in a diffuser: vectoring, spreading and mixing enhancement, Journal Of Turbulence, 4(4), N32, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  386. Casalino, D., Jacob, M.C. & Roger, M., 2003, Prediction of rod-airfoil interaction noise using the Ffowcs-Williams-Hawkings analogy, AIAA Journal, 41(2), 182-191. pdf download pdf
  387. Casalino, D. & Jacob, M.C., 2003, Prediction of aerodynamic sound from circular rods via spanwise statistical modelling, J. Sound Vib., 262(4), 815-844. pdf download pdf
  388. Casalino, D., 2003, An advanced time approach for acoustic analogy predictions, J. Sound Vib., 261(4), 583-612. pdf download pdf
  389. Moreau, S., Henner, M., Iaccarino, G., Wang, M. & Roger, M., 2003, Analysis of flow conditions in freejet experiments for studying airfoil self-noise, AIAA Journal, 41(10), 1895-1905. pdf download pdf
  390. Addad, Y., Laurence, D., Talotte, C. & Jacob, M.C., 2003, Large eddy simulation of a forward-backward facing step for acoustic source identification, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 24(4), 562-571. pdf download pdf
  391. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2003, Noise investigation of a high subsonic, moderate Reynolds number jet using a compressible LES, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 16(4), 273-297. pdf download pdf
  392. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2002, Three-dimensional non-reflective boundary conditions for acoustic simulations: far field formulation and validation test cases, Acta Acustica, 88(4), 463-471. pdf download pdf
  393. Bérengier, M., Gauvreau, B., Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 2003, Outdoor sound propagation: a short review on analytical and numerical approaches, Acta Acust. united Ac., 89, 980-991. pdf download pdf
  394. Gauvreau, B., Bérengier, M., Blanc-Benon, P. & Depollier, C., 2002, Traffic noise prediction with the parabolic equation method: validation of a split-step Padé approach in complex environments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 112(6), 2680-2687. pdf download pdf
  395. Blanc-Benon, P., Lipkens, B., Dallois, L., Hamilton, M.F., & Blackstock, D.T., 2002, Propagation of finite amplitude sound through turbulence: Modeling with geometrical acoustics and the parabolic equation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 111(1), 487-498. pdf download pdf
  396. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2002, Computation of flow noise using source terms in linearized Euler's equations, AIAA Journal, 40(2), 235-243. pdf download pdf
  397. Seror, C., Sagaut, P., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2001, On the radiated noise computed by large-eddy simulation, Physics of Fluids, 13(2), 476-487. pdf download pdf
  398. Béra, J.-C., Michard, M., Grosjean, N. & Comte-Bellot, G.,, 2001, Flow analysis of two-dimensional pulsed jets by particle image velocimetry, Experiments in Fluids, 31, 519-532. pdf download pdf
  399. Jacob, M.C., Louisot, A., Juvé, D. & Guerrand, S., 2001, Experimental study of sound generated by backward-facing steps under wall jet, AIAA J., 39(7), 1254-1260. pdf download pdf
  400. Voisin, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2001, The influence of meteorological conditions for the localization of an acoustic source by means of a microphone antenna, Acta Acustica, 87, 695-702. pdf download pdf
  401. Blanc-Benon, P., Dallois, L. & Juvé, D., 2001, Long range sound propagation in a turbulent atmosphere within the parabolic approximation, Acta Acustica, 87, 659-669. pdf download pdf
  402. Ostashev, V.E., Hohenwarter, D., Attenborough, K., Juvé, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Goedecke, G.H., 2001, On the refraction law for a sound ray in a moving medium, Acta Acustica, 87, 303-306. pdf download pdf
  403. Dallois, L., Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 2001, A wide-angle parabolic equation for acoustic waves in inhomogeneous moving media : applications to atmospheric sound propagation, J. Comput. Acoust., 9(2), 477-494. pdf download pdf
  404. Ostashev, V.E., Salomons, E.M., Clifford, S.F., Lataitis, R.J., Wilson, D.K., Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 2001, Sound propagation in a turbulent atmosphere near the ground: a parabolic equation approach, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 109(5), 1894-1908. pdf download pdf
  405. Béra, J.-C., Michard, M., Sunyach, M. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2000, Changing lift and drag by jet oscillation: experiments on a circular cylinder with turbulent separation, Eur. J. Mech. B - Fluids , 19, 575-595. pdf download pdf
  406. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Numerical simulation of the sound generated by vortex pairing in a mixing layer, AIAA Journal, 38(12), 2210-2218. pdf download pdf
  407. Frémion, N., Vincent, N., Jacob, M.C., Robert, G., Louisot, A. & Guerrand, S., 2000, Aerodynamic noise radiated by the intercoach spacing and the bogie of a high-speed train, J. Sound Vib., 231(3), 577-593. pdf download pdf
  408. Durant, C., Robert, G., Filippi, P.J.T. & Mattei, P.-O., 2000, Vibroaoustic response of a thin cylindrical shell excited by a turbulent internal flow: comparison between numerical prediction and experimentation, J. Sound Vib., 229(5), 1115-1155. pdf download pdf
  409. Seror, C., Sagaut, P., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Subgrid-scale contribution to noise production in decaying isotropic turbulence, AIAA Journal, 38(10), 1795-1803. pdf download pdf
  410. Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Numerical solution of acoustic propagation problems using linearized Euler equations, AIAA Journal, 38(1), 22-29. pdf download pdf
  411. Lacour, O., Thenail, D. & Galland, M.A., 2000, Preliminary experiments on noise reduction in cavities using active impedance changes, J. Sound Vib., 230(1), 69-99. pdf download pdf
  412. Iooss, B., Blanc-Benon, P., & Lhuillier, C., 2000, Statistical moments of travel times at second order in isotropic and anisotropic random media, Waves in Random Media, 10, 381-394. pdf download pdf
  413. Durant, C. & Robert, G., 1999, Vibro-acoustic response of a pipe excited by a turbulent internal flow, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 61, 55-69. doi:10.1023/A:1026428616296 pdf download pdf
  414. Nicolas, L., Furstoss, M. & Galland, M.A., 1998, Analogy electromagnetism-acoustics : validation and application the local impedance active control for sound absorption, Eur. Phys. J. Applied Physics, 4, 95-100. pdf download pdf
  415. Thenail, D., Lacour, O., Galland, M.A. & Furstoss, M., 1997, The active control of wall impedance, Acustica-Acta Acustica, 83(6), 1039-1044. pdf download pdf
  416. Furstoss, M., Thenail, D. & Galland, M.A., 1997, Surface Impedance control for sound absorption : direct and hybrid passive/active strategies, J. Sound Vib., 203(2), 219-236. pdf download pdf
  417. Ostashev, V.E., Juvé, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 1997, Derivation of a wide-angle parabolic equation for sound waves in inhomogeneous moving media, Acta Acustica, 83, 455-460. pdf download pdf
  418. Witkowska, A., Juvé, D. & Brasseur, 1997, Numerical study of noise from isotropic turbulence, J. Comput. Acous., 5(3), 317-336. pdf download pdf
  419. Bailly, C., Lafon, P. & Candel, S., 1997, Subsonic and supersonic jet noise predictions from statistical source models, AIAA Journal, 35(11), 1688-1696. pdf download pdf
  420. Bailly, C., Lafon, P. & Candel, S., 1996, Prediction of supersonic jet noise from a statistical acoustic model and a compressible turbulence closure, J. Sound Vib., 194(2), 219-242. pdf download pdf
  421. Chevret, P., Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1996, A numerical model for sound propagation through a turbulent atmosphere near the ground, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 100(6), 3587-3599. pdf download pdf
  422. Faure, T. & Robert, G., 1996, Turbulent kinetic energy balance in the wake of a self-propelled body, Experiments in Fluids, 21(4), 268-274. pdf download pdf
  423. Béra, J.C., Sunyach, M. & Buck, K., 1995, Testing of different types of active hearing protectors, Acta Acustica, 3(2), 203-207. pdf download pdf
  424. Karweit, M. & Blanc-Benon, P., 1995, Temporal characteristics of aocustic ray propagation through "infinite" and "box model" turbulence, J. Comput. Acoust., 3(3), 203-218. pdf download pdf
  425. Blanc-Benon, P., Juvé, D., Ostashev, V.E. & Wandelt, R., 1995, On the appearance of caustics for plane sound-wave propagation in moving random media, Waves in Random Media, 5, 183-199. pdf download pdf
  426. Knio, O., Collorec, L. & Juvé, D., 1995, Numerical study of the sound emitted by 2D regular and chaotic vortex configurations, J. Comput. Phys., 116, 226-246. pdf download pdf
  427. Panton, R.L. & Robert, G., 1994, The wavenumber-phase velocity representation for the turbulent wall-pressure spectrum, Journal of Fluid Engineering, 480(116), 477-483. pdf download pdf
  428. Thenail, D., Galland, M.A. & Sunyach, M., 1994, Active enhancement of the absorbent properties of a porous material, Smart Mater. Struct.,3, 18-25. pdf download pdf
  429. Krane, M.H. & Collorec, L., 1994, Sound source decomposition for two-dimensional deformable vortices, Acta Acustica, 2, 431-435. pdf download pdf
  430. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1993, Intensity fluctuations of spherical acoustic waves propagating through thermal turbulence, Waves in Random Media, 3, 71-83. pdf download pdf
  431. Comte-Bellot, G., 1993 Teaching and research in Acoustics at Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France), Applied Acoustics, 40(2), 169-180. pdf download pdf
  432. Billoud, G., Galland, M.A., Huynh Huu, C. & Candel, S., 1992, Adaptive active control of combustion instabilities, Combustion Science and Technology, 81(4-6), 257-283.
  433. Blanc-Benon, P., Juvé, D. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1991, Occurrence of caustics for high-frequency acoustic waves propagating through turbulent fields, Theoret. Comput. Fluid Dynamics, 2(5-6), 271-278. pdf download pdf
  434. Karweit, M., Blanc-Benon, P., Juvé, D. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1991, Simulation of the propagation of an acoustic wave through a turbulent velocity field: a study of phase variance, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 89(1), 52-62. pdf download pdf
  435. Juvé, D., 1988, A note on the use of intensity vector maps for source identification, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 83(5), 1936-1939. pdf download pdf
  436. Huot, J.-P., Rey, C. & Arbey, H., 1986, Experimental analysis of the pressure field induced on a square cylinder by a turbulent flow, J. Fluid Mech., 162, 283-298. pdf download pdf
  437. Arbey, H. & Ffowcs Williams, J.E., 1984 Active cancellation of pure tones in an excited jet, J. Fluid Mech., 149, 445-454. pdf download pdf
  438. Arbey, H. & Bataille, J., 1983, Noise generated by airfoil profiles placed in a uniform laminar flow, J. Fluid Mech., 134, 33-47. pdf download pdf
  439. Sunyach, M., Juvé, D. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1982, Acoustics of turbulent flows: a report on Euromech 142, J. Fluid Mech., 122, 511-530. pdf download pdf
  440. Juvé, D., Sunyach, M. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1980, Intermittency of the noise emission in subsonic cold jets, J. Sound Vib., 71(3), 319-332. pdf download pdf
  441. Juvé, D., Sunyach, M. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1979, Filtered azimuthal correlations in the acoustic far field of a subsonic jet, AIAA Journal, 17(1), 112-113. pdf download pdf
  442. Arbey, H., Sunyach, M. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1979, Use of adjacent jets to investigate the aerodynamic sound of airfoils at moderately high Reynolds number, J. Sound Vib., 65(2), 215-228. pdf download pdf
  443. Comte-Bellot, G., 1976, Hot-wire anemometry, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 8, 209-231. pdf download pdf
  444. Strohl, A. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1973, Aerodynamic effects due to configuration of x-wire anemometers, Journal of Applied Mech., transactions of the ASME, 40(3), 661-666.
  445. Sabot, J., Renault, J. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1973, Space-time correlations of transverse velocity fluctuation in pipe flow, Phys. Fluids, 16(9), 1403-1405. pdf download pdf
  446. Comte-Bellot, G., Strohl, A. & Alcaraz, E., 1971, On aerodynamic disturbances caused by single hot-wire probes, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of the ASME, 38(4), 767-774. pdf download pdf
  447. Comte-Bellot, G. & Corrsin, S., 1971, Simple Eulerian time correlation of full- and narrow-band velocity signals in grid-generated, isotropic turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 48(2), 273-337. pdf download pdf
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aeroacoustics Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences, Paris
Comptes rendus à  l'Académie des Sciences, Paris
  1. Chaligné, S., Castelain, T., Michard, M., Chacaton, D. & Juvé, D., 2014, Fluidic control of wake-flow behind a two-dimensional square-back bluff-body, Acad. Sci. Paris, C.R. Mécanique, 342, 349-355. pdf download pdf
  2. Chaligné, S., Castelain, T., Michard, M. & Juvé, D., 2013, Active control of the flow behind a two-dimensional bluff body in ground proximity, C. R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 341, 289-297. pdf download pdf
  3. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2013, Effect of a tab on the aerodynamical development and noise of an underexpanded supersonic jet, C. R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 341, 659-666. pdf download pdf
  4. Berson, A., Michard, M. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2009, Vortex identification and tracking in unsteady flows, C.R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 337(2), 61-67. pdf download pdf
  5. Batifol, C., Ichchou, M.N. & Galland, M.A., 2008, Hybrid modal reduction for poroelastic materials C. R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 336, 757-765. pdf download pdf
  6. Castelain, T., Béra, J.-C. & Sunyach, M., 2006, Noise reduction of a Mach 0.7-0.9 jet by impinging microjets, C. R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 334, 98-104. pdf download pdf
  7. Fleury, V., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2005, Shear-layer acoustic radiation in an excited subsonic jet: models for vortex pairing and superdirective noise, C. R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 333(10), 754-761. pdf download pdf
  8. Fleury, V., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2005, Shear-layer acoustic radiation in an excited subsonic jet: experimental study, C. R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 333(10), 746-753. pdf download pdf
  9. Marx D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2004, Computation of the mean velocity field above a stack plate in a thermoacoustic refrigerator, C.R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 332(1), 867-874. pdf download pdf
  10. Marsden, O., Gloerfelt, X. & Bailly, C., 2003, Direct noise computation of adaptive control applied to a cavity flow, C. R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 331(6), 423-429. pdf download pdf
  11. Ben Chiekh, M., Béra, J.C., Michard, M. & Sunyach, M., 2003, Stimulation de l'élargissement d'un jet plan par contrôle fluidique alterné, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 331, Série IIb, 407-414. pdf download pdf
  12. Blanc-Benon P. & Besnoin, E., and Knio, O., 2003, Experimental and computational visualization of the flow field in a thermoacoustic stack, C.R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 331(1), 17-24. pdf download pdf
  13. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2002, Downstream subsonic jet noise: link with vortical structures intruding into the jet core, C. R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 330(8), série II b, 527-533. pdf download pdf
  14. Gloerfelt, X., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2002, Application de méthodes intégrales au calcul du bruit de cavité, C. R. Méc., Acad. Sci. Paris, 330(1), série II b, 13-20. pdf download pdf
  15. Héron, N., Bailly, C. & Candel, S., 2001, Modélisation du rayonnement acoustique de jets coaxiaux supersoniques, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 329(7), série II b, 497-502. pdf download pdf
  16. Ben Chiekh, M., Béra, J.C., Michard, M. & Sunyach, M., 2000, Contrôle par jet pulsé de l'écoulement dans un divergent court à grand angle, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 328, Série IIb, 749-756. pdf download pdf
  17. Gloerfelt, X., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Calcul direct du rayonnement acoustique d'un écoulement affleurant une cavité, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 328(8), série II b, 625-631. pdf download pdf
  18. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Calcul du rayonnement acoustique d'une couche de mélange à l'aide des équations d'Euler linéarisées, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 328(4), série IIb, 341-347. Erratum pdf download pdf
  19. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 1999, Calcul direct du rayonnement acoustique d'une couche de mélange par macrosimulation, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 327(10), série IIb, 1029-1034. pdf download pdf
  20. Grèverie, L. & Bailly, C., 1998, Construction d'un opérateur de propagation à partir des équations d'Euler linéarisées, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 326(11), série II b, 741-746. pdf download pdf
  21. Béra, J.C., Comte-Bellot, G. & Sunyach, M.,, 1998, Contrôle par jet pulsé du décollement d'une couche limite turbulente, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 326, Série IIb, 859-865. pdf download pdf
  22. Ostashev, V.E., Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1998, Coherence function of a spherical acoustic wave after passing through a turbulent jet, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 326(1), série II b, 39-45. pdf download pdf
  23. Knio, O.M. & Juvé, D., 1996, On noise emission during coaxial vortex ring collision, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 322, série IIb, 591-600.
  24. Béra, J.C. & Sunyach, M., 1995, Filtre numérique à réponse impulsionnelle infinie pour protecteurs auditifs actifs, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série II b - Mechanics, 320(11), 403-406. pdf download pdf
  25. Faure, T. & Robert, G., 1995, Bilan des tensions de Reynolds dans un sillage de traînée et dans un sillage de corps autopropulsé par une hélice, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série II b - Mechanics, 321(11), 455-461. pdf download pdf
  26. Lipkens, B. & Blanc-Benon, P., 1995, Propagation of finite amplitude sound through turbulence: a geometric acoustics approach, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 320(9), série II b, 477-484. pdf download pdf
  27. Witkowska, A. & Juvé, D., 1994, Estimation numérique du bruit rayonné par une turbulence homogène et isotrope, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 318, série II b, 597-602. pdf download pdf
  28. Karweit, M. & Blanc-Benon, P., 1993, Arrival-time variance for acoustic propagation in 3-D random media: the effect of lateral scales, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 316(12), série II b, 1695-1702. pdf download pdf
  29. Galland, M.A., Billoud, G. & Sebbani, M., 1991, Supression des oscillations auto-entretenues dans un résonateur de Helmholtz par contrôle actif auto-adaptatif, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 312, Série II, 695-700. pdf download pdf
  30. Fournier, F. & Roger, M., 1989, Prédiction du bruit d'interaction de sillages dans les machines tournantes. Application au fenestron d'hélicoptère, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 308, série II b, 831-834. pdf download pdf
  31. Fournier, F. & Roger, M., 1989, Prédiction du bruit d'interactions potentielles dans les machines tournantes. Application au fenestron d'hélicoptère, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 308, série II b, 703-706. pdf download pdf
  32. Billoud, G., Galland, M.A. & Sunyach, M., 1988, Identification d'un filtre récursif appliqué à un système d'absorption acoustique active, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 307, Série II, 1151-1154. pdf download pdf
  33. Billoud, G. & Galland, M.A., 1988, Performances et stabilité d'un système d'antibruit utilisant un contrôleur à réponse impulsionnelle infinie, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 306, Série II, 761-764. pdf download pdf
  34. Sunyach, M. & Ffowcs Williams, J.E., 1986, Contrôle actif des oscillations dans les cavités excitées, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 303, Série II, numéro 12, 1085-1088. pdf download pdf
  35. Galland, M.A. & Sunyach, M., 1986, Etude expérimentale des champs de pression et d'intensité acoustique dans un absorbeur actif de type monopolaire, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 302, Série II, 931-933. pdf download pdf
  36. Galland, M.A. & Sunyach, M., 1986, Prédiction des performances d'un absorbeur acoustique actif, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 302, Série II, 863-866. pdf download pdf
  37. Buty, C. & Juvé, D., 1984, Inversion des corrélations azimutales du champ acoustique lointain et modélisation des sources de bruit, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 299, Série II, 405-408. pdf download pdf
  38. Huot, J.-P., Rey, C. & Arbey, H., 1983, The coherence of a pressure field induced on a prismatic obstacle placed in a turblent flow C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 296(5), Série II, 305-308.
  39. Huot, J.-P., Arbey, H. & Rey, C., 1983, Distortion in turbulence upstream of a flat plate and induced pressure fluctuations, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 296(4), Série II, 213-216.
  40. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1982, Corrélations spatio-temporelles d'un faisceau acoustique après traversée d'une turbulence cinématique, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 294, série II, 1255-1258. pdf download pdf
  41. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1982, Cohérence spatiale d'un faisceau ultrasonore après traversée d'une turbulence cinématique, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 294, série II, 1221-1224. pdf download pdf
  42. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1981, Elargissement spectral d'un faisceau ultrasonore par traversée d'un champ turbulent, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 292, série II, 551-554. pdf download pdf
  43. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1981, Effet d'un jet turbulent sur le niveau de l'onde cohérente et sur l'intensité d'un faisceau acoustique, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 292, série II, 483-486. pdf download pdf
  44. Juvé, D. & Sunyach, M., 1978, Structure azimutale du champ acoustique lointain d'un jet subsonique, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 287, Série B, 187-190. pdf download pdf
  45. Juvé, D. & Sunyach, M., 1978, Recherche par échantillonnage conditionel des structures turbulentes acoustiquement actives dans les jets subsoniques froids, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 287, Série B, 227-229. pdf download pdf
  46. Juvé, D., Sunyach, M. & Bataille, J., 1976, Application de la méthode de causalité à l'étude d'un jet subsonique, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 283, Série B, 269-272. pdf download pdf
  47. Arbey, H., Sunyach, M. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1976, Evaluation du bruit émis par un profil isolé intercepté par un sillage, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 283, Série B, 95-98. pdf download pdf
  48. Arbey, H. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1975, Etude de l'emission sonore d'un profil isolé placé dans un champ hydrodynamique induit par une zone de mélange, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 281, Série B, 489-492. pdf download pdf
  49. Arbey, H. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1975, Etude de l'emission sonore d'un profil isolé placé à différentes incidences, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 281, Série B, 285-288. pdf download pdf
  50. Charnay, G., Comte-Bellot, G. & Mathieu, J., 1973, Turbulent kinetic energy through perturbated boundary layer, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 277(22), Série A, 1119-1122.
  51. Charnay, G., Comte-Bellot, G. & Mathieu, J., 1972, Etude de la frontière libre d'une couche limite turbulente perturbée, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 275, Série A, 615-618. pdf download pdf
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aeroacoustics Publications in Refereed Journals in French
Revues nationales avec comité de lecture
  1. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2000, Génération de bruit par appariements de tourbillons dans les zones cisaillés, Méc. Ind., 1, 487-497. pdf download pdf
  2. Roger, M., 1996, Modélisation du bruit de raies d'un fenestron d'hélicoptère en vol d'avancement, Acta Acust. united Ac., 82, 238-250. pdf download pdf
  3. Roger, M., 1994, Contrôle du bruit aérodynamique des machines tournantes axiales par modulation de pales, Acustica, 80, 247-259. pdf download pdf
  4. Roger, M., 1994, Sur l'utilisation d'un modèle de sillages pour le calcul du bruit d'interaction Rotor-Stator, Acustica, 80, 238-246. pdf download pdf
  5. Raffaitin, C., Roger, M., Rufer, L. & Fabicki, M., 1994, Caractérisation des sources de bruit aérodynamique sur un ventilateur centrifuge à flux axial, Journal de Physique, 4, Suppl. JPIII C5, 985-988. pdf download pdf
  6. Chevret, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 1994, Influence d'une turbulence thermique sur la propagation du son dans l'atmosphère en présence d'une zone d'ombre, Journal de Physique, 4, Suppl. JPIII C5, 969-972. pdf download pdf
  7. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1994, Etude numérique de la focalisation aléatoire d'une onde plane se propageant dans une turbulence thermique 2D, Journal de Physique, 4, Suppl. JPIII C5, 1001-1004. pdf download pdf
  8. Jacob, M.C. & Roger, M., 1994, Synthèse du bruit rayonné par une machine tournante carénée, Journal de Physique, 4, Suppl. JPIII C5, 981-984. pdf download pdf
  9. Blanc-Benon, P., Hugon-Jeannin, Y. & Juvé, D., 1992, Reconstruction de fronts d'onde distordus par la turbulence, Journal de Physique, 2, C1, 545-548. pdf download pdf
  10. Jacob, M.C. & Roger, M., 1990, Rayonnement acoustique d'une source ponctuelle située sur l'axe d'un écran mince de révolution. Etude théorique et expérimentale, Journal d'Acoustique, 3, 113-124.
  11. Blanc-Benon, P., Juvé, D., Karweit, M. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1990, Simulation numérique de la propagation des ondes acoustiques à travers une turbulence cinématique, Journal d'Acoustique, 3, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  12. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1990, Fluctuations d'intensité acoustique d'une onde sphérique traversant une turbulence thermique, Journal de Physique, 51, Colloque C3, 13-22. pdf download pdf
  13. Jacob, M.C. & Roger, M., 1990, Diffraction de modes tournants par un écran axisymétrique - Etude théorique et expérimentale, Journal de Physique, 51, Colloque C2, 1177-1180. pdf download pdf
  14. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1990, Simulation numérique de la propagation d'une onde acoustique dans une turbulence bidimensionnelle par une méthode de rayons, Journal de Physique, 51, Colloque C2, 1149-1152. pdf download pdf
  15. Robert, G. & Ibars, P., 1990, Utilisation d'une plaque rectangulaire pour mesurer les petits nombres d'onde du champ parietal de pression sous une couche limite turbulente, Journal de Physique, 51, Colloque C2, 1137-1140. pdf download pdf
  16. Fournier, F. & Roger, M., 1989, Prédiction du bruit d'interaction rayonné par les fenestrons d'hélicoptères, Journal d'Acoustique, 2, 393-400.
  17. Juvé, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 1988, Comparaison de trois équations paraboliques résolues par l'algorithme split step Fourier, Journal d'Acoustique, 1, 15-21. pdf download pdf
  18. Violette, D., Blanc-Benon, P., Juvé, D., Tretout, H. & De Mol, R., 1987, Simulation numérique de la propagation d'ondes acoustiques dans un système de contrôle non destructif en immersion locale, Revue d'Acoustique, 82, 53-57. pdf download pdf
  19. Galland, M.A. & Sunyach, M., 1987, Etude d'un système d'absorption active en conduit de longueur finie, Acustica, 64, 210-216. pdf download pdf
  20. Blanc-Benon, P., Chaize, S. & Juvé, D., 1987, Propagation acoustique en milieu turbulent : calcul par transformée de Fourier rapide du moment d'ordre deux, Acustica, 64, 53-57. pdf download pdf
  21. Cristol, X., Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1986, Interprétation géométrique des propriétés de l'équation parabolique, Revue d'Acoustique, 78, 1-5. pdf download pdf
  22. Sunyach, M., Brunel, B. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1985, Performances de la soufflerie anéchoïque à grandes vitesses de l'Ecole centrale de Lyon, Revue d'Acoustique, 73, 316-330. pdf download pdf
    See also NASA TM-88388, 1986, Performance of the high speed anechoic wind tunnel at Lyon University. pdf download pdf
  23. Roger, M. & Arbey, H., 1985, Relation de dispersion des ondes de pression dans un écoulement tournant, Acustica, 59(2), 95-101. pdf download pdf
  24. Juvé, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Sidki, M., 1985, Imagerie acoustique de sources ponctuelles en milieu aléatoire, Revue d'Acoustique, 73, 191-205.
  25. Blanc-Benon, P., 1984, Moment d'ordre deux en deux points d'une onde acoustique sphérique après traversée d'une turbulence cinématique, Revue du CETHEDEC - Ondes et Signal, 79, 21-29. pdf download pdf
  26. Juvé, D. & Sidki, M., 1984, Effets de la propagation en milieu turbulent sur l'imagerie acoustique, Revue du CETHEDEC, 79, 1-9.
  27. Juvé, D. & Roland P., 1983, Intensimétrie à deux dimensions : mesures dans le champ proche d'un jet, Revue d'acoustique, 66, 170-176.
  28. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1980, Modulations d'amplitude et de phase d'une acoustique après traversée d'un jet turbulent, Revue du CETHEDEC - NS80, 1, 137-143. pdf download pdf
  29. Juvé, D., Bataille, J. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1978, Bruit de jets coaxiaux subsoniques, Journal de Mécanique Appliqué, 2(3), 385-398.
  30. Berhault, J. P., Sunyach, M., Arbey, H. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1973, Réalisation d'une chambre anéchoïque revêtue de panneaux et destinée à l'étude des bruits d'origine aérodynamique, Acustica, 29(2), 69-78. pdf download pdf
  31. Gaudriot, L. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1971, Réalisation d'un générateur d'ultrasons à 20 kHz, Applied Acoustics, 4(3), 193-201. pdf download pdf
  32. Sunyach, M. & Mathieu, J., 1969, Zone de mélange d'un jet plan. Fluctuations induites dans le cône à potentiel-intermittence, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 12, 1679-1697. pdf download pdf
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aeroacoustics Communication for the general public and Editorships
Communications grand public, articles parus sans comité de lecture / errata, préfaces, éditoriaux, biographies
  1. Bailly, C., 2024, Décarbonation de l'aéronautique civile, Technica, 626, 31-33. pdf download pdf
  2. Juvé, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2023, Le Centre Acoustique de l'Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Acoustique et Techniques, 100, 19-24. pdf download pdf
  3. Bailly, C., 2023, Peut-on courir le marathon en moins de deux heures ?, Le Progrès, édition du 23 novembre, La science pour tous, M. Florin. pdf download pdf
  4. Centre Acoustique, 2023, Fête de la science. pdf Diaporama fond blanc pdf Diaporama fond noir
  5. Al-Am, J., 2022, Une simulation lyonnaise inédite pour réduire le bruit des moteurs d’avions, La Tribune de Lyon, 19 décembre. pdf download pdf
  6. Sturm, F., 2020, Le son peut plonger dans l’océan et remonter 60 kilomètres plus loin, Libération, 9 novembre.
  7. Bailly, C., 2019, Peut-on fabriquer des avions plus silencieux ? in Et Pourquoi donc ? 50 chercheurs repondent à nos questions de tous les jours, Florin, M., hors série Le Progrès, ISBN-9782359990102, 86-87.
    pdf Le Progrès 2    pdf Le Progrès 1    pdf Ecully Magazine
  8. Galland, M.A., 2018, D'où vient la mer qu'on entend dans les coquillages ? pdf Science & Vie
  9. Ollivier, S., 2018, Pourquoi le "bang" a autant fait parler de lui le mercredi 20 juin 2018 ? pdf download pdf
  10. Juvé, D. et al., 2017, Sur la piste de l'avion du futur, Journal du CNRS, 289, 15-25. pdf download pdf
  11. Bailly, C., André, B., Castelain, T., Henry, C., Bodard, G. & Porta, M., 2014, An analysis of shock noise components, AerospaceLab., 7, AL7-06, 1-8.
  12. Bailly, C., Editor, 2012, Ercoftac Bulletin, Special issue in Aeroacoustics, 90.
  13. Bailly, C., 2013, book review, Computational Aeroacoustics: A Wave Number Approach by C. Tam, AIAA Journal, 51(10), 2527-2528. pdf download pdf
  14. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson F., 2012, Modélisation de la propagation acoustique en milieu extérieur par une approche temporelle: validation expérimentale sur site, Acoustique et Techniques, 68, 46-51.
  15. Bailly, C., 2009, Technica - "L'acoustique au quotidien !", 575, 2-14. pdf download pdf
  16. Junker, F., Gauvreau, B., Blanc-Benon, P. & Cremezi, C., 2004, Classification de l'influence relative des paramètres physiques affectant les conditions de propagation à grande distance, Acoustique et Techniques, 39, 8-16. pdf download pdf
  17. Juvé, D., 2003, Research in aeroacoustics at the Centre Acoustique of Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ercoftac, 58, sept., 5-8. pdf download pdf
  18. Juvé, D. & Bailly, C., 2001, L'aéroacoustique, dans Pour la Science, Le Monde des Sons, dossier hors-série 32, 84-87.
  19. Roger, M., 1997, Compte-rendu des journées d'étude sur le bruit des ventilateurs, Acoustique et Techniques, 27-30. pdf download pdf
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aeroacoustics Books
Turbulence book Bailly, C. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2015, pdf Turbulence (in english),
Springer, pdf ISBN 978-3-319-16159-4,
360 pages, 147 illustrations, Foreword by Charles Meneveau.
Turbulence book Bailly, C. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2003, Turbulence (in french),
CNRS éditions, Paris, ISBN 2-271-06008-7,
376 pages, 114 figures, 622 références (épuisé / out of print).
Balac, S. & Sturm, F., 2015, Exercices d'algèbre et d'analyse, 154 exercices corrigés de première année, 2ème édition entièrement revue et augmentée, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Collection METIS LyonTech, ISBN 978-2-88915-152-3, 448 pages.
Balac, S. & Sturm, F., 2014, Algèbre et analyse, cours de mathématiques de première année avec exercices corrigés, 2ème édition revue et augmentée, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Collection METIS LyonTech, ISBN 978-2-88074-828-9, 1110 pages.
Balac, S. & Sturm, F., 2011, Exercices d'algèbre et d'analyse, 154 exercices corrigés de première année, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Collection METIS LyonTech, ISBN 978-2-88074-920-0, 448 pages.
Balac, S. & Sturm, F., 2011, Algèbre et analyse, cours de mathématiques de première année avec exercices corrigés, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Collection METIS LyonTech, ISBN 978-2-88074-828-9, 1110 pages.
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aeroacoustics Book Chapters
Chapitres d'ouvrage
  1. Juvé, D., Prigent, S.L., Salze, E., Souchotte, P. & Bailly, C., 2021, Wall-pressure wavenumber-frequency spectra: Experimental challenges and recent advances, in Flinovia-Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues ans Aspects-III, Springer, Cham, ISBN-978-3-030-64806-0, 1-23. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-64807-7_1.
  2. Juvé, D., 2016, Experimental characterization of jet noise, in Measurement, simulation and control of subsonic and supersonic jet noise, Lecture Series 2016-04, von Kàrmàn Institute for Fluid Dynamics, ISBN-13978-2-87516-110-9, 1-17.
  3. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Castelain, T., 2016, Subsonic and supersonic jet mixing noise, in Measurement, simulation and control of subsonic and supersonic jet noise, Lecture Series 2016-04, von Kàrmàn Institute for Fluid Dynamics, ISBN-13978-2-87516-110-9, 1-62.
  4. Comte-Bellot, G., 2016, Hot-Wire Anemometry, Chapter 46, in Handbook of Fluid Dynamics, Second Edition, CRC Press, R.W Johnson Editor, ISBN 9781439849552.
  5. Roger, M., Bouley, S. & François, B., 2016, Fan tonal and broadband noise modelling, in Progress in simulation, control and reduction of ventilation noise, Lecture Series 2016-02, von Kàrmàn Institute for Fluid Dynamics, ISBN--13 978-2-87516-098-0, 1-48.
  6. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. Marsden, O. & Castelain, T., 2015, Subsonic and supersonic jet mixing noise, in Aeroengine Noise, Lecture Series 2015-01, von Kàrmàn Institute for Fluid Dynamics, ISBN-13 978-2-87516-082-9, 1-57.
  7. Roger, M., 2015, Fan tonal and broadband noise modelling, in Progress in simulation, control and reduction of ventilation noise, Lecture Series 2015-11, von Kàrmàn Institute for Fluid Dynamics, ISBN-13 978-2-87516-082-9, 1-48.
  8. Juvé, D., Berton, M. & Salze, E., 2014, Spectral properties of wall-pressure fluctuations and their estimation from Computational Fluid Dynamics, in Flinovia - Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects, ed. by E. Ciappi, S. De Rosa, F. Franco, J.L. Guyader & S. Hambric, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-09712-1, 27-46. pdf download pdf
  9. Maxit, L., Berton, M., Audoly, C. & Juvé, D., 2014, Discussion about different methods for introducing the turbulent boundary layer excitation in vibroacoustics models, in Flinovia - Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects, ed. by E. Ciappi, S. De Rosa, F. Franco, J.L. Guyader & S. Hambric, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-09712-1, 249-278. pdf download pdf
  10. Roger, M., 2013, Sound Radiation by Moving Surfaces and the Greens Functions Technique, in Noise Sources in Turbulent Shear Flows: Fundamentals and Applications, ed. by R. Camussi, Springer-Verlag, Wien Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, ISBN 978-3-7091-1457-5, 73-116.
  11. Roger, M., 2013, Broadband Noise from Lifting Surfaces: Analytical Modeling and Experimental Validation, in Noise Sources in Turbulent Shear Flows: Fundamentals and Applications, ed. by R. Camussi, Springer-Verlag, Wien Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London, ISBN 978-3-7091-1457-5, 289-344.
  12. Grilliat, J., Zhou, L., Delgado, A., Camussi, R. & Jacob, M.C., 2012, Applications of the wavelet theory on turbulent time signals: denoising and conditioning, in Developments in mechanical engineering. Vol. 5, eds. J.T. Cieslinski, J.A. Szymczyk, Gdansk University of Technology Publishers, Gdansk, ISBN 978-83-7348-454-2, 59-64.
  13. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2012, An introduction to jet noise and control of subsonic mixing noise, in Aircraft Noise, Lecture Series 2012-02, von Kàrmàn Institute for Fluid Dynamics, ISBN-13 978-2-87516-029-4, 1-39.
  14. Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2010, Propulsion System Noise: Jet, in Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, R. Blockley and W. Shyy (eds), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, UK, ISBN 978-0-470-75440-5, section 6.2.03, 3521-3528.
  15. Gainville, O., Blanc-Benon, P., Blanc, E., Roche, R., Millet, C., Le Piver, F., Despres, B. & Piserchia, P.F., 2010, Misty Picture: a unique experiment for the interpretation of the infrasound propagation from large explosive sources, in Infrasound monitoring for atmospheric studies, ed. by A. Le Pichon et al., Springer Earth Sciences, 569-592.
  16. Dougalis, V.A., Kampanis, N.A., Sturm, F. & Zouraris, G.E., 2008, Numerical solution of the parabolic equation in range-dependent waveguides, in Effective computational methods for wave propagation, ed. by V.A. Dougalis, J.A. Ekaterinaris & N.A. Kampanis, Numerical Insights, Vol. 5, CRC Press, ISBN 9781584885689, 175-207.
  17. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2007, Plane and axisymmetric mixing layers, chapter 6.1, in LES for Acoustics, ed. by C. Wagner, T. Hüttl & P. Sagaut, Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13: 9780521871440, 280-310. pdf download contents
  18. Gloerfelt, X., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2007, Cavity noise, chapter 6.3, in LES for Acoustics, ed. by C. Wagner, T. Hüttl & P. Sagaut, Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13: 9780521871440, 311-322. pdf download contents
  19. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2000, Modeling and numerical simulation of free shear flows, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Lectures Series 2000-02, February 14-17, 50 pages, ISSN 0370-8312.
  20. Juvé, D., Bailly, C., Durant, C. & Robert, G., 1999, Vibroacoustics of flow-excited structures, in Fluid-Structure Interactions in Acoustics, D. Habault ed., CISM courses and lectures, 396, Springer-WienNewYork, ISBN 3-211-83147-9, 51-86.
  21. Bailly, C., 1997, Modelling of the turbulent mixing noise. Application to subsonic and supersonic jet noise, von Karman Institute for Fluids Dynamics, Lecture series 1997-07, september 15-18, 47 pages, ISSN 0377-8312.
  22. Comte-Bellot, G., Bailly, C. & Blanc-Benon, P., 1996, Modeling tools for flow noise and sound propagation through turbulence (lecture 6), in New tools in turbulence modelling, Les Houches School, May 21-31, ed. by O. Métais & J. Ferziger, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 5, ISBN 3-540-63090-2, 141-162.
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aeroacoustics Selected Papers Published in Books
Actes publiés dans des livres
  1. Mariette, K., Bideaux, E., Bribiesca-Argomedo, F., Ebérard, S., Sesmat, S., Haffner, Y., Borée, J., Castelain, T., & Michard, M., 2020, Wake symmetrization of a bluff Ahmed body based on sliding mode control, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2), 7746-7751. ed. by Findeisen, R., Hirche, S., Janschek, K. & Mönnigmann, M., doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1531 pdf download pdf
  2. Sabatini, R., Marsden, O., Bailly, C. & Gainville, O., 2015, Numerical simulation of infrasound propagation in the Earth's atmosphere: study of a stratospherical arrival pair, AIP Conference Proceedings, Recent developments in nonlinear acoustics, ed. by Blanc-Benon, P., Sparrow, V.W. & Dragna, D., 1685, ISBN 978-0-7354-1332-0, 090002, 1-4. pdf download pdf
  3. Seck, A., Inserra, C., Ollivier, S., Béra, J.-C. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Influence of a low flow rate on an acoustic cavitation bubble cloud, AIP Conference Proceedings, Recent developments in nonlinear acoustics, ed. by Blanc-Benon, P., Sparrow, V.W. & Dragna, D., 1685, ISBN 978-0-7354-1332-0, 050007, 1-4.
  4. Ollivier, S., Desjouy, C., Yuldashev, P.V., Koumela, A., Salze, E., Karzova, M.M., Rufer, L. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, High frequency calibration of MEMS microphones using spherical N-waves, AIP Conference Proceedings, Recent developments in nonlinear acoustics, ed. by Blanc-Benon, P., Sparrow, V.W. & Dragna, D., 1685, ISBN 978-0-7354-1332-0, 030011, 1-4.
  5. Karzova, M.M., Yuldashev, P.V., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Nonlinear reflection of a spherically divergent N-wave from a plane surface: Optical interferometry measurements in air, AIP Conference Proceedings, Recent developments in nonlinear acoustics, ed. by Blanc-Benon, P., Sparrow, V.W. & Dragna, D., 1685, ISBN 978-0-7354-1332-0, 090011-4, 1-4.
  6. Guédra, M., Desjouy, C., Inserra, C., Béra, J.-C. & Gilles, B., 2015, Theoretical investigation of the mechanisms involved in the modification of the cavitation threshold by multifrequency excitations, AIP Conference Proceedings, Recent developments in nonlinear acoustics, ed. by Blanc-Benon, P., Sparrow, V.W. & Dragna, D., 1685, ISBN 978-0-7354-1332-0, 050003, 1-4.
  7. Desjouy, C., Ollivier, S., Marsden, O., Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Propagation of acoustic shock waves between parallel rigid boundaries and into shadow zones, AIP Conference Proceedings, Recent developments in nonlinear acoustics, ed. by Blanc-Benon, P., Sparrow, V.W. & Dragna, D., 1685, ISBN 978-0-7354-1332-0, 090001, 1-4.
  8. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2011, Influence of Reynolds number and grid resolution on large-eddy simulations of self-similar jets based on relaxation filtering, Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations II, 9-11 September 2009, Pisa, Italy, 319-328, ERCOFTAC Series, M.V. Salvetti, B. Geurts, J. Meyers, P. Sagaut Ed., Springer, ISBN 978-94-007-0230-1.
  9. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2010, On the importance of specifying appropriate nozzle-exit conditions in jet noise prediction, IUTAM Symposium on Computational Aero-Acoustics for Aircraft Noise Prediction, Procedia Engineering, 6, 38-43. pdf download pdf
  10. Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2010, Direct numerical simulation of the turbulent development of a roubd jet at Reynolds number 11 000, in Parallel Computing: From multicores and GPU's to petascale, Advances in Parallel Computing, 19, 513-519, IOS Press, ISBN 978-1-60750-529-7
  11. Schulze, J., Sesterhenn, J. Schmid, P., Bogey, C., de Cacqueray, N., Berland, J. & Bailly, C., 2009, Numerical simulation of supersonic jet noise, in Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Noise Generation, 29-46, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-89955-6.
  12. Eschricht, D., Greschner, B., Thiele, F. & Jacob, M.C., 2009, Numerical simulation of jet mixing noise associated with engine exhausts, in Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Noise Generation, 121-146, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-89955-6.
  13. Bogey, C., de Cacqueray, N. & Bailly, C., 2008, A dynamic spatial filtering procedure for shock capturing in high-order computations, in Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008, edited by H. Choi, H.G. Choi & J.Y. Yoo, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-01272-3, 417-422.
  14. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2008, Direct computation of infrasound propagation in inhomogeneous atmosphere using a low-dispersion and low-dissipation algorithm, in Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008, edited by H. Choi, H.G. Choi & J.Y. Yoo, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-01272-3, 113-118.
  15. Berland, J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2008, Analysis of numerical error reduction in explicitly filtered LES using two-point turbulence closure, Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations, 24-26 oct. 2007, Leuven, Belgium, 143-154, ERCOFTAC Series, J. Meyers, B. Geurts, P. Sagaut Ed., Springer, ISBN978-1-4020-8577-2.
  16. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2008, Assessment of dissipation in LES based on explicit filtering from the computation of kinetic energy budget, Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations, 24-26 oct. 2007, Leuven, Belgium, 81-92, ERCOFTAC Series, J. Meyers, B. Geurts, P. Sagaut Ed., Springer, ISBN978-1-4020-8577-2.
  17. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2007, Large Eddy Simulation of a self-preserving turbulent jet using high-order schemes, in New Trends in Fluid Mechanics Research, proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Shanghai, China, 15-19 August, 95-98, Tsinghua University Press & Springer, ISBN 978-7-302-15894-3.
    International Journal of Aeroacoustics leaflet International Journal of Aeroacoustics leaflet
  18. Schulze, J., Schaupp, C., Sesterhenn, J., Friedrich, R., Berland, J., Bogey, C., & Juvé, D., 2007, Shock induced noise in 2D sub- and supersonic mixing layers, ESAIM Proceeding, ed. by S. Salmon, E. Sonnendrücker, M. Dumbser and C.-D. Munz, EDP Sciences, SMAI, Vol. 16, 51-65, ISSN (electronic edition): 1270-900X.
  19. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2007, Turbulence and energy balance in an axisymmetric jet computed by large eddy simulation, in Advances in Turbulence XI, proceedings of the 11th European Turbulence Conference, 25-28 June, Porto, Portugal, 316-318, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-72603-6.
  20. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Computation of the self-similarity region of a turbulent round jet using Large Eddy Simulation in proceedings of the sixth international ERCOFTAC workshop on direct and large eddy simulation (DLES-6), Springer, Dordrecht, ISBN-13: 978-1-4020-4909-5, 285-293. pdf download pdf
  21. Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2006, Current understanding of jet-noise mechanisms from compressible large-eddy simulations, invited lecture, in proceedings of the sixth international ERCOFTAC workshop on direct and large eddy simulation (DLES-6), Springer, Dordrecht, ISBN-13: 978-1-4020-4909-5, 39-48. pdf download pdf
  22. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2004, Study of the effective Reynolds number of jets computed by LES, in Advances in Turbulence X, proceedings of the 10th European Turbulence Conference, June 29 - July 2, Trondheim, Norway, edited by H.I. Anderson & P.-A. Krogstad, CIMNE, Barcelona, ISBN 84-95999-55-2, 852.
  23. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2003, Selective filtering versus eddy viscosity for subgrid modelling in the LES of a subsonic jet, in proceedings of the fifth international ERCOFTAC workshop on direct and large eddy simulation (DLES-5), August 27-29, Munich University of Technology, Germany, edited by R. Friedrich, B.J. Geurts & O. Métais, Ercoftac series vol. 9, 23-30, Kluwer, Dordrecht, ISBN 1-4020-2032-5.
  24. Bailly, C., Thévenin, R. & Juvé, D., 1997, Numerical simulation of sound source radiation in flows, in Theoretical and Computational Acoustics '97, 14-18 July, Newark (NJ), USA, World Scientific, ISBN 981-02-3463-5, 595-608. pdf download pdf
  25. Juvé D., Blanc-Benon P. & Wert K., 1997, Numerical simulation of sound propagation through time-dependent random media, in Theoretical and Computational Acoustics '97, 14-18 July, Newark (NJ), USA, World Scientific, ISBN 981-02-3463-5, 653-666. pdf download pdf
  26. Juvé, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1989, Transmission of acoustic waves through mixing layers and 2D isotropic turbulence, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Turbulence and coherent structures, ed. by Métais, O. & Lesieur, M., 1991, ISBN 978-90-481-4063-3, 367-384. pdf download pdf
  27. Blanc-Benon, P., Chaize, S. & Juvé, D., 1985, Coherence aspects of acoustic wave transmission through a medium with temperature fluctuations, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ed. by Comte-Bellot, G. & Ffowcs Williams, J.E., 1986, ISBN 978-3-642-82758-7, 217-226. pdf download pdf
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aeroacoustics Patents
  1. Robin, J., Gucher, P., Huchon, A., Ollivier, S.   Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, Method for controlling an apparatus for ultrasonically measuring the flow rate of a fluid in a measuring channel, US20180292245A1. pdf download pdf
  2. Robin, J., Gucher, P., Huchon, A., Ollivier, S.   Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, Apparatus for ultrasonically measuring the flow rate of a fluid in a measuring channel, achieving an attenuation of the parasitic signals, US20180299306A1. pdf download pdf
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aeroacoustics Peer-Reviewed International Conference Proceedings
Conférences internationales avec actes détaillés publiés et comité de lecture
  1. Juvé, D. & Sunyach, M., 1981, Near and far field azimuthal correlations for excited jets, 7th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-7 October, Palo Alto (CA), USA, AIAA Paper 81-2011, 1-7. pdf download pdf
  2. Sunyach, M. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1984, Acoustic pressure and intensity fields in active noise control systems, 9th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, 10-15 October, Williamsburg (VA), USA, AIAA Paper 84-2271, 1-8. doi:10.2514/6.1984-2271
  3. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1987, Statistical properties of acoustic waves propagating through turbulent thermal fields, 11th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, October 19-21, Palo Alto, California, USA, AIAA Paper 87-2727. pdf download pdf
  4. Witkowska, A., Brasseur, J. & Juvé, D., 1995, Prediction of noise from isotropic turbulence, First Joint AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 12-15 June, Munich, Germany, AIAA Paper 95-037.
  5. Bailly, C., 1997, A statistical description of supersonic jet mixing noise, 3rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 12-14 May, Atlanta (GA), USA, AIAA Paper 97-1575, 1-9. pdf download pdf
  6. Zoppellari, E. & Juvé, D., 1997, Reduction of jet noise by water injection, 3rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 12-14 May, Atlanta (GA), USA, AIAA Paper 97-1622.
  7. Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 1998, Numerical solution of acoustic propagation problems using linearized Euler's equations, 4th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2-4 June, Toulouse, AIAA Paper 98-2267, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  8. Zoppellari, E. & Juvé, D., 1998, Reduction of hot supersonic jet noise by water injection, 4th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2-4 June, Toulouse, AIAA Paper 98-2204.
  9. Jacob, M.C., Gradoz, V., Louisot, A., Juvé, D. & Guerrand, S., 1998, Sound produced by a backward facing step under a wall jet, 4th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2-4 June, Toulouse, France, AIAA Paper 98-2302.
  10. Béra, J.-C. & Sunyach, M., 1998, Control of boundary layer separation by jet oscillation, 4th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2-4 June, Toulouse, France, AIAA Paper 98-2373.
  11. Wert, K. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1998, Effect of turbulence scale resolution on numerical simulation of atmospheric sound propagation, 4th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 28-30, Toulouse, AIAA Paper 98-2245.
  12. Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 1999, A stochastic approach to compute subsonic noise using linearized Euler's equations, 5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 10-12 May, Greater Seattle (WA), USA, AIAA Paper 99-1872, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  13. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 1999, Computation of mixing layer noise using Large Eddy Simulation, 5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 10-12 May, Greater Seattle (WA), USA, AIAA Paper 99-1871, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  14. Seror, C., Sagaut, P., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 1999, Subgrid scale contribution to noise production in decaying isotropic turbulence, 5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 10-12 May, Greater Seattle (WA), USA, AIAA Paper 99-1979, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  15. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Computation of the sound radiated by a 3-D jet using Large Eddy Simulation, 6th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 12-14 June, Lahaina (HI), USA, AIAA Paper 2000-2009, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  16. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Noise computation using source terms in the Linearized Euler equations, 6th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 12-14 June, Lahaina (HI), USA, AIAA Paper 2000-2047, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  17. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2001, Sound computing using Lighthill's analogy: effects of shear-noise, 7th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 28-30 May, Maastricht, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2001-2255, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  18. Gloerfelt, X., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2001, Computation of the noise radiated by a subsonic cavity using direct simulation and acoustic analogy, 7th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 28-30 May, Maastricht, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2001-2226, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  19. Héron, N., Lemaire, S., Candel, S. & Bailly, C., 2001, Coaxial-jet-noise predictions from statistical and stochastic source models, 7th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 28-30 May, Maastricht, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2001-2205, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  20. Leclerq, D.J.J., Jacob, M.C., Louisot, A. & Talotte, C., 2001, Forward-backward facing step pair: aerodynamic flow, wall pressure and acoustic characterization, 7th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 28-30 May, Maastricht, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2001-2249, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  21. Ricot, D., Maillard, V. & Bailly, C., 2001, Numerical simulation of the unsteady flow past a cavity and application to the sunroof buffeting, 7th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 28-30 May, Maastricht, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2001-2112, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  22. Dallois, L. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2001, Wide-angle parabolic equations in moving media: sound diffraction by a core vortex, 7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 28-30, Maastricht, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2001-2256.
  23. Galland, M.A., Souchotte, P., Mazoyer T. & Ladner P., 2001, Experimental investigation of noise reduction in a flow duct through hybrid passive/active liner, 7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 28-30, Maastricht, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2001-2221.
  24. Hilbrunner, O., Sellen, N., Galland, M.A., Mazoyer T. & , 2001, Multi-cell digital feedback control for noise reduction through hybrid absorbers, 7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 28-30, Maastricht, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2001-2192.
  25. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2002, A family of low dispersive and low dissipative schemes for computing the aerodynamic noise, 8th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 17-19 June, Breckenridge (CO), USA, AIAA Paper 2002-2509, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  26. Gloerfelt, X., Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2002, Aerodynamic noise induced by laminar and turbulent boundary layers over rectangular cavities, 8th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 17-19 June, Breckenridge (CO), USA, AIAA Paper 2002-2476, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  27. Ricot, D., Maillard, V. & Bailly, C., 2002, Numerical simulation of unsteady cavity flow using Lattice Boltzmann Method, 8th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 17-19 June, Breckenridge (CO), USA, AIAA Paper 2002-2532, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  28. Sellen, N., Galland, M.A. & Hilbrunner, O., 2002, Identification of the Characteristic Parameters of Porous Media Using Active Control, 8th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 17-19 June, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2002-2504.
  29. Galland, M.A., Hilbrunner, O. & Sellen, N., 2002, Noise reduction in a flow duct by active control of wall impedance, 8th AIAA/CEAS AeroAcoustics Conference, 17-19 June, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2002-2498.
  30. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2003, LES of a high Reynolds high subsonic jet: effects of the inflow conditions on flow and noise, 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 12-13 May, Hilton head, South Carolina, USA, AIAA Paper 2003-3170, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  31. Gloerfelt, X., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2003, Numerical investigation of the coexistence of multiple tones in flow-induced cavity noise, 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 12-13 May, Hilton head, South Carolina, USA, AIAA Paper 2003-3234, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  32. Pérot, F., Auger, J.-M., Giardi, H., Gloerfelt, X. & Bailly, C., 2003, Numerical prediction of the noise radiated by a cylinder, 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 12-13 May, Hilton head, South Carolina, USA, AIAA Paper 2003-3240, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  33. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2003, LES of a high Reynolds high subsonic jet: effects of the subgrid scale modellings on flow and noise, 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 23-26 June, Florida, USA, AIAA Paper 2003-3557, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  34. Hilbrunner, O., Mazeaud, B. & Galland, M.A., 2003, Multi-cell digital feedback control for noise reduction through hybrid absorbers, 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 12-13, Hilton head, South Carolina, USA, AIAA Paper 2003-3187.
  35. Sellen, N., Cuesta, M. & Galland, M.A., 2003, Passive layer optimization for active absorbers in flow duct applications, 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 12-13, Hilton head, South Carolina, USA, AIAA Paper 2003-3186.
  36. Marx, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2003, Numerical simulation of the coupling between the stack and the heat exchangers in a thermoacoustic refrigerator, 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 12-13, Hilton head, South Carolina, USA, AIAA Paper 2003-3150.
  37. Berland, J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2004, Optimized explicit schemes: matching and boundary schemes, and 4th- order Runge-Kutta algorithm, 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 10-12 May, Manchester, UK, AIAA Paper 2004-2814, 1-34. pdf download pdf
  38. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2004, Investigation of subsonic jet noise using LES: Mach and Reynolds number effects, 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 10-12 May, Manchester, UK, AIAA Paper 2004-3023, 1-15. pdf download pdf
  39. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2004, High-order curvilinear simulations of flows around non-Cartesian bodies, 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 10-12 May, Manchester, UK, AIAA Paper 2004-2813, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  40. Pérot, F., Auger, J.-M., Giardi, H., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2004, Computation of the noise generated by low Mach number flows around a cylinder and a wall-mounted half cylinder, 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 10-12 May, Manchester, UK, AIAA Paper 2004-2859, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  41. Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2004, Model experiments to study acoustic N-wave propagation through turbulent media, 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 8-10, Manchester, UK, AIAA Paper 2004-2921.
  42. Mazeaud, B., Galland, M.A. & Sellen, N., 2004, Design of an adaptive hybrid liner for flow duct applications, 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 8-10, Manchester, UK, AIAA Paper 2004-2852.
  43. Arguillat, B., Ricot, D., Robert, G. & Bailly, C., 2005, Measurements of the wavenumber-frequency spectrum of wall pressure fluctuations under turbulent flows, 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 23-25 May, Monterey, California, USA, AIAA Paper 2005-2855, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  44. Barré, S., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, DNS of a high-aspect-ratio elliptic vortex and its generated noise, 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 23-25 May, Monterey, California, USA, AIAA Paper 2005-2956, 1-19. pdf download pdf
  45. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Investigation of sound sources in subsonic jets using LES data, 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 23-25 May, Monterey, California, USA, AIAA Paper 2005-2885, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  46. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Noise radiated by a high-Reynolds-number 3-D airfoil, 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 23-25 May, Monterey, California, USA, AIAA Paper 2005-2817, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  47. Galland, M.A, Mazeaud, B., Sellen, N. & Perisse, J., 2005, Performance in wind tunnel of hybrid active/passive absorbent panels, 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 23-25 May, Monterey, California, USA, AIAA Paper 2005-2895.
  48. Barré, S., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Computation of the Noise Radiated by Jets with Laminar/Turbulent Nozzle-Exit Conditions, 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 8-10 May, Cambridge, MA, USA, AIAA Paper 2006-2443, 1-15. pdf download pdf
  49. Barré, S., Fleury, V., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Experimental Study of the Properties of Near-Field and Far-Field Jet Noise 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 8-10 May, Cambridge, MA, USA, AIAA Paper 2006-2649, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  50. Berland, J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Large eddy simulation of screech tone generation in a planar underexpanded jet, 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 8-10 May, Cambridge, MA, USA, AIAA Paper 2006-2496, 1-24. pdf download pdf
  51. Castelain, T., Sunyach, M., Béra, J.C. & Juvé, D., 2006, Effect of microjets on a high-subsonic jet. Parametric study of far-field noise reduction, 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 8-10 May, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, AIAA Paper 2006-2705. pdf download pdf
  52. Emmert, T., Lafon, P. & Bailly, C., 2006, Numerical study of aeroacoustic oscillations in a transonic flow donwstream a sudden duct enlargement, 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 8-10 May, Cambridge, MA, USA, AIAA Paper 2006-2555, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  53. Fleury, V., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2006, Superdirective and quadrupolar acoustic radiation by vortex pairing in subsonic excited jets, 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 8-10 May, Cambridge, MA, USA, AIAA Paper 2006-2590, 1-16. pdf download pdf
  54. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Direct noise computation around a 3-D NACA 0012 airfoil, 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 8-10 May, Cambridge, MA, USA, AIAA Paper 2006-2503, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  55. Gainville, O., Piserchia, P.F., Blanc-Benon, P. & Scott, J., 2006, Ray tracing for long range atmospheric propagation of infrasound, 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 8-10, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, AIAA Paper 2006-2451.
  56. Bogey, C., Barré, S. & Bailly, C., 2007, Direct computation of the noise generated by a hot coaxial jet, 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 21-23 May, Rome, Italy, AIAA Paper 2007-3587, 1-17. pdf download pdf
  57. Castelain, T., Sunyach, M., Juvé, D. & Béra, J.C., 2007, Jet noise reduction by impinging microjets: an aerodynamic investigation testing microjet parameters, 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 21-23 May, Rome, Italy, AIAA Paper 2007-3419. pdf download pdf
  58. Emmert, T., Lafon, P. & Bailly, C., 2007, Computation of Aeroacoustic Phenomena in Subsonic and Transonic Ducted Flow, 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 21-23 May, Rome, Italy, AIAA Paper 2007-3429, 1-26. pdf download pdf
  59. Fleury, V., Bailly, C., Michard, M., Juvé, D. & Jondeau, E., 2007, Space-Time Correlations in Two Subsonic Jets using Dual-PIV Measurements, 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 21-23 May, Rome, Italy, AIAA Paper 2007-3615, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  60. Averiyanov, M.V., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2007, Nonlinear propagation of spark-generated N-waves in relaxing atmosphere: Laboratory-scaled experiments and theoretical Study, 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 21-23, Rome, AIAA Paper 2007-3676.
  61. Bogey, C., de Cacqueray, N. & Bailly, C., 2008, Self-adjusting shock-capturing spatial filtering for high-order non-linear computations, 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-7 May, Vancouver, Canada, AIAA Paper 2008-2968, 1-19. pdf download pdf
  62. Emmert, T., Lafon, P. & Bailly, C., 2008, Numerical study of aeroacoustic coupling in a subsonic confined cavity 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-7 May, Vancouver, Canada, AIAA Paper 2008-2848, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  63. Daude, F., Emmert, T., Crouzet, F., Lafon, P. & Bailly, C., 2008, A high-order algorithm for compressible LES in CAA applications, 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-7 May, Vancouver, Canada, AIAA Paper 2008-3049, 1-25. pdf download pdf
  64. Marsden, O., Jondeau, E., Souchotte, P., Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2008, Investigation of flow features and acoustic radiation of a round cavity, 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-7 May, Vancouver, Canada, AIAA Paper 2008-2851, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  65. Piellard, M. & Bailly, C., 2008, Validation of a hybrid CAA method. Application to the case of a ducted diaphragm at low Mach number, 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-7 May, Vancouver, Canada, AIAA Paper 2008-2873, 1-28. pdf download pdf
  66. Cotté, B, Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson F., 2008, Time-domain impedance boundary condition for outdoor sound propagation numerical simulations, 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 5-7, Vancouver, AIAA Paper 2008-3021, 1-17.
  67. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2009, Influence of the nozzle-exit boundary-layer thickness on the flow and acoustic fields of initially laminar jets, 15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 11-13 May, Miami, USA, AIAA Paper 2009-3409, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  68. Bodard, G., Bailly, C. & Vuillot, F., 2009, Matched hybrid approaches to predict jet noise by using large-eddy simulation, 15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 11-13 May, Miami, USA, AIAA Paper 2009-3316, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  69. Dragna, D., Cotté, B., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2009, Time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation with suitable impedance boundary conditions, 15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 11-13, Miami, Floride, USA, AIAA Paper 2009-3306, 1-17.
  70. Betgen, B. & Galland, M.A., 2009, Active control of complex surface impedance, 15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, May 11-13, Miami, Floride, USA, AIAA Paper 2009-3248.
  71. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2010, Flow and acoustic fields of Reynolds number 10^5, subsonic jets with tripped exit boundary layers, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June, Stockholm, Sweden, AIAA Paper 2010-3727, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  72. Berland, J., Lafon, P., Daude, F., Crouzet, F. & Bailly, C., 2010, Numerical insight into sound sources of a rod-airfoil flow configuration using direct noise calculation, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June, Stockholm, Sweden, AIAA Paper 2010-3705, 1-9. pdf download pdf
  73. de Cacqueray, N., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2010, Direct noise computation of a shocked and heated jet at a Mach number of 3.30, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June, Stockholm, Sweden, AIAA Paper 2010-3732, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  74. Kherhervé, F., Jordan, P., Delville, J., Bogey, C. & Juvé, D., 2010, Jet turbulence characteristics associated with downstream and sideline sound emission, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June, Stockholm, Sweden, AIAA Paper 2010-3965, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  75. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2010, Numerical investigation of flow features and acoustic radiation around a round cavity, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June, Stockholm, Sweden, AIAA Paper 2010-3988, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  76. Piellard, M. & Bailly, C., 2010, Several Computational Aeroacoustics solutions for the ducted diaphragm at low Mach number, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June, Stockholm, Sweden, AIAA Paper 2010-3996, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  77. Betgen, B., Galland, M.A., Piot, E. & Simon, F., 2010, Characterization of a hybrid active-passive liner by means of laser Doppler velocimetry, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, June 7-9, Stockholm, 2010, AIAA Paper 2010-3808.
  78. Dragna D., Blanc-Benon P. & Poisson F., 2010, Topography in time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation: application to railway noise, 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, June 7-9, Stockholm, 2010, AIAA Paper 2010-3758, 1-17.
  79. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2011, Experimental study of flight effects on screech in underexpanded jets, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2794. pdf download pdf
  80. Berland, J., Lafon, P., Crouzet, F., Daude, F. & Bailly, C., 2011, A parametric study of the noise radiated by the flow around multiple bodies: direct noise computation of the influence of the separating distance in rod-airfoil flow configurations, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2819. pdf download pdf
  81. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2011, A further step towards grid-converged solutions for an initially nominally turbulent jet, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2836, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  82. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2011, A computational study of the effects of nozzle-exit turbulence level on the flow and acoustic fields of a subsonic jet, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2837, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  83. de Cacqueray, N., Bogey, C., & Bailly, C., 2011, Investigation of highly supersonic jet noise: non-linear propagation effects and flow-acoustics correlations, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2747, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  84. Lafitte A., Laurendeau E., Le Garrec, T. & Bailly C., 2011, A study based on the sweeping hypothesis to generate stochastic turbulence 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2888, 1-20. pdf download pdf
  85. Carazo, A., Roger, M. & Omais, M., 2011, Analytical prediction of wake-interaction noise in counter-rotating propellers, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2758, 1-19.
  86. Finez, A., Jondeau, E., Roger, M. & Jacob, M.C., 2011, Experimental investigation of trailing edge noise from a linear cascade of cambered airfoils, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2876.
  87. Cahuzac, A., Boudet, J. & Jacob, M.C., 2011, Large-eddy simulation of a rotor tip clearance flow, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2947, 1-15.
  88. Lemoine, B., Roger, M. & Legriffon, I., 2011, Aeroacoustics of a model non-lifting wing-flap system in a parallel flow, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2735, 1-18.
  89. Corriveau, L., Sanjosé, M., Moreau, S., Christophe, J. & Roger, M., 2011, Predictions of acoustic sources and self-noise of a Katana blade at zero and high incidence, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2933, 1-14.
  90. Golubev, V., Nguyen, L., Roger, M. & Visbal, M.R., 2011, On Interaction of airfoil leading and trailing edge noise sources in turbulent flow, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2859.
  91. Marinius, B., Roger, M., van den Braembussche, R.A. & Bosschaerts, W., 2011, Multidisciplinary optimization of propeller blades: Focus on the aeroacoustic results, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2801, 1-20.
  92. Conte, F., Roger, M., Moreau, S., Sanjosé, M. & Caule, P., 2011, Modelling of installation effects on the noise from subsonic axial fans, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June, Portland, Oregon, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-2948, 1-19.
  93. Poignand G., Blanc-Benon P. & Jondeau E., 2011, Investigation of the aerodynamic field in a standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator using Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, June 6-8, Portland, Oregon, USA. AIAA Paper 2011-2932.
  94. Terracol, M., Manoha, E. & Lemoine, B., 2011, Investigation of the unsteady flow and noise sources generation in a slat cove: hybrid zonal RANS/LES simulation and dedicated experiment, 20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 27-30 June, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, AIAA Paper 2011-3203, 1-25.
  95. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2012, Flow and sound fields of initially tripped jets at Reynolds numbers ranging from 25000 to 200000, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 9-12 January, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, AIAA 2012-1172, 1-17. pdf download pdf
  96. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2012, Effects of initial shear-layer thickness on turbulent subsonic jets at moderate Reynolds numbers, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2249, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  97. Henry, C., Bailly, C. & Bodard, G., 2012, Statistical Modeling of BBSAN including refraction effects, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2163, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  98. Kremer, F., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2012, Development of semi-implicit Runge-Kutta schemes and application to a turbulent channel flow, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2066, 1-19. pdf download pdf
  99. Lafitte A., Laurendeau E., Le Garrec, T. & Bailly C., 2012, Prediction of subsonic jet noise relying on a sweeping based turbulence generation process, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2149, 1-16. pdf download pdf
  100. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2012, Depth effects on the flow features and noise signature of shallow cylindrical cavities at a Mach number of 0.25, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2232, 1-15. pdf download pdf
  101. Manoha, E., Terracol, M., Lemoine, B., Le Griffon, I. & Le Garrec, T., 2012, Slat noise measurement and numerical prediction in the VALIANT programme, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2100.
  102. Sanjosé, M., Christophe, J., Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2012, Effect of span and compressibility on the noise prediction of a katana blade, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2112.
  103. Kucukcoskun, K. & Roger, M., 2012, On the scattering of aerodynamic noise by a rigid corner, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2113.
  104. Golubev, V., Nguyen, L., Roger, M. & Visbal, M.R., 2012, A numerical investigation of the laminar instability multi-tonal noise of aerofoils, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2135.
  105. Roger, M., Schhram, C. & Moreau, S., 2012, On open-rotor blade-vortex interaction noise, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2216.
  106. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2012, The modeling of moving sources for time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation, 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 4-6 June, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2012-2109, 1-15.
  107. Kremer, F., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2013, Influence of resolution and Reynolds number on large-eddy simulations of channel flow using relaxation filtering, 51st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 7-10 January, Grapevine, Texas, USA, AIAA Paper 2013-0517, 1-15. pdf download pdf
  108. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2013, Experimental study of flight effects on slightly underexpanded supersonic jets, 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 27-29 May, Berlin, Germany, AIAA Paper 2013-2079, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  109. Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2013, Numerical investigation of temperature effects on properties of subsonic turbulent jets, 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 27-29 May, Berlin, Germany, AIAA Paper 2013-2140, 1-19. pdf download pdf
  110. Lacombe, R., Lafon, P., Daude, F., Crouzet, F., Bailly, C. & Ziada, S., 2013, Numerical and experimental analysis of flow-acoustic interactions in an industrial gate valve, 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 27-29 May, Berlin, Germany, AIAA Paper 2013-2158, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  111. Golubev, V., Nguyen, L., Mankbadi, R, Roger, M. & Visbal, M.R., 2013, Acoustic feedback-loop interactions in transitional airfoils, 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 27-29 May, Berlin, Germany, AIAA Paper 2013-2111.
  112. Roger, M., Schram, C. & De Santana, L., 2013, Reduction of airfoil turbulence-impingement noise by means of leading-edge serrations and/or porous materials, 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 27-29 May, Berlin, Germany, AIAA Paper 2013-2108.
  113. Finez, A., Leneveu, R., Picard, C. & Souchotte, P., 2013, In-duct acoustic source detection using acoustic imaging techniques, 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 27-29 May, Berlin, Germany, AIAA Paper 2013-2254.
  114. Bogey, C., 2014, A study of the effects of temperature on velocity and density fluctuations in high-subsonic jets, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 13-17 January, National Harbor, Maryland, USA, AIAA Paper 2014-0524, 1-15. pdf download pdf
  115. Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2014, Influence of nozzle-exit boundary-layer profile on high-subsonic jets, 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 16-20 June 2014, Atlanta, GA, USA, AIAA Paper 2014-2600, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  116. Salze, E., Bailly, C., Marsden, O., Jondeau, E. & Juvé, D., 2014, An experimental characterisation of wall pressure wavevector-frequency spectra in the presence of pressure gradients, 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 16-20 June 2014, Atlanta, GA, USA, AIAA Paper 2014-2909, 1-26. pdf download pdf
  117. Roger, M., Moreau, S. & Marsan, A., 2014, Generation and transmission of acoustic waves in multi-stage subsonic radial compressors, 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 16-20 June, Atlanta, GA, USA, AIAA Paper 2014-3232.
  118. Clair, V., Polacsek, C., Le Garrec, T. & Jacob, M.C., 2014, Numerical predictions of turbulence-cascade interaction noise using CAA with a stochastic model, 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 16-20 June, Atlanta, GA, USA, AIAA Paper 2014-2453.
  119. Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2015, Numerical modelling of jets exiting from the ASME and conical nozzles, 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, 5-9 January, Kissimmee, Florida, AIAA Paper 2015-0510, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  120. Brichet, G., Koenig, M. & Bailly, C., 2015, Installation noise of a turbofan jet engine under an airfoil, 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June 2015, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-2208, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  121. Gojon, R., Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2015, Large-eddy simulation of supersonic planar jets impinging on a flat plate at an angle of 60 to 90 degrees 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June 2015, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-2209, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  122. Gojon, R., Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2015, Large-eddy simulation of underexpanded round jets impinging on a flat plate 4 to 9 radii downstream from the nozzle, 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June 2015, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-2210, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  123. Le bras, S., Deniau, H., Bogey, C. & Daviller, G., 2015, Development of compressible large-eddy simulations combining high-order schemes and wall modeling, 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June 2015, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-3135, 1-22. pdf download pdf
  124. Salze, E., Bailly, C., Marsden, O., Jondeau, E. & Juvé, D., 2015, An experimental investigation of wall pressure fluctuations beneath pressure gradients, 21th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-3148, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  125. Jaouani, N., Roger, M., Nodé-Langlois, T. & Serre, G., 2015, Analytical prediction of the pylon-wake effect on the tonal noise radiated by the front-rotor of CROR propulsion systems, 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-2985.
  126. Quaglia, M., Moreau, S., Roger, M. & Fernando, R., 2015, A 3D analytical approach for open rotor blade vortex interaction(BVI) tonal noise, 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-2984.
  127. Falissard, F., Zehner, P., Roger, M. & Gloerfelt, X., 2015, Numerical and analytical investigation of orthogonal blade/vortex interaction noise, 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-2843.
  128. Bouley, S., François, B., Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2015, On a mode-matching technique for sound generation and transmission in a linear cascade of outlet guide vanes, 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-2825.
  129. Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2015, Towards Cascade trailing-edge noise modeling using a mode-matching technique, 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-2541. pdf download pdf
  130. Nguyen, L., Hiner, W., Salehian, S., Golubev, V., Mankbadi, R, Yakhina, G. & Roger, M., 2015, Parametric investigations of tonal trailing-edge noise generation by low-Reynolds number airfoils. Part II - Numerical studies, 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-2528.
  131. Yakhina, G., Roger, M., Nguyen, L. & Golubev, V., 2015, Parametric Investigations of tonal trailing-edge noise generation by low-Reynolds number Airfoils. Part I - Experimental studies, 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 22-26 June, Dallas, TX, USA, AIAA Paper 2015-2527.
  132. Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2016, A study of the grid dependence of the flow field and noise of subsonic jets, 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, 4-8 January, San Diego, California, USA, AIAA Paper 2016-0261, 1-19. pdf download pdf
  133. Yser P., Dagrau F., Chalot, F., Barré S. & Bailly, C., 2016, High-order variational multiscale model with an explicit filtering in a stabilised finite element method for LES/DES computations, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2722, 1-21. pdf download pdf
  134. Troian, R., Dragna, D., Bailly, C. & Galland, M.A., 2016, Broadband eduction of liner impedance under multimodal acoustic propagation, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2725, 1-10.
  135. Quaglia, M., Moreau, S., Roger, M. & Fernando, R., 2016, A preliminary semi-empirical approach for CROR noise modeling, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2743, 1-20. pdf download pdf
  136. Jaouani, N., Roger, M., Nodé-Langlois, T. & Serre, G., 2016, Effect of a model leading-edge vortex on the blade aerodynamic response for application to CROR tonal noise predictions, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2744.
  137. Leclère, Q., Chéron, E., Pereira, A., Picard, C. & Souchotte, P., 2016, Design and experimental validation of an array of accelerometers for in-flow acoustic beamforming applications, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2764. pdf download pdf
  138. Mercier, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2016, A schlieren based experimental investigation of screech noise sources, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2799, 1-17. pdf download pdf
  139. Jacob, M.C., Jondeau, E., Li, B. & Boudet, J., 2016, Tip leakage flow: advanced measurements and analysis, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2823.
  140. Boudet, J., Li, B., Caro, J., Jondeau, E. & Jacob, M.C., 2016, Tip-leakage flow: a detailed simulation with a zonal approach, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2824.
  141. Mann, A., Kim, M., Wu, J., Perot, F., Grilliat, J. & Jacob, M.C., 2016, Airfoil tip leakage aeroacoustics predictions using a lattice Boltzmann based method, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2825.
  142. Bouley, S., François, B. & Roger, M., 2016, On a mode-matching technique for sound generation and transmission in a three-dimensional annular cascade of outlet guide vanes, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2880.
  143. Sanjose, M., Pestana, M., Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2016, Influence and modeling of OGV heterogeneity, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2881.
  144. Gojon, R. & Bogey, C., 2016, Azimuthal organisation of turbulent structures in underexpanded impinging round jets, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2929, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  145. Gojon, R. & Bogey, C., 2016, Investigation of the feedback mechanism in ideally expanded round impinging jets using large-eddy simulation 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2931, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  146. Masson, V., Posson, H., Sanjose, M., Moreau, S. & Roger, M., 2016, Fan-OGV interaction broadband noise prediction in a rigid annular duct with swirling and sheared mean flow, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2944.
  147. François, B., Bouley, S., Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2016, Analytical models based on a mode-matching technique for turbulence impingement noise on axial-flow outlet guide vanes, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2947.
  148. Roger, M., François, B. & Bauerheim, M., 2016, Three-dimensional modeling of annular cascade trailing-edge noise, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2949. pdf download pdf
  149. Le bras, S., Deniau, H. & Bogey, C., 2016, A flux reconstruction technique for non-conforming grid interfaces in aeroacoustic simulations, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2972, 1-19. pdf download pdf
  150. Castelain, T., Gojon, R., Mercier, B. & Bogey, C., 2016, Estimation of convection speed in underexpanded jets from schlieren pictures: effects of space integration, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2984, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  151. Giez, J., Vion, L., Roger, M. & Moreau, S., 2016, Effect of the edge-and-tip vortex on airfoil selfnoise and turbulence impingement noise, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-2996.
  152. Yuldashev, P.V., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon P., 2016, Steepening and smearing of shock front of nonlinear N-wave propagating in a turbulent layer, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-3012, 1-7.
  153. Dragna, D., Ollivier, S., Desjouy, C., Castelain, T. & Blanc-Benon P., 2016, Reflection of weak shockwaves from a rough surface, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-3013, 1-10.
  154. Yakhina, G., Roger, M., Kholodov, P., Nguyen, L. & Golubev, V., 2016, An integrated study of laminar separation bubble effect on tonal noise generation in transitional airfoils, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-3022.
  155. Nguyen, L., Golubev, V., Mankbadi, R, Yakhina, G., Roger, M. & Visbal, M.R., 2016, A summary of high-fidelity numerical studies of flow acoustic resonant interactions in transitional airfoils, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-3030.
  156. Biolchini, R., Bailly, C., Boussuge J.-F. & Fernando, R., 2016, Numerical study on the relation between hydrodynamic fluctuations and noise in hot jets at high Reynolds number, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-3048, 1-15.
  157. Bouley, S., Finez, A. & Roger, M., 2016, Rotor-stator wake-interaction tonal noise modeling with an edge-dipole approach, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-3061.
  158. Pereira, A., Salze, E., Souchotte, P., Finez, A. & Leclère, Q., 2016, Modal identification of a small-scale ducted fan, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 30 May - 1 June, Lyon, France, AIAA Paper 2016-3063. pdf download pdf
  159. Bogey C., 2017, Direct numerical simulation of a temporally-developing subsonic round jet and its sound field, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting , AIAA SciTech Forum, 9-13 January, Grapevine, Texas, USA, AIAA Paper 2017-0925, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  160. Nguyen, L.D., Golubev, V.V., Mankbadi, R.R., Yakhina, G.R., Roger, M., Pasiliao, C.L. & Visbal, M.R., 2017, On ladder-type structure of acoustic tones radiated by transitional airfoils, 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-9 June 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2017-3001, 1-14.
  161. Pineau, P. & Bogey, C., 2017, Numerical study of the sound fields of temporally-developing supersonic round jets, 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-9 June 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2017-3209, 1-17. pdf download pdf
  162. Pestana, M., Pereira, A., Salze, E., Thisse, J., Sanjosé, M., Jondeau, E., Souchotte, P., Roger, M., Moreau, S., Regnard, J. & Gruber, M., 2017, Aeroacoustics of an axial ducted low Mach-number stage: numerical and experimental investigation, 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-9 June 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2017-3215, 1-22. pdf download pdf
  163. Giez, J., Roger, M., Vion, L. & Moreau, S., 2017, Effects of intermittency and geometry on the turbulence impingement noise of a CROR rear-rotor blade, 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-9 June 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2017-3217, 1-12.
  164. Huber, J., Jordan, P., Roger, M., Gervais Y. & Lizarazu, D., 2017, Exploring flight effects for installed jet noise using a wavepacket sound-source model, 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-9 June 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2017-3382, 1-14.
  165. Schram, C., Christophe, J., Shur, M., Strelets, M., Travin, A., Wohlbrandt, A., Guérin, S., Ewert, R., Martinez-Lera, P., Tournour, M., François, B. & Roger, M., 2017, Fan noise predictions using scale-resolved, statistical, stochastic and semi-analytical model, 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-9 June 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2017-3386, 1-23.
  166. Laffay, P., Jacob, M.C., Moreau, S. & Regnard, J., 2017, Experimental investigation of the transient bleed valve noise, 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-9 June 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2017-3528, 1-17.
  167. Bahr, C., Humphreys Jr., W.M., Ernst, D., Ahlefeldt, T., Spehr, C., Pereira, A., Leclère, Q., Picard, C., Porteous, R., Moreau, D.J., Fischer, J. & Doolan, C.J., 2017, A comparison of microphone phased array methods applied to the study of airframe noise in wind tunnel testing 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-9 June 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2017-3718, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  168. Bogey, C., 2017, On the noise generated by the potential-core closing of temporally-developing subsonic jets, 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-9 June 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA, AIAA Paper 2017-3851, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  169. Bogey, C. & Pineau, P., 2018, Flow and sound fields of low-Reynolds-number temporal jets at Mach numbers from 0.3 to 2, 24th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 25-29 June, Atlanta, GA, USA, AIAA Paper 2018-3615, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  170. Laffay, P., Jacob, M.C., Moreau, S. & Regnard, J., 2018, Experimental investigation of the acoustic role of the output duct in the discharge of a high-pressure flow through diaphragms and perforated plates, 24th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 25-29 June, Atlanta, GA, USA, AIAA Paper 2018-3606. pdf download pdf
  171. Pineau, P. & Bogey, C., 2018, Study of the generation of shock waves by high-speed jets using conditional averaging, 24th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 25-29 June, Atlanta, GA, USA, AIAA Paper 2018-3305, 1-16. pdf download pdf
  172. Yakhina, G., Roger, M., Finez, A., Baron, V., Moreau, S. & Giez, J., 2018, Broadband airfoil-noise source localization by microphone arrays and modeling of a swept free-tip blade, 24th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 25-29 June, Atlanta, GA, USA, AIAA Paper 2018-3935, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  173. Prigent, L.S., Engelman, R., Salze, E. & Bailly, C., 2018, Deconvolution of the wave number - frequency spectra of wall pressure fluctuations, 24th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 25-29 June, Atlanta, GA, USA, AIAA Paper 2018-3291, 1-17. pdf download pdf
  174. Bogey, C., 2019, Two-dimensional features of correlations in the flow and near pressure fields of Mach number 0.9 jets, AIAA SciTech Forum, 7-11 January, San Diego, California, CA, USA, AIAA Paper 2019-0806, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  175. Pineau, P. & Bogey, C., 2019, Temperature effects on the generation of steepened waves by supersonic temporal round jets, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference, 20-23 mai 2019, Delft, Pays-Bas, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2019-2707, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  176. Martelet, Y., Suratteau, J.-Y., Pont, G. & Bailly, C., 2019, Prediction of fine-scale jet mixing noise using geometrical acoustics, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 20-23 May, Delft, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2019-2755, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  177. Salze, E., Jondeau, E., Pereira, A., Prigent, S.L. & Bailly, C., 2019, A new MEMS microphone array for the wavenumber analysis of wall-pressure fluctuations: application to the modal investigation of a ducted low-Mach number stage, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2019-2574, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  178. Salze, E., Pereira, A., Souchotte, P., Regnard, J., Gea-Aguilera, F. & Gruber, M., 2019, New modular fan rig for advanced aeroacoustic tests - Acoustic characterization of the facility, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2019-2603, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  179. Pereira, A., Salze, E., Regnard, J., Gea-Aguilera, F. & Gruber, M., 2019, New modular fan rig for advanced aeroacoustic tests - Modal decomposition on a 20" UHBR fan stage, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2019-2604, 1-15. pdf download pdf
  180. Girier, L., Roger, M., Bériot, H., Lafitte, A. & Posson, H., 2019, A two-dimensional model of sound transmission through curved and staggered OGV: effect of inter-vane channel mode transitions, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2019-2690, 1-16. pdf download pdf
  181. Lewis, D., Moreau, S. & Jacob, M.C., 2019, On the use of RANS-informed analytical models to perform broadband rotor-stator interaction noise predictions, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2019-2667, 1-17. pdf download pdf
  182. Pestana, M., Sanjosé, M., Roger, M., Moreau, S. & Gruber, M., 2019, Assessment of the impact of a heterogeneous stator on the noise of an axial-flow Low Mach-number stage, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2019-2589, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  183. Deng, Y., Dragna, D., Galland, M.A. & Alomar, A., 2019, Comparison of three numerical methods for acoustic propagation in a lined duct with flow, 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, AIAA Paper 2019-2658, 1-15.
  184. Lewis, D., Moreau, S. & Jacob, M.C., 2020, Broadband noise predictions on the ACAT1 fan stage using Large-Eddy Simulations and analytical models, 26th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA Paper 2020-2519, June 15-19 (virtual event), 1-24. pdf download pdf
  185. Varé, M. & Bogey, C., 2020, Large-eddy simulations of round jets at a Mach number of 0.9 impinging on a plate with and without a hole, 26th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA Paper 2020-2549, June 15-19 (virtual event), 1-16. pdf download pdf
  186. Spieser, E., Bailly, C. & Legendre, C., 2021, Solution of Pierce’s equation for Tam & Auriault’s mixing noise model, 27th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA Paper 2021-2238, August 2-6 (virtuel event), 1-21. pdf download pdf
  187. Buszyk, M., Polacsek, C., Le Garrec, T., Barrier, R. & Bailly, C., 2021, 3D CAA methodology using synthetic turbulence to assess turbulence-cascade interaction noise emission and reduction from serrated airfoils, 27th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA Paper 2021-2257, August 2-6 (virtuel event), 1-29. pdf download pdf
  188. Cros, E., Roger, M. & Serre, G., 2021, On the very low frequency scattering of marine propeller noise by a neighboring cylinder, 27th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA Paper 2021-2251, August 2-6 (virtuel event), 1-16. pdf download pdf
  189. Varé, M. & Bogey, C., 2021, Large-eddy simulations of the flow and acoustic fields of a rocket jet impinging on a perforated plate, 27th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA Paper 2021-2252, August 2-6 (virtuel event), 1-15. pdf download pdf
  190. Acevedo-Giraldo, D., Roger, M., Jacob, M.C. & Bériot, H., 2022, Experimental and analytical study of the aerodynamic noise emitted by distributed electric propulsion systems 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, June 14-17, AIAA Paper 2022-2830, 1-22. pdf download pdf
  191. Al-Am, J., Clair, V., Giauque, A., Boudet, J. & Gea-Aguilera, F., 2022, Direct noise predictions of fan broadband noise using LES and analytical models, 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, June 14-17, AIAA Paper 2022-2882, 1-22. pdf download pdf
  192. Bogey, C., 2022, Effects of the upstream-propagating guided jet waves on the mixing layers of Mach number 0.9 free jets, 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, June 14-17, AIAA Paper 2022-2870, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  193. Colas, J., Emmanuelli, A., Dragna, D., Stevens, R.J.A.M. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2022, Effect of a 2D hill on the propagation of wind turbine noise, 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, June 14-17, AIAA Paper 2022-2923, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  194. Ford, C., Pereira, A. & Bailly, C., 2022, Preliminary results of modal analysis for a ducted axial fan from external pressure measurements, 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, June 14-17, AIAA Paper 2022-3097, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  195. Kurek, I., Lecomte, P., Castelain, T., Jondeau, E. & Bailly, C., 2022, Interferometric Rayleigh Scattering for flow analysis: Fabry-Pérot interferogram analysis, 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, June 14-17, AIAA Paper 2022-2957, 1-18. pdf download pdf
  196. Palma, G., Meloni, S., Camussi, R., Iemma, U. & Bogey, C., 2022, A multi-objective optimization of a wave-packet model using near–field subsonic jet data, 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, June 14-17, AIAA Paper 2022-2934, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  197. Schoder, S., Kaltenbacher, M., Spieser, E., Vincent, H., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2022, Aeroacoustic wave equation based on Pierce’s operator applied to the sound generated by a mixing layer, 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, June 14-17, AIAA Paper 2022-2896, 1-13. pdf download pdf
  198. Spieser, E., Bailly, C. & Legendre, C., 2022, Acoustic modelling of the installation effects of a subsonic jet beneath a flat plate, 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, June 14-17, AIAA Paper 2022-2858, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  199. Varé, M. & Bogey, C., 2022, Mach number dependence of tone generation in impinging round jets, 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Southampton, UK, June 14-17, AIAA Paper 2022-2866, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  200. Al-Am, J., Clair, V., Giauque, A., Boudet, J. & Gea-Aguilera, F., 2023, Direct noise predictions of a 360° full fan stage using LES, 29th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 June, AIAA Paper 2023-4295, 1-11. pdf download pdf
  201. Bogey, C., 2023, Effects of nozzle-lip thickness on the tones in the near-field pressure spectra of high-speed jets, 29th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 June, AIAA Paper 2023-3935, 1-14. pdf download pdf
  202. Clair, V., Salze, E., Souchotte, P. & Jondeau, E., 2023, Turbulence interaction noise from a rectilinear cascade of airfoils and effects of porous material inclusions, 29th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 June, AIAA Paper 2023-4188, 1-16. pdf download pdf
  203. Girier, L., Roger, M., Lafitte, A. & Posson, H., 2023, A two-dimensional mode-matching technique for wake-interaction tonal noise including rotor-stator coupling, 29th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 June, AIAA Paper 2023-4189, 1-17. pdf download pdf
  204. Miranda, J., Pereira, A., Jacob, M. & Thisse, J., 2023, Modal analysis of in-duct tonal fan noise at varying shaft speed with an iterative Bayesian inverse approach, 29th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 June, AIAA Paper 2023-4298, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  205. Palma, G., Meloni, S., Camussi, R., Iemma, U. & Bogey, C., 2023, Subsonic installed jet noise scattering prediction using BEM and an optimized wave-packet model, 29th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 June, AIAA Paper 2023-3832, 1-10. pdf download pdf
  206. Varé, M. & Bogey, C., 2023, Tone generation in impinging jets with laminar and highly-disturbed nozzle-exit boundary layers, 29th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 June, AIAA Paper 2023-3745, 1-16. pdf download pdf
  207. Willis III, W.A., Valdez, J.A., Pineau, P., Bogey, C., Tinney, C.E. & Hamilton, M.F., 2023, A study of Mach wave coalescence using spark sources and large-eddy simulation, 29th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-16 June, AIAA Paper 2023-0021, 1-19. pdf download pdf
aeroacoustics haut/top
  1. Emmanuelli, A., Dragna, D., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2020, Propagation of sonic boom reflected on irregular terrain, 18th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, August 3-4, Online.
  2. Robert, L., Marchiano, R., Gainville, O., Millet, C., Aubry, L., Braeuning, J.P., Dragna, D. & Bailly, C., 2018, Inter-comparison of numerical models for propagation of infrasounds, 17th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 12-13, Lyon.
  3. Karzova, M.M., Lechat, T., Dragna, D., Ollivier, S., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, Modeling of nonlinear N-wave propagation in a turbulent layer: pressure field distortions and statistics, 17th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 12-13, Lyon.
  4. Dagallier, A., Cheinet, S., Cosnefroy, M., Juvé, D. & Wey, P., 2018, Acoustic localization of artillery shots, 17th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 12-13, Lyon.
  5. Yuldashev, P.V., Karzova, M.M., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, Modeling of nonlinear N-wave propagation in a turbulent layer: pressure field distortions and statistics, 17th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 12-13, Lyon.
  6. Spieser, E. & Bailly, C., 2018, Adjoint of an approximate wave operator applied to the acoustic propagation in an arbitrary mean flow, 17th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 12-13, Lyon.
  7. Clair, V. & Gabard, G., 2018, Spectral broadening of acoustic waves by a convected layer of synthetic turbulence, 17th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 12-13, Lyon.
  8. Cosnefroy, M., Cheinet, S., Ehrhardt, L., Dagallier, A., Dragna, D. & Juvé, D., 2018, Long range sound propagation in a refractive atmosphere: time-domain simulations versus measurements, 17th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 12-13, Lyon.
  9. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2016, Acoustic propagation above a spatially-varying impedance plane, 16th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, September 20-21, Oxford, MS, USA.
  10. Blanc-Benon, P., Dragna, D., Ollivier, S., Desjouy, C. & Karzova, M., 2016, Experimental analysis and numerical simulations of the irregular reflection of weak shock waves on a plane surface, 16th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, September 20-21, Oxford, MS, USA.
  11. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, A generalized recursive convolution method for time-domain propagation in porous media, 15th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, Oct. 9-10, Vienna, Austria.
  12. Desjouy, C., Ollivier, S., Salze, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Study of N-wave propagation close to rigid surfaces and into shadow zones, 15th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, Oct. 9-10, Vienna, Austria.
  13. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2011, Effects of ground surface on numerical simulations of atmospheric sound propagation, 14th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, March 17-18, Annapolis, MD, USA.
  14. Dragna, D., Hornikx, M., Blanc-Benon, P., Poisson, F. & Waxler, R., 2011, Chebyshev pseudo-spectral time-domain method for simulations of outdoor sound propagation, 14th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, March 17-18, Annapolis, MD, USA.
  15. Gainville,, O., Piserchia, P.F., Blanc-Benon, P. & Scott, J., 2011, Infrasound propagation in realistic atmosphere using nonlinear ray theory, 14th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, March 17-18, Annapolis, MD, USA.
  16. Ehrhardt, L., Cheinet, S. & Juvé, D., 2011, Scattering of plane waves by local homogeneities and turbulence: comparison between theory and time-domain computations, 14th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, March 17-18, Annapolis, MD, USA.
  17. Marsden, O., Vayno, L., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2008, Study of long-range infrasound propagation with high-performance numerical schemes applied to the Euler equations, 13th Long Range Sound Propagation, Lyon October 13-16, 201-216. pdf download pdf
  18. Cotté, B. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2008, Outdoor sound propagation simulations in the time domain using linearized Euler equations with suitable impedance boundary conditions, 13th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, October 13-16, Lyon.
  19. Gainville, O., Blanc-Benon, P., Blanc, E., Roche, R. , Millet, C., Le Piver, F., Despres, B. & Piserchia, P.F., 2008, Misty Picture: A unique experiment for the interpretation of the infrasound propagation from large explosive sources, 13th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, October 13-16, Lyon.
  20. Ollivier, S., Blanc-Benon, P., Averiyanov, M.V., Yuldashev, P.V. & Khokhlova, V.A., 2008, Experimental study of N-wave propagation through fully developed turbulence, 13th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, October 13-16, Lyon.
  21. Gainville, O., Blanc-Benon, P. & Piserchia, P.F., 2006, Infrasound propagation in a realistic atmosphere: numerical modelling using ray theory and comparison with experiments, 12th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, October 25-26, New Orleans, LA, USA.
  22. Blanc-Benon, P., Averiyanov, M.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Cleveland, R. & Sapozhnikov, O.A., 2006, Nonlinear parabolic equation for acoustic wave propagation in inhomogeneous moving media, 12th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, October 25-26, New Orleans, LA, USA.
  23. Defrance, J., Aballea, F., Priour, M., Premat, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2004, Sound propagation over non-flat terrain with realistic meteorological effects using the PE and the BEM: new theoretical developments and comparison with scale model measurements, 11th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 1-3, Fairlee, VT, USA.
  24. Blanc-Benon, P., Lihoreau, B., Penelon, T., Gauvreau, B., Calmet, I. & Bérengier, M., 2004, Outdoor sound propagation modeling in complex environments: Coupling of a PE method with a meteorological model, 11th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 1-3, Fairlee, VT, USA.
  25. Blanc-Benon, P. & Ollivier, S., 2004, Model experiments to study acoustic N-wave propagation through turbulence, 11th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 1-3, Fairlee, VT, USA.
  26. Qin, Q., Attenborough, K., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2004, Effects of surface roughness and turbulence on propagation of shock waves above a curved surface, 11th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 1-3, Fairlee, VT, USA.
  27. Blanc-Benon, P., Dallois, L., Scott, J., Berger, U., Allwright, D. & Kaouri, K., 2004, Ray-theory analysis of sonic boom in a 3-D unsteady atmosphere with nonlinearity and relaxation, 11th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 1-3, Fairlee, VT, USA.
  28. Ostashev, V.E., Blanc-Benon, P., Juvé, D & Dallois, L., 2002, Wide-angle parabolic equation for sound waves in a refractive turbulent atmosphere, 10th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, September 12-13, Grenoble.
  29. Dallois, L., Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 2002, The modelling of long range sound propagation: recent developments in the PE method, 10th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, September 12-13, Grenoble.
  30. Blairon, N., Blanc-Benon, P., Bérengier, M. & Juvé, D., 2002, Outdoor sound propagation in complex environments: experimental validation of a PE approach, 10th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, September 12-13, Grenoble.
  31. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 2000, Experimental study of sound propagation above rigid and non rigid boundaries in the presence of turbulence, 9th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, September 14-15, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  32. Gauvreau, B., Bérengier, M., Blanc-Benon, P. & Depollier, C., 1998, Impedance discontinuity and range dependent refraction profile: A numerical study, 8th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA.
  33. Dallois, L., Blanc-Benon, P., Juvé, D. & Ostashev, V.E., 1998, A wide angle parabolic equation for sound waves in moving media, 8th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA.
  34. Blanc-Benon, P. & Juvé, D., 1996, Propagation of acoustic pulses in a turbulent refractive atmosphere, 7th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, July 24-26, Lyon.
  35. Juvé, D., Blanc-Benon P. & Chevret, P., 1994, Sound propagation through a turbulent atmosphere: influence of the turbulence model, 6th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, June 12-14, Ottawa, Canada.
  36. Juvé, D., Blanc-Benon P. & Chevret, P., 1992, Numerical simulation of sound propagation through a turbulent atmosphere, 5th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, May 24-26, Milton Keynes, England.
  1. Sunyach, M., Arbey, H., Robert, D., Bataille, J. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1973, Correlations between far-field acoustic pressure and flow characteristics for a single airfoil. Noise Mechanisms, 19-21 November, Brussels, Belgium, AGARD Conference Proceedings 131, Paper 5, S1-S12.
  2. Bailly, C., Lafon, P. & Candel, S., 1994, Stochastic approach to noise modelling for free turbulent flows, Flow acoustics: a technology audit, international conference organized by Ffowcs Williams, J. & Comte-Bellot, G., 11-13 juillet, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 1-5.
  3. Witkowska, A., Brasseur, J. & Juvé, D., 1995, Numerical study of noise from stationary isotropic turbulence, 15th International Congress on Acoustics, 26-30 June, Trondheim, Norway.
  4. Bailly, C. & Blanc-Benon, P., 1998, Stochastic turbulent fields for acoustic numerical simulations, Symposium on Aircraft Noise, 15-20 november, Anaheim (CA), USA, ASME Noise Control and Acoustics Division, NCA-vol. 25, 21-29.
  5. Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 1999, Aeroacoustic simulations and stochastic approach using linearized Euler's equations, 2nd Forum Acusticum / 137th ASA Meeting, 14-19 March, Berlin, invited lecture, 2pNSd, 1-4 (CD-ROM). Voir aussi: Acustica-Acta Acustica, 85, S140 & J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 105(2), pt. 2, february 99.
  6. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 1999, CAA approaches applied to mixing layer noise computation using LES, 2nd Forum Acusticum / 137th ASA Meeting, 14-19 March, Berlin, 2pNSe1, 1-4 (CD-ROM). Voir aussi: Acustica-Acta Acustica, 85, S142 & J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 105(2), pt. 2, february 99.
  7. Juvé, D. & Bailly, C., 1999, Numerical simulations of aerodynamic noise, Sixth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 5-8 July, Copenhague, Denmark, 3627-3630.
  8. Bailly, C., 1999, Computation of generation and radiation of acoustic waves in the presence of a supersonic flow, Third Computational Aeroacoustics Workshop on Benchmark Problems, Nov. 8-10, 1999, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Brookpark / Cleveland, Ohio, NASA CP-2000-209790, 283-294.
  9. Seror, C., Sagaut, P., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Sound generated by high speed rectangular jet using large eddy simulation, 7th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 4-7 July, Garmish-Partenkirchen, Germany, 1171-1177. pdf download pdf
  10. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Jet noise computation: direct and hybrid approaches, invited lecture, Jet Noise Workshop, Ohio Aerospace Institute, November 7-9, 2000, NASA CP-2001-211152, 833-890.
  11. Bailly, C., Bogey, C., Gloerfelt, X. & Juvé, D., 2001, Recent achievements in computational aeroacoustics, invited lecture, 17th International Congress on Acoustics, 3-7 septembre, Rome, 1-2.
  12. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2001, Flow field and sound radiation of a Mach 0.9 jet computed by LES, Symposium on Developments in Computational Aero- and Hydro-Acoustics, AVT 74 (AGARD), 8-11 october, Manchester, UK., 13-1 - 13-12.
  13. Gloerfelt, X., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2001, Direct calculation of cavity noise and validation of acoustic analogies, Symposium on Developments in Computational Aero- and Hydro-Acoustics, AVT 74 (AGARD), 8-11 october, Manchester, UK., 22-1 - 22-12.
  14. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2002, LES of a high Reynolds number jet for acoustics, ERCOFTAC Workshop on LES for Acoustics, 7-8 october, DLR Gà¶ttingen, Germany, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  15. Gloerfelt, X., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2002, LES of the noise radiated by a flow over a rectangular cavity, ERCOFTAC Workshop on LES for Acoustics, 7-8 october, DLR Gà¶ttingen, Germany, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  16. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2002, Direct computation of the sound of a high Reynolds number jet, CEAS workshop from CFD to CAA, 7-8 november, Athens, Greece, 1-21. pdf download pdf
  17. Gloerfelt, X., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2002, A case of intermittency in the noise radiated by a turbulent cavity flow, CEAS workshop from CFD to CAA, 7-8 november, Athens, Greece, 1-17.
  18. Bailly, C., 2002, Role of the direct noise calculation in aeroacoustics, invited lecture, CEAS workshop from CFD to CAA, 7-8 november, Athens, Greece, 1-38.
  19. Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2003, Radiation and refraction of sound waves through a two-dimensional shear layer, Fourth Computational Aeroacoustics workshop on benchmark problems, Ohio Aerospace Institute, October 20-22, NASA CP-2004-212954, 149-154. pdf download pdf
  20. Bogey, C., Berland J. & Bailly, C., 2003, Application of optimized explicit schemes to category 1 probleme 1, Fourth Computational Aeroacoustics workshop on benchmark problems, Ohio Aerospace Institute, October 20-22, NASA CP-2004-212954, 393-400.
  21. Fleury, V. & Bailly, C., 2004, Stability of a slowly diverging axisymmetric jet in the presence of a coflow, 7ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, March 22-25, Strasbourg, 1-2.
  22. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Large Eddy Simulations of round free jets using explicit filtering with/without dynamic Smagorinsky model, Fourth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-4), Williamsburg, VA, USA, 27-29 June, 817-822. pdf download pdf
  23. Barré S., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Computation of the jet noise generated by subsonic jets with turbulent exit boundary layers, Euromech colloquium 467, Turbulent flows and noise generation, Marseille, 18-20 July, 105-108. pdf download pdf
  24. Berland, J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Direct computation of the screech tones generated by a planar underexpanded jet, Euromech colloquium 467, Turbulent flows and noise generation, Marseille, 18-20 July, 84-87. pdf download pdf
  25. Castelain, T., Sunyach, M. & Béra, J.C., 2005, Noise reduction of a Mach 0.7-0.9 jet by impinging microjets, Active Control of Aircraft Noise: Concept to Reality, 9th CEAS-ASC Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden.
  26. Emmert, T., Lafon, P. & Bailly, C., 2005, High-order schemes for ducted complex configurations with flow singularities, Euromech colloquium 467, Turbulent flows and noise generation, Marseille, 18-20 July, 18-21.
  27. Fleury, V., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2005, Shear-layer noise generation in an excited jet, Euromech colloquium 467, Turbulent flows and noise generation, Marseille, 18-20 July, 141-144. pdf download pdf
  28. Berland, J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Computation of a shock containing planar jet and its screech tones using Large-Eddy simulation, Conference on Turbulence and Iteractions - TI 2006, Porquerolles, France, 29 May - 2 June, 1-3. pdf download pdf
  29. Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2006, An overview of numerical methods for acoustic wave propagation, European Conference of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Eccomas CFD 2006, September 5-8, Egmond and Zee, The Netherlands, Paper 635, 1-16. pdf download pdf
  30. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & O. Marsden, 2008, Advances in computational aeroacoustics: challenges and issues, 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM7), Limassol, Chyprus, 4-6 June, invited paper, 612-621. pdf download pdf
  31. Daude, F., Emmert, T., Lafon, P. Crouzet, F. & Bailly, C., 2008, On the use of high-order finite difference schemes on overset grids for LES in aeroacoustics, 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM7), Limassol, Chyprus, 4-6 June, 217-222. pdf download pdf
  32. Marsden, O., Jondeau, E., Souchotte, P. & Bailly, C., 2008, Experimental investigation if flow features and acoustic radiation of a round cavity under subsonic grazing flow, 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM7), Limassol, Chyprus, 4-6 June, 559-562. pdf download pdf
  33. Daude, F., Lafon, P. Crouzet, F. & Bailly, C., 2008, An overset grid strategy for aeroacoustics and aeroelasticity of moving bodies, International Workshop on Fluid-Structure Interaction: Theory, Numerics and Applications, September 29 - October 1, Herrsching am Ammersee (Munich), Germany. pdf download pdf
  34. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2008, Recent developments in Direct Noise Computation of turbulent flows: numerical methods and applications, inter-noise, 37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Shanghai, 26-29 oct., China, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  35. Berson, A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2008, Nonlinear heat transport between the stack and the heat-exchangers of standing-wave thermoacoustic refrigerators, 18th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics (ISNA), 7-10 July, Stockholm, Sweden.
  36. Averiyanov, M.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2008, Nonlinear propagation of sonic booms in turbulent atmosphere: laboratory scale experiment and theoretical analysis, 18th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics (ISNA), 7-10 July, Stockholm, Sweden.
  37. Berson, A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2008, Advanced flow measurements in a standing-wave thermoacoustic refrigerator, Acoustics'08, 30 June-4 July, Paris, France.
  38. Yuldashev, P.V., Averiyanov, M V., Khokhlova, V.A., Sapozhnikov, O.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2008, Nonlinear propagation of spark-generated N-waves in atmosphere: theoretical and experimental assessment of the shock front structure, Acoustics'08, 30 June-4 July, Paris, France.
  39. Cotté, B., Blanc-Benon Ph, Poisson, F. & Cremenzi-Charlet, C., 2008, Long range propagation of high speed train noise: Sound level variations before and after the pass-bys, invited paper, Acoustics'08, 30 June-4 July, Paris, France.
  40. Lotton, P., Penelet, G., Gaviot, E., Durand, S., Camberlein, L., Blanc-Benon, P. & Bruneau M., 2008, Recent developments in miniaturization of thermoacoustic devices, invited paper, Acoustics'08, 30 June-4 July, Paris, France.
  41. Gainville, O., Blanc-Benon, P., Blanc, E., Roche, R., Millet, C., Le Piver, F., Despres, B. & Piserchia P.F., 2008, Misty Picture: a unique experiment for the interpretation of the infrasound propagation from large explosive source, Acoustics'08, 30 June-4 July, Paris, France.
  42. Sturm, F., 2008, Investigation of 3-D benchmark problems in underwater acoustics: a uniform approach, Acoustics'08, 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 29 June-4 July, Paris, France, 759-764.
  43. Korakas, A., Sturm, F., Sessarego, J.P. & Ferrand, D., 2008, Tank experiments of sound propagation over a tilted bottom: comparison with a 3-D PE model, Acoustics'08, 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 29 June-4 July, Paris, France, 429-434.
  44. Antonopoulou, D., Dougalis, V., Sturm, F. & Zouraris, G., 2008, Conservative initial-boundary value problems for the wide-angle PE in waveguides with variable bottoms, Acoustics'08, 9th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 29 June-4 July, Paris, France, 375-380.
  45. Piellard, M. & Bailly, C., 2009, A hybrid method for Computational Aeroacoustic applied to internal flows, NAG-DAGA International Conference on Acoustics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, March 23-26, NAGDAGA2009/369, 1-3. pdf download pdf
  46. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2009, Effects of nozzle-exit boundary-layer thickness on the turbulent development of initially laminar circular jets, Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-6), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 22-24 June, 829-834.
  47. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2009, Computation of subsonic jet noise using Large Eddy Simulation: some key requirements for fidelity, EUROMECH Colloquium 504 on Large Eddy Simulation for aerodynamics and aeroacoustics, invited lecture, 23-25 March, Munich, Germany.
  48. Arthurs, D., Fitzpatrick, J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2009, Spectral estimation of the sound sources in jet flows, EURONOISE 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland, October 26-28, 1-13.
  49. Piellard, M. & Bailly, C., 2009, Use of a hybrid method of Computational Aeroacoustics: the ducted diaphragm at low Mach number, Aachen Acoustics Colloquium, November 24-25, Aachen, Germany, 1-10. pdf download pdf
  50. Blanc-Benon, P. & Gainville, O., 2009, Analysis of infrasound propagation in realistic atmosphere using nonlinear ray theory, invited paper, 9th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 7-11 September, Dresden, Germany.
  51. Ollivier, S., Blanc-Benon, P., Averiyanov, M.V., Yuldashev P.V. & Khokhlova V.A., 2009, N-wave propagation through fully developed turbulence: experimental studies, Internoise 2009, 22-25 August, Ottawa, Canada, in09-567.
  52. Korakas, A., Sturm, F., Sessarego, J.P. & Ferrand, D., 2009, Experimental evidence of range dependence of mode cut-on frequency in a scaled wedge-like environments, 3rd International Conference & Exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, 21-26 June, Nafplion, Greece, 1091-1098.
  53. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2010, Experimental investigation of aerodynamical and acoustical properties of an underexpanded supersonic jet with forward fight effect, 45th Symposium in Applied Aerodynamics, AAAF, Polytech Marseille, 23-25 mars, 1-10. pdf download pdf
  54. de Cacqueray, N., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2010, Large-eddy simulation and direct noise prediction of a shocked and heated jet at a Mach number of 3.30, 45ème Colloque d'Aérodynamique Appliquée: contrà´le des écoulements, 22-24 mars, Marseille, 1-9. pdf download pdf
  55. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2010, Large-eddy simulation of subsonic round jets with tripped exit boundary layers, European Conference of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Eccomas CFD 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 June, 1-7, CD-ROM Paper 1802, ISBN: 978-989-96778-1-4. pdf download pdf
  56. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2010, Numerical investigation of flow features and acoustic radiation from round cavities, European Conference of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Eccomas CFD 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 June, 1-10, CD-ROM Paper 1812, ISBN: 978-989-96778-1-4. pdf download pdf
  57. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2010, Influence of grid resolution on a tripped subsonic round jet at a Reynolds number of 100,000, Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2010, Sept. 27-30, Cincinnati, Ohio USA. pdf download pdf
  58. Boudet, J., Caro, J. & Jacob, M.C., 2011, Large-eddy simulation of a low speed tip clearance flow, 9th European Turbomachinery Conference, March 21-25, Istanbul, Turkey.
  59. Averyianov, M.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2010, Statistics of high amplitude acoustic pulses propagating in turbulent air flow, Trilateral Workshop on Computational Experiment in Aeroacoustics 22-25 September, Svetlogorsk, Russia.
  60. Khokhlova, V.A., Averyianov, M.V., Sapozhnikov, O.A.,Yukdashev, P.V., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2010, Application of a shadowgraphy method to measure the shock front of a spark-generated N-Waves in air, Trilateral Workshop on Computational Experiment in Aeroacoustics, 22-25 September, Svetlogorsk, Russia.
  61. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2010, Ground effects in time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation, 20th International Congress on Acoustics, 23-27 August, Sydney, Australia.
  62. Berson, A., Blanc-Benon, P., Poignand, G. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2010, A new procedure to capture temperature fluctuations using cold wires: application to thermoacoustic systems, ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting and 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 2-4 August, Montreal, Canada, Paper FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30788.
  63. Poignand, G., Jondeau, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2010, Aerodynamic and thermal measurements in a standing wave thermaoustic refrigerator, ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting and 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 2-4 August, Montreal, Canada, Paper FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30672.
  64. Korakas, A., Sturm, F. & Sessarego, J.P., 2010, Results of matched-field inversion in a three-dimensional wedge-like environment, 10th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 5-9 July, Istanbul, Turkey.
  65. Dargaud, J.-B., Troyes, J., Lamet, J.-M., Tessé, L., Vuillot, F. & Bailly, C., 2011, A study of solid rocket motor ignition overpressure waves: jet flow development and IR radiation, 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS 2011), Saint-Petersbourg, Russia, July 4-8. pdf download pdf
  66. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2011, Experimental exploration of an underexpanded supersonic jet, 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Manchester, UK, 17-22 July. pdf download pdf
  67. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2011, Investigation of the effects of initial turbulence level of the flow field properties of a subsonic jet, Seventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-7), Ottawa Convention Center, Ottawa, Canada, July 28-31, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  68. Fauconnier, D., Dick, E., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2011, Assessment of large-eddy simulation based on relaxation filtering: application to the Taylor-Green vortex, Seventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-7), Ottawa Convention Center, Ottawa, Canada, July 28-31, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  69. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2011, The modelling of the topography in time-domain simulations of atmospheric sound propagation, 6th Forum Acusticum, June 27-July 1st, Aalborg, Denmark.
  70. Salze, E., Ollivier, O., Yuldashev, P.V., Averiyanov, M.V., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon P., 2011, Characterization of the sound field emitted by an electric spark source in air, 6th Forum Acustic,um, June 27-July 1st, Aalborg, Denmark. pdf download pdf
  71. Koussa, F., Defrance, J., Jean, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2011, Efficiency of gabion noise barriers: theoretical approach and scale model measurements, 6th Forum Acusticum, June 27-July 1st, Aalborg, Denmark.
  72. Sturm, F. & Korakas, A., 2011, Comparison of 3-D PE numerical solutions with laboratory scale measurements, 4th International Conference & Exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, 20-24 June, Kos, Greece, 791-799.
  73. Weiss, J., Berson, A. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2011, Nonlinear effects in constant temperature hot-wire anemometers, Conférence Aéro 2011, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, 26-28 April, Montréal, Canada, Paper 105.
  74. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2012, Experimental study of flight effects on underexpanded supersonic jet noise, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 2341-2346. pdf download pdf
  75. Gainville, O. & Marsden, O., 2012, Nonlinear effects in infrasonic propagation simulations, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 4031-4036. pdf download pdf
  76. Henry, C., Bailly, C. & Bodard, G., 2012, Stochastic prediction of broadband shock-associated noise including propagation effects, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 2335-2340. pdf download pdf
  77. Kremer, F., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2012, Investigation of a turbulent channel flow using large eddy simulation, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1267-1272. pdf download pdf
  78. Lafitte, A., Laurendeau, E., Le Garrec, T. & Bailly, C., 2012, Jet noise prediction using a sweeping based turbulence generation process, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1317-1322. pdf download pdf
  79. Lafon, P., Berland, J., Crouzet, F., Daude, F. & Bailly, C., 2012, Numerical study of the aeroacoustic behavior of a subsonic confined cavity, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1341-1346. pdf download pdf
  80. Marsden, O. & Charrel, T., 2012, Numerical study of low Reynolds number airfoil flows, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1347-1352. pdf download pdf
  81. Lemoine, B. & Roger, M., 2012, Aeroacoustic study of a simplified wing/flap system in generic configurations, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes.
  82. Rouch, J., Schmich, I. & Galland, M.A., 2012, Modelling of reverberation enhancement systems, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1111-1115.
  83. Karzova, M.M., Salze, E., Ollivier, S., Castelain, T., André, B., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Sapozhnikov, O.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Interaction of weak shocks leading to Mach stem formation in focused beams and reflections from a rigid surface, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 1111-1115. pdf download pdf
  84. Yuldashev, P.V., Salze, E., Ollivier, S., Averiyanov, M.V., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Propagation of spherically diverging N-waves in a turbulent atmosphere: experiment, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 3269-3274.
  85. Salze, E., Ollivier, S., Yuldashev, P.V. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Laboratory-scale experiment for the propagation of N-waves in a turbulent and refracting medium with ground effects, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 3275-3279. pdf download pdf
  86. Ollivier, S., Salze, E., Averiyanov, M., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Calibration method for high frequency microphones, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 3503-3507. pdf download pdf
  87. Koussa, F., Defrance, J., Jean, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Transport noise reduction by low height sonic crystal noise barriers, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 997-1001.
  88. Berson, A., Poignand, G., Jondeau, E., Blanc-Benon P. & Comte-Bellot,G.,2012, Measurements of temperature and velocity fluctuations in oscillating flows using thermal anemometry - application to thermoacoustic refrigerators, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 2987-2992.
  89. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson F., 2012, Time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation: experimental validation on a complex site, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 3237-3242.
  90. Gainville, O., Blanc-Benon, P. & Scott, J., 2012, Explosion energy scaling laws for infrasound propagation analysed using nonlinear ray theory, Acoustics 2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA (Institute of Acoustics, UK), 13-17 April, Nantes, 4023-4024.
  91. Dragna, D., Cahuzac, A., Boudet, J., Blanc-Benon, P. & Jacob, M.C., 2012, Towards Hybrid CAA with ground effects, Workshop on Computational Experiments in Aeroacoustics, Sept. 18-22, Svetlogorsk, Russia.
  92. Yuldashev, P.V., Averiyanov, M.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Blanc-Benon, P., Ollivier, S., Salze, E. & Juvé, D., 2012, Propagation of nonlinear N-waves in turbulence: Laboratory scale experiments and theoretical analysis, invited paper Internoise 2012, 19-22 August, New-York, USA, paper In-935, 1-12.
  93. Koussa, F., Defrance, J, Jean, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Optimization of Low Height Sonic Crystal Noise Barriers for Tramway Noise Reduction, Euronoise 2012, 9th European Conference on Noise Control, 10-13 June, Prague, Czech Republic.
  94. Sturm, F. & Bonnel, J., 2012, Time-frequency analysis of broadband sound pulse propagation in 3-D oceanic waveguides, 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 2-6 July, Edinburgh, UK, 1820-1827.
  95. Gainville, O., Blanc-Benon, P. & Scott, J., 2012, Infrasound propagation in realistic atmosphere using nonlinear ray theory, 19th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics (ISNA), 21-24 May, Tokyo, Japan.
  96. Blanc-Benon, P., Poignand, G. & Jondeau, E., 2012, Investigation of the Acoustic Field in a Standing Wave Thermoacoustic Refrigerator Using Time-Resolved Particule Image Velocimetry, 19th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics (ISNA), 21-24 May, Tokyo, Japan.
  97. Poisson, F., Margiocchi, F., Bongini, E. & Dragna, D., 2013, Global pass-by noise of high-speed train running onto slab track and ballasted track, 10th World Congress on Railway Research 2013, Nov. 25-28, Sydney, Australia.
  98. Rouch, J., Galland, M.A. & Schmich-Yamane, I., 2013, Under-balcony acoustics improvement with simple electroacoustic means: A theoretical development and numerical simulations, International Symposium on Room Acoustics 2013, June 9-11, Toronto, Canada.
  99. Ollivier, S., Salze, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2013, Propagation of N-waves in a turbulent and refracting atmosphere with ground effects, 21st International Congress on Acoustics - 165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, June 2-7, Montreal, Canada.
  100. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P., Bongini, E. & Poisson, F., 2013, Outdoor sound propagation for high-speed moving sources, 21st International Congress on Acoustics - 165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, June 2-7, Montreal, Canada.
  101. Yuldashev, P.V., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2013, Statistical properties of nonlinear N-wave propagating in thermal or kinematic turbulence, 21st International Congress on Acoustics - 165th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, June 2-7, Montreal, Canada.
  102. André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2013, Investigation of the mixing layer in a slightly underexpanded supersonic jet by particle image velocimetry, Eighth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-8), Futuroscope, Poitiers, France, August 28-30, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  103. Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2013, Flow and sound fields of heated subsonic turbulent jets, Eighth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-8), Futuroscope, Poitiers, France, August 28-30, 1-6.
  104. Lacombe, R., Lafon, P., Daude, F., Crouzet, F., Ziada, S. & Bailly, C., 2013, Experimental and numerical 3D study of flow-sound interaction in a steam-line gate valve, Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Vol. 4 Fluid-structure interaction, Paper PVP2013-97662.
  105. Lacombe, R., Lafon, P., Daude, F., Crouzet, F., Ziada, S. & Bailly, C., 2013, Acoustic resonance of a steam line gate valve, Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Vol. 4 Fluid-structure interaction, Paper PVP2013-97692.
  106. Jacob, M.C., Boudet, J., Caro, J., Grosjean, N. & Jondeau, E., 2014, Time resolved PIV measurements and computations of a tip leakage flow, 3rd international Workshop on Computational Experiment in AeroAcoustics, Sept 24-26, Svetlogorsk, Russia.
  107. Sturm, F., 2014, Incorporating a cross-multiplied term in a three-dimensional parabolic equation model, 2nd Underwater Acoustics conference and exhibition, June 22-27, Rhodes, Greece.
  108. Salze, E., Bailly, C., Marsden, O. & Juvé, D., 2015, Investigation of the wall pressure wavenumber-frequency spectrum beneath a turbulent boundary layer with pressure gradient, Ninth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-9), Melbourne, Australia, July 1-3, 1-6.
  109. Leclère, Q., Totaro, N., Pézerat, C., Chevillotte, F. & Souchotte, P., 2015, Extraction of the acoustic part of a turbulent boundary layer from wall pressure and vibration measurements, Noise and Vibration - Emerging Technologies (NOVEM 2015), Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 13-15, 1-9. pdf download pdf
  110. Blanc-Benon, P., Jondeau, E. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2015, Analysis of the acoustic field in a thermoacoustic system using time-resolved particle image velocimetry and constant-voltage anemometry, Third International Workshop on Thermoacoustics , October 26-27, Enschede, Netherlands.
  111. Dragna, D., Bontemps, T. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Radiation of moving sources in time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation, invited Paper, EuroNoise 2015, June 1-3, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
  112. Sturm, F., 2015, Three-dimensional sound propagation near the west coast of Brittany, 3rd Underwater Acoustics conference and exhibition, June 21-26, Island of Crete, Greece.
  113. Salze, E., Bailly, C., Marsden, O., Jondeau, E. & Juvé, D., 2015, Experimental investigation of the influence of a mean pressure gradient on turbulent wall pressure fluctuations, 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV22), Florence, Italy, 12-16 July, 1-6.
  114. Sabatini, R., Marsden, O., Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2016, Assessment of numerical accuracy for the direct computation of sound propagation (invited paper), 171st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139(4) Pt.2, 1984-1985.
  115. Legendre, C., de Brye, B., Ganty, B., Detandt, Y. & Bailly, C., 2016, Towards large aeroacoustic applications through a hybrid approach based on the linearized Euler equations, 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV23), 10-14 July, Athens, Greece. pdf download pdf
  116. Mercier, B., Jondeau, E., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2017, Density fluctuation measurement using Rayleigh scattering, 52nd 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, FP54-AERO2017, 27-29 March, Lyon, France, 1-10. pdf download pdf
  117. Bogey, C., 2017, Flow and sound fields of temporal subsonic round jets, 10th Int. Symp. on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 7-9 July, Chicago-IL, USA, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  118. Dinsenmeyer, A., Antoni, J., Leclère, Q. & Pereira, A., 2018, On the denoising of cross-spectral matrices for (aero)acoustic applications, 7th Berlin Beamforming Conference, March 5-6, Berlin, BeBeC-2018-S02, 1-12. pdf download pdf
  119. Cleve, S., Guédra, M., Cyril, M., Inserra, C. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, Experimental investigation of microstreaming induced by free nonspherically oscillating microbubbles, 21st International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, in Proc. Mtgs. Acoust., 34, 045030, 1-5. pdf download pdf
  120. Cleve, S., Guédra, M., Cyril, M., Inserra, C. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, A method for triggering surface modes by bubble coalescence, 10th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2018), May 14-16, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  121. Bampanis, G. & Roger, M., 2018, Three-dimensional effects in the reduction of turbulence-impingement noise of aerofoils by wavy leading edges, Euronoise 2018, 27-31 Mai, Hersonissos, Crète, 97–104. pdf download pdf
  122. Martelet, Y. & Bailly, C., 2018, Prediction of fine scale jet mixing noise refraction effects using a two-step propagation technique, Euronoise 2018, 27-31 Mai, Hersonissos, Crète, 135–142. pdf download pdf
  123. Mercier, B., Jondeau, E., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2018, Correlations between density fluctuations and acoustic far field in free jets using Rayleigh scattering, 53nd 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, FP47-AERO2018, 26-28 March, Salon de Provence, France, 1-5. pdf download pdf
  124. Mercier, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2018, Experimental identification of the single source of screech in supersonic round jets, 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV25), Hiroshima, 8-12 July, Paper 173, 1-3. pdf download pdf
  125. Mercier, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2018, Identification of jet-noisse source signature from Rayleigh scarttering measurements, 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV25), Hiroshima, 8-12 July, Paper 221, 1-4. pdf download pdf
  126. Grasso, G., Jaiswal, P. & Moreau, S., 2018, Monte-Carlo computation of wall-pressure spectra under turbulent boundary layers for trailing-edge noise prediction, Proceedings of ISMA2018 International conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering - USD2018 International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 17-19 September, Leuven, Belgium, 585-600. pdf download pdf
  127. Zieliński T.G., Galland M.-A. & Deckers E., 2018, Influencing the wave-attenuating coupling of solid and fluid phases in poroelastic layers using piezoelectric inclusions and locally added masses, Proceedings of ISMA2018 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, USD2018 International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 17-19 September, Leuven, Belgium, 1195-1207.
  128. Meriot, B., Derré, J., Bareille, O., Ichchou, M. & Juvé, D., 2019, Differential microphone array: design for acoustic localization within aircraft cabins, 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV26), Montreal, 7-11 July, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  129. Prigent, L.S., Salze, E., Jondeau, E. & Bailly, C., 2019, Full-scale cabin noise from turbulent boundary layer excitation, part 1: wall-pressure measurements and analysis, 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV26), Montreal, 7-11 July, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  130. Leneveu, R., Rissmann, M., Alonso, A. & Salze, E., 2019, Full-scale cabin noise from turbulent boundary layer excitation, part 2 vibroacoustic modelling and transmission, 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV26), Montreal, 7-11 July, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  131. Cleve, S., Regnault, G., Mauger, C., Inserra, C. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2019, Microstreaming patterns induced by shape modes of acoustically trapped bubbles, 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 9-13 sept., Aachen, Germany, 1-6.
  132. Dragna, D., Berger, L., Ollivier, S. & Sèbe, F., 2019, Propagation of bird vocalizations in the Alpine environment, 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 9-13 sept., Aachen, Germany, 1-6.
  133. Lechat, T., Ollivier, S., Dragna, D. & Karzova, M.M., 2019, Impact of roughness on shock wave reflection phenomena, 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 9-13 sept., Aachen, Germany, 1-6.
  134. Dagallier, A., Cheinet, S., Juvé, D., Ponte, A. & Gula, J., 2019, Travel times in complex environments, 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 9-13 sept., Aachen, Germany, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  135. Mercier, B., André, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2020, Further characterization of noise sources in supersonic jets, XXV ICTAM, 23-28 Aug., Milano, Italy. pdf download pdf
  136. Pereira, A. & Jacob, M.C., 2020, Experimental assessment of in-duct modal content of fan broadband noise via iterative Bayesian inverse approach, 8th Berlin Beamforming Conference, Berlin, BeBeC-2020-D20, 1-19. pdf download pdf
  137. Perez, M., Ezzine, M., Billon, K., Clair, V., Marjono, J. & Collet, M., 2020, Design and optimization of piezoelectric actuators for aeroacoustic noises control in a turbofan, ASME 2020 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, SMASIS2020, September 14-16, Online, 1-5. doi:10.1115/SMASIS2020-2436. pdf download pdf
  138. Alomar, A., Dragna, D. & Galland, M.A., 2020, Time-domain simulations of a flow duct with extended-reacting acoustic liners, e-Forum Acusticum, December 7-11, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  139. Cros, E., Roger, M. & Serre, G., 2020, The radiated field of circular arrays of sources near a scattering cylinder, e-Forum Acusticum, December 7-11, 1-7. pdf download pdf
  140. Deng, Y., Alomar, A., Dragna, D. & Galland, M.A., 2020, A numerical method to remove the hydrodynamic instability generated in time-domain simulations of acoustic propagation in a lined duct flow, e-Forum Acusticum, December 7-11, 1-4. pdf download pdf
  141. Emmanuelli, A., Ollivier, S., Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2020, Ground elevation effects on sonic boom reflection, e-Forum Acusticum, December 7-11, 1-2. pdf download pdf
  142. Lecomte, P., Blanchard, T., Melon, M., Laurent, S., Hassan, K. & Nicol, R., 2020, One eighth of a sphere microphone array, e-Forum Acusticum, December 7-11, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  143. Oulmi, M., Roger, M. & Boualem, B., 2020, Analytical modelling of sound transmission through a row of thick-walled channels, e-Forum Acusticum, December 7-11, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  144. Spieser, E., Bodard, G. & Bailly, C., 2020, Jet noise prediction based on a self-adjoint operator, e-Forum Acusticum, December 7-11, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  145. Salze, E., Prigent, E., Jondeau, E. & Bailly, C., 2020, Experimental investigation of wall-pressure fluctuations on a full-scale business jet, e-Forum Acusticum, December 7-11, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  146. Varé, M. & Bogey, C., 2020, Numerical simulations of overexpanded jets at a Mach number of 3.1 impinging on a plate with and without a plate, e-Forum Acusticum, December 7-11, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  147. Emmanuelli, A., Dragna, D., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2020, Resolution of the Euler equations in curvilinear coordinates for sonic boom propagation, ECCOMAS Congress 2020 & 14th WCCM, January 11-15 2021, Online.
  148. Al-Am, J., Clair, V., Giauque, A., Boudet, J. & Fernando Gea-Aguilera, F., 2021, A parametric study on the LES numerical setup to investigate fan/OGV broadband noise, Proceedings of the ETC14 conference, Paper number ETC2021-624, 12-14 April.
  149. Lamidel, D., Daviller, G., Roger, M. & Posson, H., 2021, Numerical investigation of the tip leakage vortex of an isolated plate/airfoil T-junction with gap, Proceedings of the ETC14 conference, Paper number ETC2021-520, 12-14 April. pdf download pdf
  150. Spieser, E., Legendre, C. & Bailly, C., 2021, Computation of adjoint Green’s functions by flow reversal: application to jet noise, HxGN live Design & Engineering, 12-14 october.
  151. Pereira, A. & Roger, M., 2023, A modular low-Mach-number axial-flow fan test bench: impact of outlet-guide-vane heterogeneity on the radiated noise, 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29), 9-13 July, Prague, the Czech republic, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  152. Juvé, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2023, The Acoustic Centre of Ecole Centrale de Lyon from 1970 to today, Forum Acusticum 2023, 11-15 September, Torino, Italy, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  153. Kurek, I., Castelain, T., Lecomte, P. & Bailly, C., 2024, Turbulence analysis from long-exposuretime acquisitions with Interferometric Rayleigh Scattering, 21st International Symposium on Applications of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 8-11 July, Lisbon. doi:10.55037/lxlaser.21st.89. pdf download pdf
  154. Buba, M., Pereira, A., Bailly, C., Marbourg, S. & Maeder, M., 2024, Identification of radiated modes by a small-scale ducted fan, Inter-Noise, Nantes, France, 25-29 Aug.
  155. Coco, G., Dragna, D., Bailly, C. & Posson, H., 2024, Introduction of oblique plane waves through a forcing source term in Euler equations, Inter-Noise, Nantes, France, 25-29 Aug.
  156. Jego, L., Grondeau, M., Sanchez, J.-M., Guillou, S., Bailly, C. & Régniez, M., 2024, Numerical simulation of the flow-induced noise of a ducted diaphragm using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, Inter-Noise, Nantes, France, 25-29 Aug.
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aeroacoustics Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings in French
Conférences nationales avec actes détaillés publiés et comité de lecture
  1. Gaudriot, L., Coquard, A. & Comte-Bellot, G., 1971, Relation entre le bruit d'un obstable placé dans un écoulement et les propriétés statitiques de la frontière du sillage, 7th International Congress on Acoustics, Budapest, 24N18.
  2. Comte-Bellot, G., 1976, Les méthodes de mesure physique de la turbulence, Colloque Hydrodynamique Physique et Instabilités / Physical Hydrodynamics and Instabilities, J. Phys. Colloques, 37, C1-67--C1-78. doi: 10.1051/jphyscol:1976108 pdf download pdf
  3. Charnay, G., Comte-Bellot, G. & Mathieu, J., 1976, Phénomène d'intermittence et échantillonnage condtionnel dans la région externe d'une couche limite perturbée, Colloque Hydrodynamique Physique et Instabilités / Physical Hydrodynamics and Instabilities, J. Phys. Colloques, 37, C1-91--C1-94. doi: 10.1051/jphyscol:1976111 pdf download pdf
  4. Bailly, C., Lafon, P. & Candel, S., 1994, Modélisation du rayonnement acoustique des ondes de Mach. Application aux jets libres supersoniques avec prise en compte de la température, Ambiance acoustique et vibratoire des systèmes de transport spatial, colloque international CNES - ONERA, 8-15 Février, Jouy-en-Josas, 1-7.
  5. Bailly, C., Lafon, P. & Candel, S., 1994, Une approche stochastique pour la modélisation du bruit des écoulements turbulents, 3ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 2-6 Mai, Toulouse, colloque C5, supplément au Journal de Physique III, 4, 935-938.
  6. Witkowska A., Juvé D. & Brasseur J., 1994, Simulation numérique du bruit créé par une turbulence homogène et isotrope à l'aide d'un code de simulation directe et d'un code de simulation des grandes échelles, 3ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 2-6 mai, Toulouse, colloque C5, supplément au Journal de Physique III, 4, 939-942.
  7. Bailly, C., Lafon, P. & Candel, S., 1997, Prévision du bruit des jets supersoniques, 4ème congrès français d'acoustique, 14-18 avril, Marseille, supplément au Journal de Physique II, 919-923.
  8. Durrafourg, V., 1997, Modélisation aéroacoustique de l'effet d'injection d'eau sur le bruit des jets, 4ème congrès français d'acoustique, 14-18 avril, Marseille, supplément au Journal de Physique II, 931-934.
  9. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 1999, Modélisations et simulations numériques en aéroacoustique, 14ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 30 août - 3 sept., Toulouse, No. 194, 1-6.
  10. Bailly, C., 2000, Propagation acoustique dans une tuyère transonique, 5ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 3-6 septembre, Lausanne, 538-541.
  11. Bogey, C., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Calcul du rayonnement acoustique des écoulements libres par Simulation des Grandes Echelles, 5ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 3-6 septembre, Lausanne, 576-577.
  12. Gloerfelt, X., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2000, Simulation numérique directe du bruit rayonné par une cavité excitée par un écoulement, 5ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 3-6 septembre, Lausanne, 554-557.
  13. Ben Chiekh, J.C., Michard, M., Béra, J.C., Sunyach, M. & Grosjean, V., 2000, 7ème Congrès Francophone de Vélocimétrie Laser, MaAnalyse par VIP de la modification du décollement dans un diffuseur par action d'un jet synthétique, rseille.
  14. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2001, Calcul du bruit produit par un jet circulaire à Mach 0.9 par simulation des grandes échelles, 15ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 3-7 septembre, Nancy, No. 355, 1-6.
  15. Gloerfelt, X., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2001, Simulations numériques du bruit rayonné par une cavité excitée par un écoulement subsonique, 15ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 3-7 septembre, Nancy, No. 360, 1-6.
  16. Gloerfelt, X., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2002, Simulation des grandes échelles du champ acoustique produit par un écoulement affleurant une cavité, 6ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 8-11 avril, Lille, 133-136. pdf download pdf
  17. Héron, N., Ravachol, M., Candel, S. & Bailly, C., 2002, Modélisation statistique du bruit de jet pour des applications aéronautiques, 38ème colloque d'aérodynamique appliquée, AAAF, Arcachon, 7-8 oct., 1-9.
  18. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2003, Calcul du bruit d'un jet subsonique à nombre de Reynolds élevé par Simulation des Grandes Echelles, 16ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 1-5 sept., Nice, No. 156, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  19. Gloerfelt, X., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2003, Influence de la largeur transversale d'une cavité sur le bruit rayonné par un écoulement affleurant, 16ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 1-5 sept., Nice, No. 769, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  20. Lamaison, G., Bertoglio, J.-P. & Bailly, C., 2003, Prédiction du bruit à l'aide d'un modèle spectral de turbulence. Application au cas d'un jet plan, 16ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 1-5 sept., Nice, No. 420, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  21. Castelain, T., Dietrich, M., Sunyach, M. & Béra, J.C., 2004, Contrôle d'un jet subsonique par microjets continus tangents, 39ème Colloque d'Aérodynamique Appliquée (AAAF), Paris.
  22. Gloerfelt, X., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2004, Utilisation de la simulation numérique pour l'étude de la réduction du rayonnement sonore produit par un écoulement affleurant une cavité, 39ème Colloque d'Aérodynamique Appliquée: contrôle des écoulements, 22-24 mars, Paris, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  23. Barré, S., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Etude du rayonnement acoustique de tourbillons elliptiques par simulation numérique directe, 17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 29 août - 2 sept., Troyes, No. 166, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  24. Berland, J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Etude du screech d'un jet plan supersonique par simulation des grandes échelles compressible, 17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 29 août - 2 sept., Troyes, No. 675, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  25. Castelain, T., Dietrich, M., Sunyach, M. & Béra, J.C., 2005, Mesures acoustiques sur un jet subsonique à haut Re et Mach restreint. Effet des jets impactants sur les composantes spectrales du bruit de jet, 17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 29 août - 2 sept., Troyes.
  26. Emmert, T. & Bailly, C., 2005, Calcul du rayonnement acoustique d'ondes d'instabilité utlisant une PML, 17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 29 août - 2 sept., Troyes, No. 789, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  27. Fleury, V., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Rayonnement acoustique sous-harmonique de la couche de cisaillement d'un jet excité, 17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 29 août - 2 sept., Troyes, No. 754, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  28. Lamaison, G., Bertoglio, J.-P. & Bailly, C., 2005, Prédiction du bruit à l'aide d'un modèle spectral de turbulence et d'un champ source synthétique, 17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 29 août - 2 sept., Troyes, No. 1011, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  29. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Calcul direct du bruit aérodynamique rayonné par des géométries complexes, 17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 29 août - 2 sept., Troyes, No. 929, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  30. Béra, J.C., Castelain, T., Dietrich, M. & Sunyach, M., 2005, Contrôle par microjets d'une couche de mélange : exploitation de mesures PIV de champs de vitesse par une visualisation des lignes de courant par convolution intégrale linéaire (LIC), 11ème Colloque de Visualisation et Traitement d'Images en Mécanique des Fluides (FLUVISU 11), Ecole Centrale de Lyon.
  31. Castelain, T., Dietrich, M., Sunyach, M. & Béra, J.C., 2005, Contrôle par microjets d'une couche de mélange. Exploitation de mesures PIV synchronisées, 40ème Colloque d'Aérodynamique Appliquée (AAAF), Toulouse.
  32. Proceedings de la journée "contrôle des écoulements", 19 oct. 2006 à l'ECL.
  33. Castelain, T., Béra, J.-C. & Sunyach, M., 2007, Contrôle par microjets impactants d'un jet à Mach 0.9 : influence du nombre de microjets sur le développement des structures tourbillonnaires générées par le contrôle, 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Grenoble.
  34. Deykina E., Bailly C., Bogey C. & Juvé D., 2007, Simulation numérique de la propagation de signaux acoustiques basse fréquences dans l'atmosphère, 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 27-30 août, Grenoble.
  35. Piellard M., Clesse H. & Bailly C., 2007, Vers une méthode hybride de calcul aéroacoustique appliqué à des écoulements internes : diaphragme en conduit à faible nombre de Mach, 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 27-30 août, Grenoble. pdf download pdf
  36. Bodard, G. & Bailly, C., 2009, Couplage de méthodes hybrides acoustiques pour la prévision du bruit de jet par simulation des grandes échelles, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique - LESTAC 09 - Large Eddy Simulation in Turbulence, Aeroacoustic and Combustion, 24-28 août, Marseille, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  37. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2009, Large-eddy simulations of round jets: effects of initial conditions on self-similarity region, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique - LESTAC 09 - Large Eddy Simulation in Turbulence, Aeroacoustic and Combustion, 24-28 août, Marseille, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  38. Daude, F., Berland, J., Lafon, P., Crouzet, F. & Bailly, C., 2009, Applications of a high-order algorithm for LES and CAA in complex geometries, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique - LESTAC 09 - Large Eddy Simulation in Turbulence, Aeroacoustic and Combustion, 24-28 août, Marseille, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  39. de Cacqueray, N., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2009, Développement d'une méthode de filtrage adaptatif et conservatif pour la capture de choc, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique - LESTAC 09 - Large Eddy Simulation in Turbulence, Aeroacoustic and Combustion, 24-28 août, Marseille, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  40. Desvigne, D., Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2009, Développement de schémas d'interpolation décentrés stables pour le calcul multidomaine en aéroacoustique, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique - LESTAC 09 - Large Eddy Simulation in Turbulence, Aeroacoustic and Combustion, 24-28 août, Marseille, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  41. Duclos, A., Ollivier, S., Lafon, C., Béra, J.C., Gilles, B. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2009, Propagation ultrasonore dans des gels modélisant les tissus biologiques, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24-28 August, Marseille, CFM2009-0969.
  42. Saletes, I., Gillles, B., Blanc-Benon, P. & Béra, J.C., 2009, Cavitation ultrasonore générée par une excitation bifréquentielle, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24-28 August, Marseille, CFM2009-0666.
  43. Poignand, G., Jondeau, E., Blanc-Benon, P., Gaviot, E., Camberlein, L. & Pénelet, G., 2009, Mesure de flux de chaleur dans un réfrigérateur thermoacoustique miniature, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24-28 August, Marseille, CFM2009-0256.
  44. André, B., Castelain, T., Bailly, C. & Juvé, D., 2010, Experimental investigation of screech by an underexpanded supersonic jet with forward flight effect, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 avril, Lyon, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  45. Berland, J., Daude, F., Lafon, P., Crouzet, F. & Bailly, C., 2010, Simulations aéroacoustiques en géométries complexes: schémas d'ordre élevé et maillages composites, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 avril, Lyon, 1-5. pdf download pdf
  46. de Cacqueray, N., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2010, Direct computation of the noise radiated by a propulsive jet at Mach number of 3.3, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 avril, Lyon, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  47. Desvigne, D., Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2010, Calcul direct du bruit rayonné par un écoulement laminaire à Mach 0.2 affleurant une cavité cylindrique, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 avril, Lyon, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  48. Hanique-Cockenpot, G., Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Marsden, O., 2010, Intégration de la relaxation dans les équations de Navier-Stokes pour la propagation sonore, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 avril, Lyon, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  49. Serre, G., Lafon, P., Gloerfelt, X. & Bailly, C., 2010, Méthodes de réduction numérique pour l'analyse de modèles aéroacoustiques linéarisés, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 avril, Lyon, 1-6. pdf download pdf
  50. Poignand, G., Jondeau, E., Blanc-Benon, P., Gaviot, E., Camberlein, L., Penelet, G. & Lotton, P., 2010, Mesure du flux de chaleur thermique extrait à l'échangeur de chaleur froid d'un réfrigérateur thermoacoustique, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 April, Lyon.
  51. Poignand, G., Berson, A., Blanc-Benon, P., Comte-Bellot, G. & Jondeau, E., 2010, Mesure des fluctuations de température dans un résonateur équipant un système thermoacoustique, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 April, Lyon.
  52. Gainville, O. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2010, Infrasound propagation in realistic atmosphere using nonlinear ray theory, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 April, Lyon.
  53. Lalande, J.M., Blanc-Benon, P., Blanc, E. & Le Pichon, A., 2010, Tomographie de l'atmosphère par mesures d'infrasons, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 April, Lyon.
  54. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2010, Observation d'ondes de surface dans des simulations temporelles de propagation acoustique à longue distance, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 April, Lyon.
  55. Duclos, A., Ollivier, S., Blanc-Benon, P., Marsden, O., Gilles, B., Lafon, C. & Bera, J.C., 2010, Modélisation de la propagation d'ultrasons non focalisés dans des gels de protéines, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 April, Lyon.
  56. Yuldashev, P.V., Averyianov, M.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Sapozhnikov, O.A., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2010, Measurement of shock waveform and calibration of broadband microphones using optical methods, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 April, Lyon.
  57. Ollivier, S., Salze, E., Yuldashev, P.V. & Averyianov, M.V., 2010, Mesures d'ondes de choc acoustiques : influence de la réponse des microphones, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 12-16 April, Lyon. pdf download pdf
  58. Hanique-Cockenpot, G., Marsden, O., Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2011, Etude numérique de la propagation des infrasons en haute atmosphère, 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 29 août-2 sept., Besançon. pdf download pdf
  59. Kremer, F., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2011, Etude de schémas temporels semi - implicites pour la simulation des écoulements de paroi, 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 29 août-2 sept., Besançon. pdf download pdf
  60. Castelain, T., André, B., Bacher, B. & Bailly, C., 2011, Visualisation d'écoulement supersonique autour d'une sonde de pression statique. Calibration de la sonde par la méthode des caractéristiques, 14e Congrès Français de Visualisation et de Traitement d'Images en Mécanique des Fluides, 21-25 nov., Lille.
  61. André, B., Jondeau, E., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2012, Observations par méthodes optiques de la dynamique d'un choc dans un jet supersonique, 13e Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, CFTL 2012, 18 au 21 sept., Rouen. pdf download pdf
  62. Berton, M., Maxit, L., Juvé, D. & Audoly, C., 2014, Réponse vibro-acoustique d'une structure excitée par une Couche Limite Turbulente : Vers la prise en compte de l'évolution spatiale de la CLT, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 22-25 avril, Poitiers, 1455-1461. pdf download pdf
  63. Gojon, R., Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2014, Simulation du rayonnement acoustique d'un jet plan supersonique impactant, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 22-25 avril, Poitiers, 1521-1527. pdf download pdf
  64. Sabatini, R. & Bailly, C., 2014, Un algorithme numérique pour calculer la stabilité spatiale des modes éventuellement rayonnants: application aux écoulements supersoniques, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 22-25 avril, Poitiers, 1783-1789. pdf download pdf
  65. Salze, E., Bailly, C., Marsden, O., Jondeau, E. & Juvé, D., 2014, Caractérisation expérimentale des spectres de pression pariétale pour des couches limites turbulentes avec gradient de pression, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 22-25 avril, Poitiers, 2147-2152. pdf download pdf
  66. Jaouani, N., Roger, M., Nodé-Langlois, T. & Serre, G., 2014, Analytical prediction of pylon-wake effect in counter-rotating open rotor tonal noise, 12ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 22-25 April, Poitiers.
  67. Ollivier, S., Salze, E., Yuldashev, P.V., Desjouy, C., Karzova, M.M., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Méthodes de calibration des microphones en hautes fréquences (10kHz-1MHz), 12ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 22-25 April, Poitiers.
  68. Rufer, L., Koumela, A., Zhou, Z., Wong, M., Ollivier, S., Salze, E., Yuldashev, Barour, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Large band MEMS microphone for high frequency acoustic applications in air, 12ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 22-25 April, Poitiers.
  69. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2014, Méthodes pseudospectrales pour la propagation en milieu extérieur, 12ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 22-25 April, Poitiers.
  70. Biolchioni, R., Bailly, C., Koenig, M. & Boussuge, J.-F., 2015, Effets de température sur le développement et l'acoustique d'un jet subsonique à nombre de Reynolds élevé par simulation des grandes échelles, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24 au 28 août, Lyon, Paper 67566, S18, 8-13. pdf download pdf
  71. Brichet, G. & Bailly, C., 2015, Rayonnement acoustique d'un jet double flux installé sous un profil d'aile, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24 au 28 août, Lyon, Paper 68460, S18, 38-52. pdf download pdf
  72. Capuano, M., Bogey, C. & Spelt, P.D.M., 2015, Simulation numérique d'écoulements diphasiques compressibles à l'aide de différences finies d'ordre élevé, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24 au 28 août, Lyon, Paper 66798, S29, 7-11. pdf download pdf
  73. François, B., Bouley, S., Roger, M. & Posson, H., 2015, On the Kutta condition for the sound transmission through outlet guide vanes, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24-28 August, Lyon, Paper 70462, S18.
  74. Gojon, R. & Bogey, C., 2015, Simulation numérique du rayonnement acoustique de jets ronds supersoniques impactant une paroi, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24 au 28 août, Lyon, Paper 66713, S18, 2-6. pdf download pdf
  75. Le Bras, S., Deniau, H., Bogey, C. & Daviller, G., 2015, Modelisation de paroi pour la simulation des grandes echelles avec une approche numerique d’ordre eleve, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24 au 28 août, Lyon, Paper 68197, S18, 24-29. pdf download pdf
  76. Mercier, B., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2015, Investigation of under-expanded jet screech associated convective velocity based on high frequency sampled schlieren visualisations, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24 au 28 août, Lyon, Paper 67687, S18, 15-22. pdf download pdf
  77. Pereira, A., Leclère, Q., Souchotte, P. & Finez, A., 2015, Calibration in-situ d'une antenne de capteurs de pression acoustique en conduit, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24-28 August, Lyon, Paper 72092, S18.
  78. Sabatini, R., Marsden, O., Bailly, C. & Gainville, O., 2015, Numerical simulation of infrasound propagation in a realistic atmosphere : non-linear and viscous effects, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24 au 28 août, Lyon, Paper 68472, S18, 172-183. pdf download pdf
  79. Troian, R., Dragna, D., Bailly, C. & Galland, M.A., 2015, A broadband method for liner impedance eduction in the presence of a mean flow, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24 au 28 août, Lyon, Paper 69707, S18, 95-99. pdf download pdf
  80. Seck, A., Inserra, C., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Interactions écoulement-nuage de bulles de cavitation acoustique, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24-28 August, Lyon, Paper 70575, S18.
  81. Ollivier, S., 2015, Caractérisation de la réponse de microphones MEMS et de microcapteurs de pression en hautes fréquences (10kHz-1 MHz), 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24-28 August, Lyon, Paper 70960, S18.
  82. Desjouy, C., Ollivier, S., Marsden, O. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Réflexion d'ondes de choc acoustiques faibles, 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 24-28 August, Lyon, Paper 70417, S18.
  83. Mercier, B., Jondeau, E., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2016, Mesure des fluctuations de masse volumique dans les jets par une méthode de diffusion Rayleigh, Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL), 13-16 sept., Toulouse, 1-8. pdf download pdf
  84. Pereira, A., Leclère, Q., Finez, A. & Souchotte, P., 2016, Estimation indirecte de paramètres physiques d'un banc d'essai aéroacoustique en conduit, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 2581-2582.
  85. Bouley, S., François, B. & Roger, M., 2016, Modèle analytique du bruit d'interaction rotor/stator dans les turbomachines axiales par la méthode de raccordement modal, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 673-679.
  86. Cheron, E., Leclère, Q., Pereira, A., Picard, C. & Souchotte, P., 2016, Conception et validation expérimentale d'une antenne d'accéléromètre pour la localisation de source en écoulement, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 1077-1081.
  87. Leclère, Q., Pereira, A., Le Magueresse, T. & Antoni, J., 2016, Caractérisation de sources par antennerie acoustique : aspects quantitatifs, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 415-419.
  88. Troian, R., Dragna, D., Bailly, C. & Galland, M.A., 2016, Analyse de sensibilité d'une méthode d'identification de l'impédance large bande en écoulement, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 2573-2579.
  89. Seck, A., Inserra, C., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2016, Estimation indirecte de paramètres physiques d'un banc d'essai aéroacoustique en conduit, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 899-900.
  90. Ollivier, S., Desjouy, C., Salze, E., Yuldashev, P.V., Koumela, A., Rufer, L. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2016, Caractérisation de la réponse de capteurs de pression et de microphones MEMS, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 833-837.
  91. Cleve, S., Jondeau, E., Blanc-Benon, P. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2016, Etude des corrélations croisées température-vitesse acoustique dans un système thermoacoustique à l'aide d'une technique d'anémométrie à tension constante, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 475-480.
  92. Sturm, F., 2016, Propagation sonore tridimensionnelle au large des côtes bretonnes, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 281-282.
  93. Ollivier, S., Desjouy C., Dragna, D., Castelain, T., Karzova, M.M. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2016, Interaction non linéaire d'ondes de choc acoustiques au voisinage d'une frontière rigide, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 73-77.
  94. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2016, Propagation acoustique au-dessus d'un sol d'impédance spatialement variable, 13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 11-15 April, Le Mans, 33-39.
  95. Spieser, E. & Bailly, C., 2018, Adjoint solution to the linearized Euler equations computed from the direct problem, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 23-27 April, Le Havre, 73-79. pdf download pdf
  96. Julian, R., Ollivier, S., Gucher, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, Débitmètre ultrasonore pour la mesure amont injecteur des écoulements transitoires dans les systèmes d'injection directe essence, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 23-27 April, Le Havre, 119-125.
  97. Gojon, R., Bogey, C. & Mihaescu, M., 2018, On the presence and feedback role of upstream-propagating waves in supersonic screeching jets, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 23-27 April, Le Havre.
  98. Pineau, P. & Bogey, C., 2018, Génération de chocs dans le champ proche de jets supersoniques, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 23-27 April, Le Havre.
  99. Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, Propagation du son dans l'atmosphère : simulations expérimentale et numérique, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 23-27 April, Le Havre.
  100. Cosnefroy, M., Cheinet, S., Ehrhardt, L., Dagallier, A., Dragna, D. & Juvé, D., 2018, Modélisation temporelle de la propagation à longue distance des sons impulsionnels en trois dimensions, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 23-27 April, Le Havre.
  101. Lecomte, P., Leclère, Q., Ollivier, S. & Lechat, T., 2018, Identification de sources acoustiques par réfracto-vibrométrie et problème inverse, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 23-27 April, Le Havre.
  102. Dagallier, A., Cheinet, S., Ehrhardt, L., Cosnefroy, M. & Juvé, D., 2018, Analyse acoustique et localisation de tirs d'artillerie, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 23-27 April, Le Havre.
  103. Cleve, S., Guédra, M., Mauger, C., Inserra, C. P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, Microstreaming induit par les oscillations non sphériques d'une bulle micrométrique, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 23-27 April, Le Havre.
  104. Lechat, T., Dragna, D. & Ollivier, S., 2018, Simulation du champ proche généré par une source impulsionnelle à arcs électriques, 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, 23-27 April, Le Havre, 939-945.
  105. Mercier, B., Ozawa, Y., Jondeau, E., Castelain, T. & Bailly, C., 2018, Estimation spectrale de fluctuations de température par diffusion Rayleigh, Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, CFTL 2018, Dourdan, 17-21 sept., 1-8. pdf download pdf
  106. Al-Am, J., Clair, V., Giauque, A., Boudet, J. & Fernando Gea-Aguilera, F., 2021, Effet du débit sur le bruit propre d’un étage soufflante/redresseur en régime d’approche, Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs en Mécanique (Méca-J), 24-27 août. pdf download pdf
  107. Kurek, I., Castelain, T., Lecomte, P., Jondeau, E. & Bailly, C., 2022, Analyse d’interférogrammes pour la caractérisation d'écoulement par diffusion de Rayleigh, 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 29 August-2 September, Nantes. pdf download pdf
  108. Kurek, I., Castelain, T., Lecomte, P., Jondeau, E. & Bailly, C., 2022, Mesure de densité en écoulement par diffusion de Rayleigh : méthode de calibration par polarisation du faisceau incident, Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL), 12-16 sept., Leuven, Belgium, 1-5. pdf download pdf
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Autres conférences sans acte
  1. Bailly, C. & Comte Bellot, G., 1997, Contrôe des systèmes chaotiques : quelques exemples de simulation, Algorithmes de contrôle, GDR de Mécanique des fluides active, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 5 juin, 1-5.
  2. Juvé, D., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 1999, Numerical simulations of aerodynamic noise using linearized Euler equations, Aerokustischer Workshop SWING, 28-29 october, Dresden, Germany, 1-14.
  3. Bailly, C. & Pollet, M., 1999, Linear contribution of instability waves to supersonic jet noise, Premier colloque européen sur la technologie des lanceurs, CNES, 14-16 décembre, Toulouse, 179-188. Voir aussi: Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., Direct computation of aerodynamic noise using Large Eddy Simulation, 157.
  4. Bogey, C., Bailly, C., Juvé, D., Béra, J.-C., & Sunyach, M., 2002, Simulation numérique du bruit des jets. Amélioration du mélange par techniques actives en vue de la réduction du bruit des jets, 1er colloque national sur le Transport Supersonique, 6-7 février, Paris, 199-208.
  5. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Gloerfelt, X., 2002, Recent developments in predicting aerodynamic noise, invited lecture, IMA Conference on Computational Aeroacoustics, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 9-11 april, University of Greenwich, U.K.
  6. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2002, Optimized explicit schemes for the direct computation of aerodynamic noise, IMA Conference on Computational Aeroacoustics, 9-11 april, University of Greenwich, U.K.
  7. Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2002, Calcul direct du rayonnement acoustique de jets rapides, séminaire Turbulence & Lanceurs spatiaux, organisé par l'AFM et le CNES, 13-14 juin, Paris.
  8. Bailly, C., Bogey, C., Gloerfelt, X. & Juvé, D., 2002, Contribution of CAA for the investigation of noise mechanisms, invited lecture ASME-European Fluids Engineering Summer Conference (FEDSM'02), 14-18 July, Montreal, Canada, FEDSM2002-31351.
  9. Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2002, Contribution de l'aéroacoustique numérique au calcul du bruit de jet, Journée spécialisée Réduction des bruits des avions commerciaux au voisinage des aéroports civils, INRETS Bron, 12 décembre.
  10. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2003, Explicit finite-difference schemes with spectral-like properties for Large Eddy simulation, Euromech Colloquium 446 on High-order methods for the numerical simulation of vortical and turbulent flows, 10-11 March, Seeheim, Germany, 1-2.
  11. Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2003, Direct noise calculation applied to subsonic circular jets, No. 67, 5th EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference, 24-28 August 2003, Toulouse, 459.
  12. Bailly, C., & Bogey, C., 2003, Jet noise simulation, 4th Computational Aeroacoustics Workshop, invited lecture, 20-22 October, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
  13. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Gloerfelt, X., 2003, A didactic review of hybrid approaches for predicting aerodynamic noise, No. 45, Computational aeroacoustics: from acoustic sources modeling to far-field radiated noise prediction Colloquium EUROMECH 449, December 9-12 2003, Chamonix, France.
  14. Bogey, C., Marsden, O. & Bailly, C., 2005, An overview of the use of the linearized Euler equations in aeroacoustics, invited lecture 7th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects os Wave Propagation, WAVES 2005, Brown University, Providence, RI, June 20-24.
  15. Barré, S., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2005, Direct numerical computation of the noise generated by free jets, 6th International Symposium on Launcher Technologies, Munich, Germany, 8-11 nov., 1-2.
  16. Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Influence of the Reynolds number on the development of transitional jets computed by Large Eddy Simulation, Whither Turbulence Prediction and Control, March 26-29, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, WTPC-003.
  17. Marsden, O., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Turbulent boundary layer development around a NACA 0012 airfoil, Whither Turbulence Prediction and Control, March 26-29, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, WTPC-007.
  18. Berland J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Explicit low dispersive and low dissipative non-centered finite differences and filters, Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD4, 10-14 July, Ghent, Belgium, 175-176.
  19. Bailly, C. & Bogey, C., 2006, Large-Eddy simulation for jet noise prediction, 10th CEAS/ASC Workshop, Jet noise prediction methodologies: recent developments, invited lecture, 28-29 september, Dublin, Ireland.
  20. Berland, J., Bogey, C. & Bailly, C., 2006, Investigation of shock-induced noise in a supersonic jet using large-eddy simulation, 10th CEAS/ASC Workshop, Jet noise prediction methodologies: recent developments, 28-29 september, Dublin, Ireland.
  21. Bogey, C., Berland, J. & Bailly, C., 2007, Finite-differences schemes optimized in Fourier space for aeroacoustics, 7th International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods, Beijing, June 18-22.
  22. Ricot, D., Marié, S., Sagaut, P. & Bailly, C., 2007, Lattice Boltzmann method with selective viscosity filter, Fourth International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES 2007), July 16-20, Munich, Germany.
  23. Gainville, O., Blanc, E., Blanc-Benon, P., Roche, R. , Millet, C., Le Piver, F. & Piserchia, P.F., 2008, Misty Picture: a unique experiment for the interpretation of the infrasound propagation from large explosive sources, AGU (American Geophysics Union) Fall Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco, USA.
  24. Comte-Bellot, G., Berson, A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2008, Nonlinear dynamic behaviour of hot wires in a constant temperature anemometer, 61th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 23-25, San Antonio, TX, USA.
  25. Comte-Bellot, G., Berson, A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2008, Full elimination of all nonlinearities in a Constant Voltage Anemometer, 61th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 23-25, San Antonio, TX, USA, GT00005, (Bulletin Am. Phys. Soc., 53(15), 166).
  26. Bailly, C., Bogey, C. & Marden, 0., 2009, Qualités des prédictions issues du calcul direct du bruit aérodynamique, invited lecture, 44ème Colloque d'Aérodynamique Appliquée, AAAF, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 23-25 mars.
  27. Blanc-Benon, P., Averiyanov, M.V., Cleveland, R.O. & Khokhlova, V.A., 2009, Nonlinear acoustic wave propagation in inhomogeneous moving media, invited paper, 40th Anniversary of the Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya (KZ) Equation, 158th ASA meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA, (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 126(4), 2201).
  28. Averyianov, M.V., Yuldashev, P.V., Blanc-Benon, P. & Khokhlova, V.A., 2009, Comparison of time and frequency domain approaches to simulate propagation of weak shocks, 157th ASA meeting, 18-22 May, Portland, OR, USA, (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125(4), 2601).
  29. Gainville O. & Blanc-Benon P., 2010, Infrasound propagation in realistic atmosphere using nonlinear ray theory, Workshop on Battelfield Acoustics, 8-9 June 2010, ISL, Saint-Louis, France.
  30. Averyianov, M V., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2010, Experimental investigation of random focusing effect of acoustic N-pulses propagating in turbulent air flow, XXII Session of the Russian Acoustical Society, 15-17 June, Moscow, Russia, 371-374.
  31. Lalande, J.M., Blanc, E., Le Pichon, A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2010, Infrasound data inversion for atmospheric sounding, European Geosciences Union, 2-7 May, Vienna, Austria, 78888.
  32. Blanc-Benon, P., Averyianov, M.V., Ollivier, S. & Khokhlova, V.A., 2010, Random focusing of nonlinear N-waves in fully developed turbulence: laboratory scale experiment and theoretical analysis, invited Paper, 159th ASA meeting, 19-23 April, Baltimore, MA, USA, (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 127(3), 1883).
  33. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2010, Ground effects in time-domain simulations for outdoor sound propagation, 159th ASA meeting, 19-23 April, Baltimore, MA, USA, (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 127(3), 2037).
  34. Poignand, G., Blanc-Benon, P., Jondeau, E. & Comte-Bellot, G., 2010, Characterization of the heat flux through the heat exchangers of a thermoacoustic cooler, 159th ASA meeting, 19-23 April, Baltimore, MA, USA, (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 127(3), 1984).
  35. Blanc, E., Hauchecorne, A., Ceranna, L., Charlton-Perez, A., Ripepe, M., Evers, L.G., Kvaerna, T., Lastovicka, J., Eliasson, L., Crosny, N., Blanc-Benon, P., Pilger, C., Brachten, N., Le Pichon, A., Keckhut, P., Frages, T. & Liszka, L., 2011, Synergy between infrasound, lidar and airglow layer observation networks for atmospheric studies: the ARISE project, AGU (American Geophysics Union) Fall Meeting, December 5-9, San Francisco, CA, USA, S41E-06.
  36. Lalande, J.M., Blanc, E., Blanc-Benon, P., Le Pichon, A., Sèbe, O., Landes, M. & Matoza, R.S., 2011, Imaging the structure of the atmosphere with infrasound waves, Invited Paper, AGU (American Geophysics Union) Fall Meeting, December 5-9, San Francisco, CA, USA, S41E-07.
  37. Lalande, J.M., Sèbe, O., Landes, M., Matoza, R.S., Le Pichon, A., Blanc, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2011, An analysis of the Infrasound Atmospheric Sounding problem, AGU (American Geophysics Union) Fall Meeting, December 5-9, San Francisco, CA, USA, A31A-0044.
  38. Comte-Bellot, G., Berson, A., Blanc-Benon, P. & Jondeau E., 2011 Instantaneous temperature measurements using constant-voltage anemometry, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20-22, Baltimore, MA, USA, M14.00006.
  39. Blanc-Benon, P., Poignand, G., Berson, A. & Jondeau, E., 2011, Velocity measurements in a thermoacoustic refrigerator using time-resolved particle image velocimetry, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20-22, Baltimore, MA, USA, R14.00001.
  40. Blanc-Benon, P., Yuldashev, P.V., Ollivier, S., Averiyanov, M.V., Sapozhnikov, O.A. & Khokhlova, V.A., 2011, Measurements of spark-generated N-waves in air using a combination of acoustical and optical methods, invited Paper, 161th ASA meeting, 23-27 May, Seattle, WA, USA (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 129(4), 2678).
  41. Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P. & Poisson, F., 2011, Time-domain simulations of outdoor sound propagation in presence of a complex topography, invited Paper, 161th ASA meeting, 23-27 May, Seattle, WA, USA (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 129(4), 2479).
  42. Lalande, J.M., Sèbe, O., Landes, M., Matoza, R.S., Le Pichon, A., Blanc, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2011, Infrasound data inversion for atmospheric remote sensing, European Geosciences Union, 3-8 April, Vienna, Austria, 11582.
  43. Ehrhardt, L., Cheinet, S. & Juvé, D., 2012, Finite-difference time-domain simulation of sound propagation through a turbulent atmosphere, Acoustics2012, 13-18 May, Hong-Kong, (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(4), 3332).
  44. Blanc-Benon, P., Poignand, G. & Jondeau, E., 2012, Acoustic field measurements in a standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator using time-resolved particle image velocimetry, Acoustics 2012, 13-18 May, Hong-Kong (J. Acous. Soc. Am., 131(4), 3266).
  45. Blanc, E., Bittner, M., Hauchecorne, A., Ceranna, L., Charlton-Perez, A., Ripepe, M., Evers, L., Kvaerna, T., Lastovicka, J., Eliasson, L., Crosby, N., Blanc-Benon, P., Bernonville, S., Le Pichon, A., Keckhut, P., Marchetti, E., Wust, S., Brachet, N., Heinrich, P. & Pilger, C., 2012, Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe: The ARISE project, European Geosciences Union, 22-27 April, Vienna, 8230.
  46. Assink, J. D., Lalande, J.M., Talmadge, C., Waxler, R.; Le Pichon, A., Blanc, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2012, Infrasound as an upper atmospheric probe: review and recent results, invited presentation, European Geosciences Union, 22-27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria, 5428.
  47. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2013, Long range sound propagation in an inhomogeneous atmosphere: a time-domain approach for moving sources, 17th CEAS-ASC and 3rd X-Noise EV Workshop, September 24-25, Seville, Spain.
  48. Juvé, D., 2013, Experimental and numerical simulation of sound propagation in the atmosphere: effect of turbulence and non linearities, keynote lecture, 17th CEAS-ASC and 3rd X-Noise EV Workshop, September 24-25, Seville, Spain.
  49. Sturm, F. & Bonnel, J., 2014, Slope inversion in a single-receiver context for three-dimensional wedge-like environments, 168th ASA Meeting, October 27-31, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(4), 2119).
  50. Sturm, F. & Korakas, A., 2014, Results of matched-field inversion in a three-dimensional oceanic environment ignoring horizontal refraction, 168th ASA Meeting, October 27-31, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(4), 2121).
  51. Finez, A., Pereira, A. & Leclère, Q., 2015, Broadband Mode Decomposition of Ducted Fan Noise Using Cross-spectral Matrix Denoising, FAN 2015, 15-17 April, Lyon, France.
  52. Bouley, S., Roger, M. & François, B., 2015, On an Uniform Rotor-Stator Wake-Interaction Noise Model Based on a Mode-Matching Technique, FAN 2015, 15-17 April, Lyon, France.
  53. Ollivier, S., Yuldashev, P.V., Desjouy, C., Karzova, M.M., Salze, E., Koumela, A., Rufer, L., & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Calibration of high frequency MEMS microphones and pressure sensors in the range 10 kHz - 1 MHz, 170th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, November 2-6, Jacksonville, Florida, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 138(3), 1823).
  54. Karzova, M.M., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A., Ollivier, S., Salze, E. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2015, Characterization of spark-generated N-waves in air using optical schlieren method, 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, May 18-22, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(4), 3244).
  55. Sturm, F., Sessarego, J.-P. & Korakas, A., 2015, Laboratory scale measurements of three-dimensional sound propagation in the presence of a tilted penetrable bottom, invited paper, 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, May 18-22, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(4), 2390).
  56. Sabatini, R., Marsden, O., Bailly, C., Gainville, O. & Bogey, C., 2016, Direct numerical simulation of infrasound propagation in homogeneous atmosphere, 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII) and 6th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM VI), MS-943 Aeroacoustics: new trends and applications, 24-29 July, Seoul, Korea.
  57. Sabatini, R., Marsden, O., Bailly, C., Gainville, O. & Bogey, C., 2016, Assessment of numerical accuracy for the direct computation of sound propagation, invited paper, 171th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, May 23-27, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139(4), 1984).
  58. Dragna, D., Pineau, P. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2016, Time-domain propagation in porous media using the auxiliary differential equation method: Application for outdoor acoustics, invited paper, 171th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, May 23-27, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139(4), 2009).
  59. Desjouy C., Ollivier, S., Marsden, O., Dragna, D., Karzova, M.M. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2016, Irregular reflection of weak acoustic shock pulses on rigid boundaries, 171th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, May 23-27, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139(4), 2201).
  60. Sabatini, R., Marsden, O., Bailly, C. & Gainville, O., 2017, A numerical study of infrasound scattering from atmospheric inhomogeneities based on the 3-D unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equations, Acoustics'17 Boston, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum , June 25-29, Boston, MA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141(5), 3626).
  61. Rodriguez, O.C., Sturm, F., Petrov, P.S. & Porter, M., 2017, Three-dimensional model benchmarking for cross-slope wedge propagation, Acoustics'17 Boston, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum , June 25-29, Boston, MA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141(5), 3655).
  62. Karzova, M.M., Yuldashev, P.V., Dragna, D., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2017, The use of optical methods for measuring irregular reflection of weak acoustic shock pulses from a solid surface in air, Acoustics'17 Boston, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum , June 25-29, Boston, MA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141(5), 3730).
  63. Guédra, M., Cleve, S., Mauger, C., Inserra, C. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2017, Time-resolved dynamics of micrometer-sized bubbles undergoing shape oscillations, Acoustics'17 Boston, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum , June 25-29, Boston, MA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141(5), 3736).
  64. Cleve, S., Guédra, M., Mauger, C., Inserra, C. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2017, Triggering of surface modes by bubble coalescence at high pressure amplitudes, Acoustics'17 Boston, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum , June 25-29, Boston, MA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141(5), 3736).
  65. Sturm, F., 2017, Three-dimensional numerical simulation of sound waves propagating near the west coast of Brittany, Acoustics'17 Boston, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum , June 25-29, Boston, MA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141(5), 3753).
  66. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2017, Sound radiation of a line source moving above an absorbing plane with a frequency-dependent admittance, invited paper, Acoustics'17 Boston, 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 8th Forum Acusticum , June 25-29, Boston, MA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141(5), 3808).
  67. Sabatini, R., Marsden, O., Bailly, C. & Gainville, O., 2017, Propagation of infrasonic impulsive signals in the Earth's atmosphere, 13th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, July 30 - August 3, Vienna, Austria.
  68. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2017, Sound propagation above a flat ground with random spatially varying properties, 171th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, December 4-8, New Orleans, LA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 142, 2673).
  69. Cosnefroy, M., Cheinet, S., Ehrhardt, L., Juvé, D. & Dragna, D., 2017, Efficient modeling of long range impulse sound propagation in three dimensions, 171th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, December 4-8, New Orleans, LA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 142, 2674).
  70. Yuldashev, P.V., Karzova, M.M., Ollivier, S., Dragna, D., Kholhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2017, Nonlinear propagation of N-waves through kinematic turbulence: Statistics of peak overpressure and shock front steepness, 171th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, December 4-8, New Orleans, LA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 142, 2674).
  71. Dragna, D. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, On the use of high-order time-domain impedance boundary conditions, invited paper, 175th Acoustical Society of America Meeting, May 7-11, Minneapolis, MN, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 143, 1740)
  72. Cosnefroy, M., Cheinet, S., Ehrhardt, L., Dagallier, A., Dragna, D. & Juvé, D., 2018, Impulse sound propagation in open environments: Time-domain simulations versus measurements, Euronoise 2018, 27-31 Mai, Hersonissos, Crète.
  73. Karzova, M.M., Lechat, T., Ollivier, S., Dragna, D., Yuldashev, P.V., Khokhlova, V.A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2018, Nonlinear reflection of weak shock waves from a rough surface in air, invited paper, 176th Acoustical Society of America Meeting, November 5–9, Victoria, BC, Canada. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 144 1677)
  74. Spieser, E. & Bailly C., 2019, Stable acoustic operators for sound propagation using an adjoint based method, 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves 2019), Aug. 25-28 Vienna, Austria.
  75. Spieser, E. & Bailly C., 2019, Jet noise prediction using an adjoint based method, Strömungsschall in Luftfahrt, Fahrzeug- und Anlagentechnik, DGLR - DEGA - X-Noise, Dec 5-6, Nuremberg, Germany.
  76. Emmanuelli, A., Lechat, T., Dragna, D. & Ollivier, S., 2019, Ground effects on sonic boom reflection, 178th Acoustical Society of America Meeting, December 2-7, San Diego, CA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 146, 2781)
  77. Alomar, A., Dragna, D. & Galland, M.A., 2019, Extended-reacting liners in time-domain simulations for broadband attenuation with flow, 178th Acoustical Society of America Meeting, December 2-7, San Diego, CA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 146, 2786)
  78. Karzova, M.M., Yuldashev, P.V., Ollivier, S., Khokhlova, V. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2020, The use of optical methods for measuring weak acoustic shock waves in homogeneous air and close to reflecting boundaries, 180th Acoustical Society of America Meeting, December 7-11, Online. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148, 2534)
  79. Yuldashev, P.V., Karzova, M.M., Khokhlova, V. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2020, Modelling statistics of sonic boom parameters in turbulent media using nonlinear parabolic equation, 180th Acoustical Society of America Meeting, December 7-11, Online. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 148, 2615)
  80. Yuldashev, P.V., Karzova, M.M., Khokhlova, V. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2020, Simulation of N-wave propagation in turbulent atmosphere using standard and wide-angle parabolic equations, 180th Acoustical Society of America Meeting, June 8-10, Online. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 149, A41)
  81. Emmanuelli, A., Dragna, D., Ollivier, S. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2021, Sonic boom reflection over irregular terrain, 180th Acoustical Society of America Meeting, June 8-10, Online. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 149, A75)
  82. Schoder, S., Spieser, E. & Kaltenbacher, M., 2021, Definition of the acoustic potential by Helmholtz decomposition, DAGA - 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Vienna, 15-18 August.
  83. Inserra, C., Regnault, G., Mauger, C., Doinikov, A. & Blanc-Benon, P., 2021, Microstreaming induced by two interacting acoustic bubbles, 181st Acoustical Society of America Meeting, November 29-December 3, Seattle, WA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 150, A61)
  84. Khodr, C., Dragna, D., Blanc-Benon, P., Marchiano, R., Aubry, L., Gainville, O. & Millet, C., 2021, PLetma — Parallel software package for intensive infrasound simulation, 181st Acoustical Society of America Meeting, November 29-December 3, Seattle, WA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 150, A180)
  85. Cros, E., Roger, M. & Serre, G., 2021, Green's function of the rigid half cylinder with soft free surface for application to ship noise, 181st Acoustical Society of America Meeting, November 29-December 3, Seattle, WA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 150, A198)
  86. Guibard, A., Dragna, D., Ollivier, S. & Sèbe, F., 2021, Acoustic propagation in heterogeneous environments and its implications on the active space of rock ptarmigan, 181st Acoustical Society of America Meeting, November 29-December 3, Seattle, WA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 150, A201)
  87. Blanc-Benon, P., 2021, From laboratory-scaled experiments to numerical predictions of sonic boom level variability due to atmospheric turbulence, 181st Acoustical Society of America Meeting, November 29-December 3, Seattle, WA, USA. (J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 150, A297)
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aeroacoustics PhD Theses
Thèses de doctorat
  1. Chanu-Rigaldies, S., 2024, Interférométrie à rétroaction optique pour la mesure acoustique et l'étalonnage de microphone, thèse de doctorat, 2024ECDL00XX. pdf download pdf
  2. Martin-Martin, L., 2024, Numerical study of sound scattering by isolated elliptic vortices and turbulent shear layers, thèse de doctorat, 2024ECDL0025. pdf download pdf
  3. Ezzine, M., 2024, Etude de dispositifs passifs et actifs de réduction du bruit d’interaction soufflante–redresseur, thèse de doctorat, 2024ECDL00XX. pdf download pdf
  4. Acevedo-Giraldo, D., 2024, Experimental and analytical investigation of the aerodynamic noise emitted by generic distributed electric propulsion wing-propellers configurations, thèse de doctorat, 2024ECDL0015. pdf download pdf
  5. Jamois, A., 2024, Modélisation et réalisation d'absorbants acoustiques par impression 3D. Étude en incidence normale et application au traitement d'un conduit, thèse de doctorat, 2024ECDL0010. pdf download pdf
  6. Vincent, H., 2024, Simulations et analyses de sensibilité du bruit produit par des écoulements cisaillés, thèse de doctorat, 2024ECDL0007. pdf download pdf
  7. Kurek, I., 2024, Mesures de vitesse, température et masse volumique par diffusion Rayleigh et étude de l’effet de vol sur les ondes guidées dans des jets subsoniques, thèse de doctorat, 2024ECDL0001. pdf download pdf
  8. Guibard, A., 2023, Acoustic propagation in heterogeneous environments and communication networks in rock ptarmigan, thèse de doctorat, 2023ECDL0027. pdf download pdf
  9. Morin, V., 2023, Etude numérique de l'injection d'eau pour la réduction du bruit de jet de lanceurs spatiaux, thèse de doctorat, 2023ECDL0005. pdf download pdf
  10. Buszyk, M., 2022, Aeroacoustics of leading edge serrations for turbulence-cascade interaction noise reduction, thèse de doctorat, 2022ECDL0023. pdf download pdf
  11. Al-Am, J., 2022, Broadband noise predictions of a fan stage using large eddy simulations, thèse de doctorat, 2022ECDL0021. pdf download pdf
  12. Cros, E., 2022, Diffraction du bruit tonal d’une hélice marine par la carène aux très basses fréquences ; étude analytique, expérimentale et numérique, thèse de doctorat, 2022LYSECXX.
  13. Oulmi, M., 2022, Modélisation analytique des performances aéro-acoustiques des moteurs auto-ventilés de traction ferroviaire, thèse de doctorat, 2022LYSECXX.
  14. Vixege, F., 2022, Écoulement intraventriculaire 4-D par échocardiographie Doppler, thèse de doctorat, 2022LYSEI024. pdf download pdf
  15. Girier, L., 2022, Mode-matching techniques for the modeling of rotor-stator wake-interaction tonal noise, with emphasis on the effects of vane camber, thèse de doctorat, 2022LYSEC03. pdf download pdf
  16. Regnault, G., 2021, Comportement d’un couple de bulles micrométriques sous excitation ultrasonore, thèse de doctorat, 2021LYSEC42. pdf download pdf
  17. Zurbano Fernandez, I., 2021, Reduction of the broadband noise of centrifugal fans used for HVAC in buildings, thèse de doctorat, 2021LYSEC27. pdf download pdf
  18. Bampanis, G., 2021, Three-dimensional aspects of airfoil turbulence-impingement noise and its reduction by porous cells or wavy leading-edge design, thèse de doctorat, 2021LYSEC03. pdf download pdf
  19. Varé, M., 2020, Étude du rayonnement acoustique et des mécanismes de rétroaction des jets impactant une plaque trouée par simulation des grandes échelles, thèse de doctorat, 2020LYSEC45. pdf download pdf
  20. Spieser, E., 2020, Adjoint-based jet noise propagation model for the acoustic potential, thèse de doctorat, 2020LYSEC43. pdf download pdf
  21. Deng, Y., 2020, Time-domain simulation of sound propagation in a lined flow duct: characterization and suppression of hydrodynamic instabilities, thèse de doctorat, 2020LYSEC35. pdf download pdf
  22. Dagallier, A., 2020, Modeling acoustic impulse arrivals for shot localization in complex environments, thèse de doctorat, 2020LYSEC34. (confidentiel industrie)
  23. Lewis, D., 2020, From analytical to fully numerical predictions of the broadband noise radiated by a full fan-OGV stage, thèse de doctorat, 2020LYSEC32. pdf download pdf
  24. Martelet, Y., 2020, Jet mixing noise model based on geometrical acoustics for the prediction of installation effects, thèse de doctorat, 2020LYSEC12. pdf download pdf
  25. Lechat, T., 2020, Etude de la réflexion d'ondes de choc acoustiques sur des parois rugueuses, thèse de doctorat, 2020LYSEC05. pdf download pdf
  26. Pestana, M., 2020, Effets d’un stator hétérogène sur le bruit d’interaction rotor-stator: étude analytique, expérimentale et numérique, thèse de doctorat, 2020LYSEC003. pdf download pdf
  27. Clève, S., 2019, Microstreaming induced in the vicinity of an acoustically excited, nonspherically oscillating microbubble, thèse de doctorat, 2019LYSEC028. pdf download pdf
  28. Laffay, P., 2019, Étude aéroacoustique de la détente d'un écoulement haute pression à travers des plaques perforées, thèse de doctorat, 2019LYSEC020. pdf download pdf
  29. Cosnefroy, M., 2019, Simulation numérique de la propagation dans l’atmosphère de sons impulsionnels et confrontations expérimentales, thèse de doctorat, 2019LYSEC014. pdf download pdf
  30. Julian, R., 2019, Développement d’un débitmètre ultrasonore pour la mesure de débit liquide pulsé: application aux systèmes d’injection directe essence, thèse de doctorat, 2019LYSEC004. (confidentiel industrie)
  31. Langenais, A., 2019, Adaptation de méthodes et outils aéroacoustiques pour les jets en interaction dans le cadre des lanceurs spatiaux, thèse de doctorat, 2019LYSEC003. pdf download pdf
  32. Pineau P., 2018, Étude numérique de la production et de la propagation d'ondes non linéaires dans les jets supersoniques, thèse de doctorat, 2018LYSEC034. pdf download pdf
  33. Capuano M., 2018, Simulations numériques d'écoulements diphasiques compressibles, visqueux et conductifs à l'aide de schémas aux différences finies centrées d'ordre élevé, thèse de doctorat, 2018LYSEC016. pdf download pdf
  34. Meng, H., 2018, Acoustic properties of novel multifunctional sandwich structures and porous absorbing materials, thèse de doctorat, 2018LYSEC008. (en cotutelle avec Xi'an, China) pdf download pdf
  35. Masson, V., 2018, Sound propagation in a possibly lined annular duct with swirling and sheared mean flow: application to fan broadband noise prediction, thèse de doctorat, 2018LESEC007. (confidentiel industrie)
  36. Giez, J., 2018, Effets de charge et de géométrie sur le bruit d'interaction rotor-rotor des doublets d'hélices contra-rotatives, thèse de doctorat, 2018LYSEC005. (confidentiel industrie)
  37. Biolchini, R., 2017, Etude des effets de température sur le bruit de jet subsonique par simulation des grandes échelles, thèse de doctorat, 2017LYSEC64. (confidentiel industrie)
  38. Mercier, B., 2017, Développement d'une méthode de mesure de la masse volumique par diffusion Rayleigh appliquée à l'étude du bruit de jet, et contribution à l'étude du screech dans les jets supersoniques sous détendus, thèse de doctorat, 2017LYSEC61. pdf download pdf
  39. Szmigiel, M., 2017, Effet du flux de soubassement sur la dynamique du sillage d'un corps non profilé à culot droit. Application du contrôle actif pour la réduction de traînée de véhicule industriel, thèse de doctorat, 2017LYSEC16. (version publique) pdf download pdf
  40. Yakhina, G., 2017, Experimental study of the tonal trailing-edge noise generated by low-Reynolds number airfoils and comparison with numerical simulations, thèse de doctorat, 2017LYSEC08. pdf download pdf
  41. Bouley, S., 2017, Modélisations analytiques du bruit tonal d'interaction rotor/stator par la technique de raccordement modal, thèse de doctorat, 2017LYSEC07. pdf download pdf
  42. Yser, P., 2017, Simulation numérique aéroacoustique d'écoulements par une approche LES d'ordre élevé en éléments finis non structurés, thèse de doctorat, 2017LYSEC06. pdf download pdf
  43. Sabatini, R., 2017, Simulation directe 3-D de la propagation non linéaire des ondes acoustiques dans l'atmosphère terrestre, thèse de doctorat, 2017LYSEC04. pdf download pdf
  44. Jaouani, N., 2017, Modélisation des effets d'installation sur le bruit de raies rayonné par les hélices contrarotatives, thèse de doctorat, 2017LYSEC. (confidentiel industrie)
  45. Li, B., 2016, Aerodynamic and acoustic analysis of the tip-leakage flow on a single airfoil, thèse de doctorat, 2016LYSEC42. pdf download pdf
  46. Le Bras, S., 2016, Modélisation de paroi et traitement aux interfaces des maillages non conformes pour les simulations aéroacoustiques avec une approche numérique d'ordre élevé, thèse de doctorat, 2016LYSEC008. pdf download pdf
  47. Karzova, M., 2016, Nonlinear focusing and reflection of shock acoustic waves: applications in medical ultrasound and aeroacoustics, thèse de doctorat cotutelle Université d'Etat de Moscou, 2016LYSEC007. pdf download pdf
  48. Brichet, G., 2015, Etude du bruit d'un jet double flux installé sous un profil d'aile, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2015-45. (confidentiel industrie)
  49. Gojon, R., 2015, Etude de jets supersoniques impactant une paroi par simulation numérique. Analyse aérodynamique et acoustique des mécanismes de rétroaction, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2015-39. pdf download pdf
  50. Faure, O., 2014, Analyse numérique et expérimentale de la propagation acoustique extérieure: effets de sol en présence d'irrégularités de surface et méthodes temporelles, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2014-41. pdf download pdf
  51. Berton, M., 2014, Modélisation de la réponse vibro-acoustique d'une structure excitée par une couche limite turbulente en présence d'un gradient de pression statique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2014-36. pdf download pdf
  52. Chaligné, S., 2013, Contrôle du sillage d'un corps non profilé. Application expérimentale à une maquette simplifiée de véhicule industriel, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2013-50. pdf download pdf
  53. Rouch, J., 2013, Modélisation des systèmes d'assistance à la réverbération régénératifs, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2013-17. pdf download pdf
  54. Ehrhardt, L., 2013, Modélisation en domaine temporel de la propagation acoustique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2013-04. pdf download pdf
  55. Lemoine, B., 2013, Etude aéroacoustique de configurations génériques de dispositifs hypersustentateurs par approches analytique et expérimental, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2013-03. pdf download pdf
  56. Dargaud, J.-P., 2013, Simulation numérique de l'onde de souffle et du bruit de jet au décollage d'un lanceur, thèse de doctorat, Université Pierre et Marie Curie. pdf download pdf
  57. Clair, V., 2013, Calcul numérique de la réponse acoustique d'un aubage soumis à  un sillage turbulent, thèse de doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - No. 296-2013. pdf download pdf
  58. Léon, O., 2012, Etude du rayonnement acoustique d'instabilités hydrodynamiques de jets double-flux par les équations de stabilité parabolisées (PSE), thèse de doctorat, Université de Toulouse, INP Toulouse. pdf download pdf
  59. Kremer, F., 2012, Etude numérique d'écoulements de paroi compressibles: méthodes d'intégration temporelle semi-implicites et application au canal plan turbulent, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-62. pdf download pdf
  60. Henry, C., 2012, Prediction of broadband shock-associated noise in static and flight conditions, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-60. pdf download pdf
  61. André, B., 2012, Etude expérimentale de l'effet du vol sur le bruit de choc de jets supersoniques, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-42. pdf download pdf
  62. Salze, E., 2012, Propagation acoustique non-linéaire en atmosphère inhomogène avec effets de sol : expériences à l'échelle du laboratoire, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-38. pdf download pdf
  63. Lafitte, A., 2012, Prédiction de l'aéroacoustique de jets subsoniques confinés à  l'aide d'une méthode stochastique de génération de la turbulence, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-37. pdf download pdf
  64. Koussa, F., 2012, Evaluation de la performance acoustique des protections antibruit innovantes utilisant des moyens naturels: application aux transports terrestres, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-25. pdf download pdf
  65. Cahuzac, A., 2012, Aspects cinétiques et acoustiques en simulation numérique des grandes échelles, et application à l'étude du contrôle de l'écoulement de jeu en turbomachines, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-17. pdf download pdf
  66. Lalande, J.M., 2012, Caractérisation des vents dans la moyenne atmosphère et basse thermosphère à partir d'observations d'ondes infrasonores, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-15. pdf download pdf
  67. Carazo, A., 2012, Semi-analytical prediction of wake-interaction noise in counter-rotating open rotors, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-12.
  68. Finez, A., 2012, Etude expérimentale du bruit de bord de fuite à large bande d'une grille d'aubes linéaire et de sa réduction par dispositifs passifs, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-07. pdf download pdf
  69. Kucukcoskun, K., 2012, Prediction of free and scattered acoustic fields of low-speed fans, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-04. pdf download pdf
  70. Serre, G., 2012, Construction de modèles réduits numériques pour les écoulements compressibles linéarisés, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2012-01. pdf download pdf
  71. Dragna, D., 2011, Modélisation par une approche temporelle de la propagation acoustique en milieu extérieur: traitement de frontières complexes et validation sur site ferroviaire, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2011-35. pdf download pdf
  72. Yuldashev, P.V., 2011, Nonlinear shock waves propagation in random media with inhomogeneities, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2011-34. pdf download pdf
  73. Marinius, B., 2011, Multidisciplinary optimization of aircraft propeller blades, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2011-33. pdf download pdf
  74. Hanique-Cockenpot, G., 2011, Etude numérique de la propagation non linéaire des infrasons dans l'atmosphère, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2011-32. pdf download pdf
  75. Hu, Y., 2010, Développement de panneaux hybrides passifs/actifs pour l'acoustique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2010-45. pdf download pdf
  76. de Cacqueray, N., 2010, Méthodes numériques pour les écoulements supersoniques avec application au calcul du bruit rayonné par un jet sur-détendu, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2010-37. pdf download pdf
  77. Desvigne, D., 2010, Bruit rayonné par un écoulement subsonique affleurant une cavité cylindrique: caractérisation expérimentale et simulation numérique par une approche multidomaine d'ordre élevé, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2010-36. pdf download pdf
  78. Lemoult, M., 2010, Bruit à large bande à l'éjection des turbomoteurs d'hélicoptères, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2010-34. pdf download pdf
  79. Reboul, G., 2010, Modélisation du bruit à large bande de soufflantes de turboréacteurs, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2010-31. pdf download pdf
  80. Betgen, B., 2010, Comportement d'un aborbant actif en écoulement: étude théorique et expérimentale, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2010-19. pdf download pdf
  81. Ingenito, J., 2010, Vers une modélisation d'aide à la conception acoustique d'étages de compresseurs subsoniques de turbomachines, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2010-15. pdf download pdf
  82. Korakas, A., 2010, Approche numérique et expérimentale de la propagation sonore en environnements océaniques tridimensionnels : application aux problèmes inverses, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2010-10. pdf download pdf
  83. Grilliat, J., 2009, Contribution à l'étude aéroaoustique des écoulements de jeu, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2009-34. pdf download pdf
  84. Bodard, G., 2009, Simulation des grandes échelles pour la modélisation du rayonnement acoustique de jets complexes, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2009-28. (confidentiel industrie)
  85. Sicot, F., 2009, Simulation efficace des écoulements instationnaires périodiques en turbomachines, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2009-19. pdf download pdf
  86. Posson, H., 2008, Fonctions de réponse de grilles d'aubes et effet d'écran pour le bruit à large bande des soufflantes, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2008-41. (confidentiel industrie)
  87. Piellard, M., 2008, A hybrid method for Computational AeroAcoustics applied to confined geometries, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2008-25. pdf download pdf
  88. Cotté, B., 2008, Propagation acoustique en milieu extérieur complexe: problèmes spécifiques au ferroviaire dans le contexte des trains à grande vitesse, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2008-19. pdf download pdf
  89. Averiyanov, M.V., 2008, Nonlinear-diffraction effects in propagation of sound waves through turbulent atmosphere: experimental and theoretical studies, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2008-18. pdf download pdf
  90. Gainville, O., 2008, Modélisation de la propagation atmosphérique des ondes infrasonores par une méthode de tracé de rayons non linéaires, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2008-07. pdf download pdf
  91. Rozenberg, Y., 2007, Contribution à la modélisation analytique du bruit à large bande des machines tournantes à l'aide de simulations RANS, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2007-44. pdf download pdf
  92. Berson, A., 2007, Vers la miniaturisation des réfrigérateurs thermoacoustiques: caractérisation du transport non-linéaire de chaleur et des écoulements secondaires, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2007-41. pdf download pdf
  93. Chappuis, J., 2007, Modélisation analytique et numérique des effets d'installation sur le bruit des moteurs d'avions, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2007-36. pdf download pdf
  94. Dupont, J.-B., 2007, Contrôle actif d'impédance acoustique pour la reduction du bruit transmis par un encoffrement, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No 2007-35. pdf download pdf
  95. Emmert, T., 2007, Development of a multidomain high-order algorithm for computational aeroacoustics: application to subsonic and transonic confined flows, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2007-30. pdf download pdf
  96. Revalor, Y., 2007, Méthodes de rayons en aéroacoustique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2007-03. pdf download pdf
  97. Castelain, T., 2006, Contrà´le de jet par microjets impactants. Mesure de bruit rayonné et analyse aérodynamique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2006-33. pdf download pdf
  98. Berland, J., 2006, Modélisation des erreurs numériques dans une simulation des grandes échelles et étude du screech dans un jet rectangulaire supersonique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2006-19. pdf download pdf
  99. Fleury, V., 2006, Superdirectivité, bruit d'appariement et autres contributions au bruit de jet subsonique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2006-18. pdf download pdf
  100. Lamaison, G., 2006, Génération d'un champ turbulent stochastique à partir d'un modèle spectral avec application à l'aéroacoustique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2006-16.
  101. Arguillat, B., 2006, Etude expérimentale et numérique de champs de pression pariétale dans l'espace des nombres d'onde, avec application aux vitrages automobiles, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2006-14. pdf download pdf
  102. Barré, S., 2006, Etude numérique et expérimentale du bruit aérodynamique avec application aux jets ronds subsoniques, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2006-09. pdf download pdf
  103. Druon, Y., 2006, Etude de la propagation et du rayonnement acoustique par les conduits d'éjection de turboréacteurs: modélisations analytiques et numériques., thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2006-02. pdf download pdf
  104. Mazeaud, B., 2005, Développement d'un revêtement acoustique intelligent pour les conduits en présence d'écoulement, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No 2005-48.
  105. Marsden, O., 2005, Calcul direct du rayonnement acoustique de profils par une approche curviligne d'ordre élevé, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2005-47. pdf download pdf
  106. Priour, M., 2005, Influence des effets couplés de la météorologie et du relief sur la propagation acoustique: utilisation d'une méthode d'éléments finis de frontière et validation expérimentale, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2005-13. pdf download pdf
  107. Maurel, F., 2005, Mise en œuvre d'un système de restitution audiophonique contrôlé de ses distorsions-aux basses fréquences, thèse de doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - No. 80-2005.
  108. Pérot, F., 2004, Calcul du rayonnement acoustique d'écoulements turbulents basé sur des analogies acoustiques couplées aux simulations aérodynamiques instationnaires, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2004-32. pdf download pdf
  109. Boudet, J., 2003, Approches numériques pour la simulation du bruit à large bande en vue de l'application aux turbomachines, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2003-36. pdf download pdf
  110. Marx, D., 2003, Simulation numérique d'un réfrigérateur thermoacoustique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2003-34. pdf download pdf
  111. Hilbrunner, O., 2003, Développement et optimisation d'un système de contrôle actif pour les absorbants acoustiques hybrides, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No 2003-31. pdf download pdf
  112. Sellen, N., 2003, Modification de l'impédance de surface d'un matériau par contrôle actif: application à la caractérisation et à l'optimisation d'un absorbant acoustique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2003-30. pdf download pdf
  113. Caro, S., 2003, Méthode de calcul du bruit de raies d'un ventilateur de refroidissement automobile, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2003-10. pdf download pdf
  114. Paquier, M., 2002, Appauvrissement de l'information fréquentielle. Application au renforcement spectral et à l'analyse de scène auditive computationnelle, thèse de doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
  115. Ricot, D., 2002, Simulation numérique d'un écoulement affleurant une cavité par une méthode Boltzmann sur- réseau, et application au toit ouvrant de véhicules automobiles, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2002-36. pdf download pdf
  116. Blairon, N., 2002, Effets de la topographie sur la propagation des ondes acoustiques dans l'atmosphère : modélisation avec l'équation parabolique et validation sur site extérieur, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2002-35. pdf download pdf
  117. Lidoine, S., 2002, Approches théoriques du problème du rayonnement acoustique par une entrée d'air de turboréacteur : Comparaisons entre différentes méthodes analytiques et numériques, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2002-29.
  118. Lebrun, M., 2002, Vers une prédiction globale du bruit des soufflantes à  partir de l'analogie acoustique et des outils de mécanique des fluides numérique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2002-.
  119. Casalino, C., 2002, Analytical and numerical methods in vortex-body aeroacoustics, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2002-13. pdf download pdf
  120. Héron, N., 2002, Modélisation statistique du bruit de jet en vue d'applications à la propulsion aéronautique, thèse de doctorat, ECP - No. 2002-13, en collaboration avec S. Candel. pdf download pdf
  121. Molin, N., 2001, Modélisation du bruit aérodynamique d'une voilure d'avion, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2001-.
  122. Gloerfelt, X., 2001, Bruit rayonné par un écoulement affleurant une cavité: calcul direct et application de méthodes intégrale, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2001-26. pdf download pdf
  123. Sabah, M., 2001, Etude expérimentale du bruit à large bande d'une grille d'aubes. Application au calcul du bruit des soufflantes, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2001-15. pdf download pdf
  124. Duffourd, S., 2001, Réfrigérateur thermoacoustique: études analytiques et expérimentales en vue d'une miniaturisation, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2001-06. pdf download pdf
  125. Dallois, L., 2000, Propagation des ondes acoustiques dans les milieux en mouvement : extension grand angle de l'approximation parabolique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2000-37. pdf download pdf
  126. Voisin, P., 2000, Influence de la turbulence de la basse atmosphère sur la localisation d'une source acoustique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2000-21.
  127. Getin, N., 2000, Simulation numérique du contrôle actif par jets pulsés de l'écoulement turbulent autour d'un cylindre circulaire, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2000-15. pdf download pdf
  128. Bogey, C., 2000, Calcul direct du bruit aérodynamique et validation de modèles acoustiques hybrides, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 2000-11. pdf download pdf
  129. Seror, C., 2000, Simulation des grandes échelles pour la prédiction du bruit des écoulements turbulents, thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris Sud, Orsay - No. 6312.
  130. Barrière, N., 1999, Etude théorique et expérimentale de la propagation du bruit de trafic en forêt, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 99-55.
  131. Wasier, J., 1999, Etude expérimentale des effets d'une frontière sur la propagation des ondes acoustiques à travers une turbulence thermique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 99-46. pdf download pdf
  132. Durant, C., 1999, Etude expérimentale de l'excitation et de la réponse vibroacoustique d'une conduite sollicitée par un écoulement interne, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 99-36. pdf download pdf
  133. Pérennès, S., 1999, Caractérisation des sources de bruit aérodynamique à  basses fréquences de dispositifs hypersustentateurs, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 99-32. pdf download pdf
  134. Souchotte, P., 1999, Pression pariétale et bruit d"écoulement associés à une discontinuité de surface : applications à l'automobile, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 99-.
  135. Lacour, O., 1998, Réduction du bruit par contrôle actif d'impédance. Application à des problèmes vibroacoustiques internes, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 98-85.
  136. De Gouville, B., 1998, Modélisation du bruit à large bande des soufflantes de turboréacteurs, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 98-39.
  137. Frota, J., 1998, Prévision du bruit d'une hélice avancée subsonique en incidence, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 98-.
  138. Burgain, T., 1998, Contribution du bruit propre des pales au bruit à large bande des ventilateurs centrifuges, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 98-.
  139. Fiorina, D., 1998, Application de la méthode de sommation de faisceaux gaussiens à l'étude de la propagation ultrasonore en milieu turbulent, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 98-04. pdf download pdf
  140. Durrafourg, V., 1997, Modélisation aéroacoustique de l'effet de l'injection d'eau sur le bruit des jets, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 97-32.
  141. Zoppellari, E., 1997, Etude expérimentale du bruit des jets supersoniques. Evaluation de la technique de réduction du bruit par injection d'eau, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 97-31. pdf download pdf
  142. Furstoss, M., 1996, Contrôle actif de l'impédance acoustique de surface de matériaux poreux, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 96-17.
  143. Meslioui, S.A., 1996, Contributions à  l'étude de l'insonorisation des entrées d'air latérales de turbomoteurs d'hélicopt$egrave;res, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 96-16.
  144. Moulin, L., 1995, Applications des techniques de contrôle actif à divers problèmes de bruit dans le bâtiment, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 95-17.
  145. Raffaitin, C., 1995, Etude du bruit de raies et des performances aérauliques d'un ventilateur centrifuge à flux axial, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 95-13.
  146. Thenail, D., 1995, Contrôle actif d'impédance et optimisation des performances d'un matériau poreux, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 95-11.
  147. Faure, T., 1995, Etude expérimentale du sillage turbulent d'un corps à symétrie de révolution autopropulsé par hélice, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 95-01.
  148. Witkowska, A., 1994, Estimation numérique du bruit rayonné par une turbulence isotrope, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 94-58.
  149. Collorec, L., 1994, Etude numérique du bruit émis par des tourbillons bidimensionnels en mouvement régulier ou chaotique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 94-33.
  150. Guerder, J.Y., 1994, Influence de l'injection d'eau sur le bruit de jet subsonique froid, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 94-23.
  151. Chevret, P., 1994, Simulation des effets de la turbulence sur la propagation du son dans l'atmosphère, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 94-18. pdf download pdf
  152. Béra, J.C., 1993, Produits de distorsion acoustiques auditifs : modélisation cochléaire et mesure, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 93-23.
  153. Hugon-Jeannin, Y., 1992, Simulation numérique de la propagation d'ondes acoustiques en milieu turbulent, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 92-37. pdf download pdf
  154. Delrieux, Y., 1991, Analyse de la propagation acoustique à basse altitude par l'équation parabolique tridimensionnelle, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 91-37. pdf download pdf
  155. Sebbani, M., 1991, Contrôle actif des couplages aéroacoustiques à  l'aide de systèmes autoadaptatifs, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 91-18.
  156. Jacob, M.C., 1991, Diffraction du son par des écrans de révolution courts. Application à l'étude des carénages de machines tournantes, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 91-08.
  157. Garoum, M., 1991, Etude des fluctuations de pression pariétale en aval d'une jonction aube/paroi, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 91-07.
  158. Ibars, P., 1990, Contribution des petits nombres d'onde au champ pariétal de pression induit par une couche limite turbulente établie, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 90-15.
  159. Billoud, G., 1988, Développement d'un filtre numérique adaptatif controlant les phénom$egrave;nes de bouclage. Application à l'absorption acoustique active, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 88-182.
  160. Violette, D., 1988, Modélisation de la propagation d'ondes ultrasonores en conduit : application au contrôle non destructif en immersion locale, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 88-97.
  161. Fournier, F., 1988, Mise au point d'une méthode de calcul adaptée au bruit de fenestron d'hélicoptères, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 88-09.
  162. Blanc-Benon, P., 1987, Caractéristiques statistiques des ondes acoustiques après traversée d'une turbulence thermique, thèse de docteur ès sciences, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I - No. 87-49.
  163. Galland, M.A., 1987, Etude de champs acoustiques dans des espaces semi-ouverts. Application à l'absorption acoustique active, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 87-18.
  164. Franco, C., 1987, Détermination de la réponse vibroacoustique d'une structure plane raidie par des méthodes de matrices de transfert, thèse de doctorat, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - No. 87-33.
  165. Cristol, X., 1987, Résolution numérique par transformée de Fourier de l'équation parabolique : application à la propagation acoustique sous-marine, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 87-03.
  166. Chaize, S., 1987, Propagation des ondes acoustiques à travers une turbulence thermique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 87-01.
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  168. Sidki, M., 1985, Imagerie acoustique de sources ponctuelles en présence d'une turbulence cinématique, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 85-18.
  169. Dufourcq, P., 1984, Influence d'un écoulement de type couche limite sur la localisation de sources sonores placées en paroi, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 84-11.
  170. Robert, G., 1984, Modélisation et simulation du champ excitateur induit sur une structure par une couche limite turbulente, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 84-02.
  171. Bachir-Raho, M., 1983, Absorption acoustique active dans les conduits par un système monopolaire, thèse de doctorat, ECL - No. 83-11.
  172. Roger, M., 1983, Bruit à large bande des compresseurs à double flux : Rôle éventuel des ondes inertielles liées aux écoulements tournants, thèse de docteur-ingénieur, ECL - No. 83-04. pdf download pdf
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  174. Chamant, M., 1981, Conception d'une sonde destinée à la mesure de l'intensité acoustique dans un fluide en mouvement, thèse de 3e cycle, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I - 1981LYO11096.
  175. Arbey, H., 1981, Contribution à l'étude des mécanismes de l'émission sonore de profils aérodynamiques placés dans des écoulements sains ou perturbés, thèse d'état, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I - 1981LYO10047.
  176. Benarrous, E., 1979, Contribution à l'étude des fluctuations de pression pariétale sous une couche limite turbulente, thèse de 3e cycle, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I - 1979LYO10897.
  177. Juvé, D., 1978, Analyse par une méthode d'intercorrélation de l'émission acoustique moyenne et instantanée d'un jet subsonique, thèse de docteur-ingénieur, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I - 1978LYO10291.
  178. Arbey, H., 1975, Contribution à l'étude du bruit d'un profil d'aile placé dans un écoulement, thèse de 3e cycle, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I - 1975LYO10419.
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